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Rhm3769's 2013 grow, posting pics

Starting my glog early although I'm getting a late start on the grow.... Moving pretty soon from Okinawa back to the States so I can't start until mid may at the earliest....

Looking at growing:
Bolivian Rainbow
Crimson Torpedo
Santa fe grande
Peter pepper, red
Habanero, chocolate white tazmanian and golden
Scotch bonnet, red
Hot Jamaican
Jamaican mushroom, yellow
7 pot primo
Fatalli, yellow
Butch T
Atomic starfish
Bishop's crown
Okinawan hot pepper
Another okinawan variety
Purple flash

Plus I have some mystery mixes.... And I crossed a butch t with a scotch bonnet just for fun....

More than likely I'll be growing in containers again but I'll have more space than my balcony right now.... One maybe two plants per variety with more for a few of them....

I'll be able to section off a part of the yard for growing space to keep the kid out.... What's the easiest way to handle possibly 60 plants? Hoping to have at least a 9'x7.5' area.... Is that enough, too big, too small?
I'll get pics up later.... pulled everythibg from the two beds that are already planted and mixed in some schultz multi cote and the kellogg gromulch and replanted everything.... one thing I found kibd of disappointing was hardly any of them had any new root growth....


Tomato plants in the centers.... first pic has bonnets in the back, theres a santa fe grande and two purple ones you can't see in the pic.... can't remember the others....

Second pic are my mixed seeds....
Gotta speed things up, the roots of my remaining two tomato plants are starting to grow back up through the surface....

Sowed some sweet basil seeds....

Things are starting to look like they're greening up some....
Strawberries transplanted to solo cups with miracle gro....

If I spent as much time just lookjng at my plants towards getting every th ing ready, theyd all be planted aleeady... tomato plants look like they have buds forming....
Nice looking raised beds compadre! I have a bunch of regular and Thai basil growing, but unfortunately my late sprouters seem to have some kind of blight on them. This ultra extended rainy spring is wreaking havoc for me. I get infuriated when I look at the radar and see a long streak of clouds hitting my area and no where around me.

And I doubt anyone here will criticize you for doting on you babies... I mean plants dammit!
Planning on being able to lay out the rest of the cinder blocks tonight and spread out the worm castings, planting mix and gromulch in those two beds.... hoping to find some time to get at lest the third brick bed finished, at keast to get anothet tomato plant in the ground.
Anf probably won't have enough time, but hoping to get the remaining surviving seedlings into solo cups, even if its only for a few days for some of them....

So far, ive only seen one golden hab and two aji limon seeds start germination. Have to decide whether I want multiple plants and what varieties or if I want some more mystery plants....

Doubt I'll have time for the fish emulsion feeding tonight, probably a good thing too as ill most likely be away this weekend and won't be able to check on them to see if I overdid it....

Mixed the worm castings and planting mix and multicote, moistened slightly the surface with fish emulsion, about half a tablespoon in 32 oz water then topped with the gromulch....

Somewhat drenched thw bedded plants with the same fish mixture around the bases followed by a light misting as a foliar spray and then used what was left to mist the surface.... followed by a regular watering a few houra later.... didnt get the other brick beds finished or plants into solo cups, ill have time for that tomorrow bwfore heading out for the weekend....

Ill be attempting to get the rest of the soil and stuff for the cinder block beds after the weekend, but we spent more than enough at the fair tonight....
Haha.... it won't be too much spending. LLooking at spending about $50 at lowes after the military discount, but it'll be more like $15 or so, I still have $35 on a gift card....

So I transplanted the rocoto, both tazmanian habs and the yellow fatalli into solo cups before I left this afternoon.... watered everything really good, although the time of day wasn't the best.... so it took 30 min or so ttrying to water everything enough to be sure water got down far enough to last the weekend....

No changes with the second riund of seed germinations, only have aji limon and golden habs really doing anythinh, but it has still only been a few days.... ill finish up the third bed hopefully sunday night or monday afternoon and get the rest of the plants put in that one... not sure if the two aji limons in the tray are gonna make it....

Since I got the cinder blocks laid out, once I make the trip to lowes for the soil and stuff, ill move the strawberries to the cinder block holes and hopefully the basil seeds have started by then....

And I'm pretty sure the tomato plants are starting to bud...
So I get to check on my plants in about 8 hours or so.... hopefully they understand Father's day and decided to grow over the weekend for me.... and hopefully more seeds have decided to germinate.... decided I'm gonna start more of the super hot mix seeds I got from Dia Atton to fill in some of the open spots I have....

Picked some of these up, lucky find actually.... $0.91 so if the seeds don't germinate, no loss.... was just looking at sauces and saw dried peppers, started looking just to see what they had and found these....
I got one to germ out of one of those bags last year and got one to germ...I think I planted like 30 seeds??? Good luck!
Thanks.... I have the time to mess around with them.... only looking for a plant or two.... the wife won't even touch a jalapeno and my son is too young for them....

Nothing new from the seeds germinating, the other aji limon seeds took off, will have to plant in the next day or two.... got a pimenta de neyde seed popping.... nothing else, though....

Bunch of basil seeds are sprouting.... looks like my tazmanian habs aren't liking their new temporary home, but they were in pretty bad shape friday when I moved them.... tomatoes are going crazy.... straberries survived the transplant.... one of the super hot mix seedlings died, but it stopped growing once it got its first true leaves.... everything else survived, gotta move the few left in the starting tray tomorrow before they go down . Pretty sure being root bound for so long will ecentually hold them back....
Change of plans.... doesn't require much extra work, I don't think.... after watching things with watering, I realize exactly how unlevel everything is.... instead of digging everything up again and levelling it out, I'm stealing something I saw in another blog and putting trenching between plants so the water pools there instead of around certain plants, mainly my serrano and white hab as they're still pretty short.... noticed multiple times the white hab getting completely submerged before the ground soaks up all the water.... guessing itll be easier to level everything out while doing the trenches in the unfinished beds now that I'm paying attwntion to it....

Not sure if everything is finally recovering from be transplanted but I noticed more growth in the last few hours after watering early in the morning and at night than just watering at night....

Taproot from thw one golden hab broke, not sure when, but that could explain why it hasnt changed since ita first day....

Got a lot of work ahead of me today after work getting the other two brick beds finished and getting around to uploading all the pictures ive been taking....
Got a third bed ready but that was about it.... the wife wanted to hang pictures last night so I hung pictures....

The trenches work but not exactly as envisioned.... they don't work if the sides are higer than the ground between them with the peppers....

Everything seems to be doing fine, though....

Startig bottom left and going clockwise.... white hab, santa fe grande, serrano, scotch bonnet x2, jamaican mushroom(I think) and purple flash x2. Tomato in the center....

I lost the two upper corner plants.... from 3 to 6 o'clock plants from a mix from ajijoe.... the two on the left and top center, plants from a super hot mix from Dia Atton.... tomato in the center....
Ill be getting aji limon and pimenta de neyde round 2s in dirt tomorrow... my cgn habs, forgot the number, are starting germing.... bed 3 is ready, should be putting plants in tomorrow, also....
Thanks. I should have put the aji limons in some cups to harden off. Jumped the gun again and put two in their spots in the third bed and left the others in the seed cup and just covered them with dirt and in a spot where they'll get mostly shade.