beer =[ Remgrandt's Six Months of *NOT BREWING* ]=













tctenten said:
Been awhile since I took Spanish.

New mexican breakfast stout?
Morning Glory, A Neomexican Breakfast Stout ... uses the Ales for ALS (HBC 438) strain as a bittering hops ...
I'll have to poke into that one ...
It's definitely inspired by CCB Hunahpu, but not Huna ... especially since a) I haven't had Huna, and b) I don't think I would prefer it over Zhukov (my fav beer on Earth) ...
I took the 2nd ingredient list from Huna, and then halved them in terms of the peppers ...
Huna isn't done in cedar, but in talking to WW, it was actually done using it for the original 5 gal pilot batch ... and also from him, a light-toast for cedar is nice, whereas Medium-Heavy would be more appropriate in oak ...
The coffee add is my twist, and the espresso bean I ordered in for it is a favorite of mine, for a unique nutty, earthy quality ...
The ratio of the 3x peppers and the origins of the cacao, vanilla, and cinnamon are specific to the one's the 63-page Cloning Hunahpu thread on HBT reverse-engineered from the writing on a barrel that was on display at a bar in Tampa ...
For the grain bill, the only thing I've derived from elsewhere was to make it half maris otter, like Huna, and I'm not using Munich II (Dark Munich), so I've bumped up the Crystals a little bit, and I've looked back at my own stouts from the past year, as well as Wheebz', and eliminated the Black Patent that's present in a lot of people's clone's of Huna ...
From my conversation w/ WW, I'm going to be using the Wyeast ESB yeast (1968) to purposefully keep it from attenuating too well ... and it was nice how well that one flocc'd, as a side benefit ...
The bittering addition won't matter much, but I wanted a fairly high AA so I wouldn't lose too many IBU's to the cake, but especially since I'm going like 10-15 IBU's under most people's takes on this kind of beer at 75, not 85-90.
I'll probably try dosing it w/ some Patron XO Cafe, but I'll do that in the NitroBrew on a per-glass basis TBH ...
We'll see ... mostly just hoping for another tasty, big-ass stout ... it's a little bit less audacious than Deebo, which I will also brew, but which I might refine a bit after I see how this one goes - we'll see ...
Peppers and cinammon and vanilla will be here Tue, so this one is likely to get brewed next weekend ...
I think I might try to brew Red-Eye tomorrow, Tuesday at the latest ... rather break back in with a single-infusion mash beer =) ...
Yeah, looks like a similar riff, for sure ... seems mostly well-received!
I don't know if Huna was the first to go after mole-ish beer, or not ... maybe Wherbz knows ...
I know that Abraxis has been since 2011 at least. It was pretty good. I'm not huge on cinnamon if there is too much. But if it's subtle it's pretty good.
And yeah, it's pretty sought after here. Usually sells out fast it's the same company that makes that Sump beer I posted awhile back. It's the best coffee beer I've ever had.
Ozzy2001 said:
I know that Abraxis has been since 2011 at least. It was pretty good. I'm not huge on cinnamon if there is too much. But if it's subtle it's pretty good.
The 1st bottled Huna was 2010, but I was far deep in the last week looking at Wayne Wamble's old blogger or blogspot blog from the early days of CCB, circa 2008 or so ...
I've actually been researching Huna since before I'd actually brewed a beer, to be honest ... including reading every page of the 63-page HBT thread, twice, LOL ...
I've actually made three recipes in Beersmith along the way, but I think I'll brew this one since it's significantly different, and take it from there ;) ...
Ozzy2001 said:
I know that Abraxis has been since 2011 at least. It was pretty good. I'm not huge on cinnamon if there is too much. But if it's subtle it's pretty good.
And yeah, it's pretty sought after here. Usually sells out fast it's the same company that makes that Sump beer I posted awhile back. It's the best coffee beer I've ever had.
That Sump is a big hit when it appears on the Stout group on FB ... sounds like a very nice beer!
Was originally planning to brew Red-Eye this evening, as a bit of a warm-up for brewing Correhuela later this week, but I got woken up to a text asking if we want to do an ass-load of fire-drill kitchens in the next couple of days to cover for another shop ...
It also means not getting to go meet Garrett Oliver tomorrow =( ...
On the positive side, I can just keep my mind in the Correhuela-zone and brew that one on Wednesday once I've got the houses done ...
There's plenty of Summer coming for work to be slow ... I'll take the work for now ;)
Listening to podcasts while working, as per my usual ...
Biofine's efficacy decreases each time it's agitated, whereas gelatin works the same through iterations of agitation ...
In general Biofine is better for stationary tanks, and worse for homebrewer's using kegs ...
If you are going to use it in kegs, you *REALLY* have to leave that keg still and rack off without disturbing it ...
Makes sense ...
Just realizing I had added some new tools for brewing that I haven't used yet, brewing ...
Looking forward to deploying the monster mill, automatic refractometer, and iDip ...
Also definitely going to practive some closed-system liquid transfers this week (with water) to nail that, after seeing how my 1st round beers have changed over the long haul ...
Lost the flavor of the <sekret> added at flame-out for Wheebz stout after 2-3 months to staling changes, and the Brett Trois IPA had some funkiness after a few weeks from the light/air from pouring keg-to-keg ...
Those things didn't matter in a matter of weeks, but over the long haul, definitely added up ...
I'm hoping to find time to brew that Breakfast ish stout I've been wanting to do this weekend. I just need to finish up the recipe for it and get my ingredients.

Nice thing is, I helped one of my buddies out with some things on his house before he sold it and he gave me a gift card to the LHBS
Yeah, I'm definitely brewing this this beer by Saturday ... no doubt about it ... I want it fermenting and getting ready, because I'd like to have it be in good shape for a side-by-side when Zhukov comes out this Summer ... and because losing all of those BC BW's and S's has dented my Summer supply ...
Yeah that sucks. I need to check the one I have left. I'm kind of glad I didn't have the opportunity to buy more of them now. I'd be pretty pissed.

Yay for KBS!