beer =[ Remgrandt's Six Months of *NOT BREWING* ]=

Ozzy2001 said:
Yeah that sucks. I need to check the one I have left. I'm kind of glad I didn't have the opportunity to buy more of them now. I'd be pretty pissed.

Yay for KBS!
Yeah ... I wasn't as mad about the BW's - since they're refunding those ... but then when the S's went - that sucks right now because they haven't opened up refunds, and I had a lot more of those ...
Thankful for the KBS, though, which fill in the gap *VERY* nicely, but even more thankful to see how inexpensive ground shipping is for my sister to send beer from her work to me ...
The cost of the beer (at cost at brewery) + shipping (employee discount where she works, and shipping is inexpensive for them because they have a dock/onsite UPS etc) was less than the cost I pay for them when I buy them in town at ABC/Total Wine, and no distribution delays, so they'll be inherently more fresh ...
I think the cost of shipping 21 lbs of beer was like $12 or something insanely little ... I sent them an extra $20 for the hassle of doing it, and am elated because she said it's truly not a big deal ...
Needless to say, I'll be drinking OB for the bulk of my beer going forward ... and I couldn't ask for more than that, personally ...

Peppers much nicer (almost dry, but pliable) than grocery aisle (dried out) ...

Was considering visiting JDubs for their STOUTurday event today, but nah ...
In better news, need to make some espresso to shrug off the tail-end of a hangover, and then I'll ready some shit to make a starter ...
Haha ... sounds good ...
I need to do a little test scenario to see if I can get into bleu cheese with beef, for the 'mami, but don't like it otherwise ... that I'm aware of ... so far ...
I've been doing a little bit of homework on this Lightly-colored stout ... have some pretty good ideas, I think ...
Awww Yisss ...
Knocked out my real work through where I'd typically end a Monday night, so I could ensure no work-related issues get in the way of brewing ...
Now it's definite!
Time to test some shit, and work a recipe ...
Okay ... new territory ...


Too expensive to not come with batteries ;)


On the left, unfiltered tap, and on the right, filtered ...


That's not it, apparently =)

Hmmm ...

Update tests via Bluetooth ...

Allow location and contact info, and make a site ...




Let's see if my filter, filters ...



It would appear so ...


Add some telling notes ...


Good stuff ...
Yeah ...

Only did one of the chlorine tests since I'm not brewing, but planning to check more things tomorrow before I brew ...
I consider it more essential for use before 12-15 gal batches, really, but since it's here ...