beer =[ Remgrandt's Six Months of *NOT BREWING* ]=

I weighed and inventoried my grains, but made a folder of pictures of each item for the yeast and hops, and will delete the pics as they are used, and take new pics when things come in the future ...
Hey, GM, look what Infound at Publix today



Now you have to understand I'm a Sam Adams nut! Here's why, I was assigned to Germany in August of 89 and up to that point I thought Coors was the best beer ever brewed. Germany changed all that and when I got back Coors tasted like water. But, there was this new thing starting in America called Craft Beer and Sam Adams was the answer to my prayer and I've like them every since.

So, Coffee Stout on Nitro! I've gotta try that. I'll be cracking one later after the kids are in bed
grantmichaels said:
Indeed ...
So ...

Looks very much like the 'why' behind some of the varied air-lock activity patterns I've experienced from batch to batch ...
This is where you lose me. What ingredient is or privides the maltose?



then it goes all throwback to college ...



i think i might make BeerGun the priority over brewing for THIS Brewdown ...

there's enough entries without mine, that i should secure future entries and trading, by tackling the bottling ...
I majored in accounting. I took one science class in college. It was called "physics in sports". We learned why a cue ball had backspin, why a curve ball curved etc.

I am going to try and comprehend all those ose's.
Ok...pic 1 & 2 I comprehend

Pic three...starches and water create complex sugars(maltose and sucrose) then the yeast breaks up the complex sugars into simple sugars at which point fermentation commences?

If that is correct...going back to your gas production rate can you possibly create a dough with just maltose?
can't, but different grains for beer have different amounts/ratios of polysaccharides ... and different yeasties can do different things ... for instance, Brett can munch on sugars that Sacch can't - which is why people 'make it a sour' a pitch Brett and simple sugar into secondary to dry out under-attenuated beer ...
wheebz said:
god i love science
Ok. I kinda get it. There is no chance that I will ever understand pictures 4 and 5.

I hate science....but recognize its role in everything.