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Rhm3769's 2013 grow, posting pics

Starting my glog early although I'm getting a late start on the grow.... Moving pretty soon from Okinawa back to the States so I can't start until mid may at the earliest....

Looking at growing:
Bolivian Rainbow
Crimson Torpedo
Santa fe grande
Peter pepper, red
Habanero, chocolate white tazmanian and golden
Scotch bonnet, red
Hot Jamaican
Jamaican mushroom, yellow
7 pot primo
Fatalli, yellow
Butch T
Atomic starfish
Bishop's crown
Okinawan hot pepper
Another okinawan variety
Purple flash

Plus I have some mystery mixes.... And I crossed a butch t with a scotch bonnet just for fun....

More than likely I'll be growing in containers again but I'll have more space than my balcony right now.... One maybe two plants per variety with more for a few of them....

I'll be able to section off a part of the yard for growing space to keep the kid out.... What's the easiest way to handle possibly 60 plants? Hoping to have at least a 9'x7.5' area.... Is that enough, too big, too small?
Mushrooms are a good sign your soil is "alive" and full of the right kind of stuff for the peps...leave 'em and work them back into the soil.
What about when they die? I kept finding more showing up last night everytime I went out and this morning most of them had more growth than the weeds but were all drying up....

I redid the video into 4, one for each bed, hopefully they'll upload now.... got an interview with Regis university for a masters in software engineering in a few minutes, if they upload, they'll be posted in about an hour....

Gonna start some more seeds today.... abiut 15 more from ajijoes seed mix I have and maybe a few more of the purple flash to bonchi them....
It won't let me embed it for some reason... cinderblock bed.... strawberries, 7 pots, butch t, fatalli, pimenta de neyde, two n yster supers and pequins in cups, and two more pequins and a hot jamaican....
<a href=http://s1105.photobucket.com/albums/h353/rhmarsh/?action=view&current=20130721_083352.mp4 target=_blank><img src=http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid1105.photobucket.com/albums/h353/rhmarsh/20130721_083352.mp4 border=0 alt=></a>
Everything is getting a good amiunt of sun today.... got quite a few regrowing buds but ive also seen a few aphids around.... looks ike its time to spray again.... with completely cleaning out one of my sptay bottles so its easier for me to shake and everything.... ill probabky have to water again sometime today or tomorrow, the rain yesterday really wasnt much of a rain....

Updated list of what is currently growing....
Hot jamaican
BUtch t
7 pot primo
Cgn 21500
Purple flash
White habanero
Santa fe grande
Scotch bonnet
Jamaican mushroom
Aji Limon
Pimenta de neyde
An unnamed ornamental
A few mystery super hots
A few mystery hots from an ajijoe mix

30 plants total, space for 10 more provided the two suoer hots I have in solo cups ever do anything.... seed casings fell off, cotyledons never spread iut and are still yellow after a week....

Types I wanted to grow but didnt germ
Golden hab
Tazmanian hab
Chocolate hab
Bolivian rainbow
Bishops crown
Okinawa hot
Atomic starfish
Ctimson torpedo

And things arent looking too good for the rocoto seeds I have going now after losing the plant to cut worms....
Finally checked the vids...the new growth looks ok on most of the plants! You do need to get on with some weeding though! Nice list, hope you get some production from them this year.
Working on getting the videos uploaded to youtube....

I have seriously seen the weeds grow back in less than an hour.... I pull up some here and there when I'm outside, it doesn't seem to be making a dent in them.... the fatalli is going crazy with new growth....
No idea why this is sideways, this is the first one I tried uploading to photobucket that kept failing....

Atound 2:20 my wasp starts showing up....
As far as weeding, I think I'm gonna have to pull evwrything up from outaide the beds.... I rushed the brick beds because my seeds germed faster than I anticipated....
Weeds are a constant battle...I would weed then immediately add some sort of top cover/mulch. Wood chips, straw, pine needles or even newspaper. There are often local places that offer free much, all you have to do is pick it up. I like a layer of newspaper covered with wood chips. Not only does is keep the weeds out, it helps the soil retain moisture.
stc3248 said:
Weeds are a constant battle...I would weed then immediately add some sort of top cover/mulch. Wood chips, straw, pine needles or even newspaper. There are often local places that offer free much, all you have to do is pick it up. I like a layer of newspaper covered with wood chips. Not only does is keep the weeds out, it helps the soil retain moisture.
I wound up running into that issue also after my plants were all set and done. What i did for my already planted tomatoes was took 1/4" thick or larger cardboard and cut slits into it with a circle in the middle and placed it around the base of the plant, about 1'x1' or 2'x'2 depending on your spacing. First try to get as many large weeds out first, then place cardboard on top and wet it - it will naturally decompose and it should suffocate the weeds, just make sure to take off all stickers/tape that wont decompose.
Next year i'm doing landscape fabric for my whole garden - weeding sucks!
Interesting with the newspsper and cardbiard.... Would the fabric be any better/less of a hassle or more beneficial? I eould think a single piece would help rather than patching together pieces of newspaper or cardboard and layering them.... but paoer and cardboard would break down into the soil.... and trying to gather up 48sq ft of either to cover the brick beds probably won't come easy eniugh for me, right now.... we don't get the paper, and I don't think all of these colored sales ads would be good for it, and we got rid of all of our boxes from the move....
Fabric might work - but fabric is best laid prior to planting since there are less cuts in fabric for weeds to get through, otherwise i would've put it down after the fact as well.
I mentioned cardboard because its quite thick and weeds wont generally have the power to break through it and its free. You can get boxes at most wholesale clubs or just by driving around the back of the big name stores and seeing what they got in the dumpster - there is nothing wrong with dumpster diving  :shame:. Might even find some other items of value :)
Ill work domething out....

Probably gonna have to vhange my watering plan, getting ber and splitting on tomatoes....

What about printer paper? Got quite a few sheets sitting around that are messed up from a printer not pulling it through right.... itd at least offer some sort of cover until I find better stuff....
you can use paper out of the paper shredder then wet it down....or like I said, check craigslist and see if there is a local place that gives wood chips away for free. No matter how you slice it...the time spent finding material and laying the mulch will beat time consumed weeding your plots. 
The rest of my videos from the othwr day are uploading....

My biggest issues with thw weeding, I found my problem... I get them out of th e beds, but the growing from outaide and underneath the bricks.... so I'm in the process of moving a brick and pulking everything on both sides running under them and outting the brick back.... its only a hassle on the areas that get watered when I water the beds....
White hab has turned around and is dtarting to grow again.... pimenta de neyde was put into the vinderblocj bed.... got a lot of weeding done kast night, still h ave a lot more to do....