When do you repot the pepper plants? The ones in the pictures below are the biggest that I have and are currently in 4" pots. When should I step up to a larger size?
The one on the left is from a mixed package called Cooks Custom Hot Mix. It could be a Anaheim, Jalapeno M, Hungarian Wax, Long Slim Red Cayenne, or a Serrano. I have no idea which one it is and wont until it produces. The one on the right is a Cayenne Long Red. It's producing turning out to be more bush like than all the others I have as well.
Another of the Cayenne Long Red.
The one on the left is from a mixed package called Cooks Custom Hot Mix. It could be a Anaheim, Jalapeno M, Hungarian Wax, Long Slim Red Cayenne, or a Serrano. I have no idea which one it is and wont until it produces. The one on the right is a Cayenne Long Red. It's producing turning out to be more bush like than all the others I have as well.

Another of the Cayenne Long Red.
