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rhm3769's growth-New pics, Butch T and Scotch Bonnet pods

Most recent, have a few earlier pics posted elsewhere.... Both are white habaneros, the first is about 6" tall, the second is about 8", both about 6 weeks from sprouting....


Not in any kind of order....

One of the leave issues I've been dealing with.... random yellowing then browning....

First pod, its about a quarter of an inch long....

Same pod from above, but a few hours later....

Pod on another white hab plant....

Butch T....

Another shot of leave problems....

Another shot of leave problems....
Thanks, there are more than the two pictures here, looking at 12 at the last count with about 19 flowers waiting to see if the pollination took.... Now if only the buds would last on the scotch bonnet and Santa fe grande.... The butch t is just taking its time....
14 pods, and a bunch of new growth on all branches. I used to be able to keep all of the pots touching each other, everything needs at least 4" between them now. Alot of new buds forming on the santa fe grandes and scotch bonnet, hoping they stay and bloom. My Butch T seems to grow in spurts, in the next day or two I should be able to clearly see if branching is starting, everything is still too small and new at the top to tell yet....



Some pod pics from yesterday. I have 15 currently, 3 more flowers opened, at least one was pollinated.... A successful pollination of the Scotch bonnet at work over the weekend.... Butch Ts are days from buds being visible....
Gonna be a race with weather on getting any butch t pods.... Don't exactly have a place to overwinter them inside.... It gets cold enough during the winter here to keep plants from flowering but not enough to really harm the plants.... No point in getting lights and stuff to mov it inside since they'll be packed up for the move before it gets warm enough outside at night to keep them outside.... And I can't bring them with me on the move....
Another typhoon this weekend.... Had about another 20 flowers between the two supposed white Habs open up, scotch bonnet an Santa fe grande seem to be keeping buds now.... Butch t has its first few buds, hoping they stay and flower and set fruit and they ripen somewhat soon, I'm running low of seeds for them.... Scotch bonnet at work has one pod, growing slowly....

Had a fight with some ants on the balcony, I won but had to resort to some pesticides and h2o2, so far looking like the affected plant is surviving, flooded it after so hopefully it didn't do too much harm....
Hi rhm! Looking good so far mate!
I spotted your post (with pics) regarding the yellowing / browning leaves...
No idea of the cause I'm afraid, but if it helps you, a load of my plants have done the same...but when this happens I just pull the leaves off, and then they are not there to bother me anymore, and then I can just carry on as normal!
Ok, technically it's probably not the answer you were after, but I thought I'd post it anyway as it seems to be working for me! Lol

Best of luck with the rest of your grow :)
Thanks. I'm thinking the people above me sprayed something to either kill some bugs and it drifted down to mine or it was a mixture that was too strong for my plants.... There's a bush down by the drainage pipe that has it worse off than mine.... I've taken some off, it isn't spreading and seems more cosmetic than anything else....

Typhoon passed, will be posting pics later.... I've noticed I get alot of new growth with the plants incomplete darkness for 24-36 hours.... Or maybe I just notice it more because it comes in a lighter green....
Butch T, was hoping this was clear, branching in three instead of two, small buds....

Some of the larger buds on the Santa Fe Grande

Pods on one of the white habanero plants

Pods on the second white habanero plant, completely different than the other plant....



All of my plants in one shot. From left, Butch T, Santa Fe Grande, Scotch Bonnet, White habanero, white habanero, and white habanero from a different vendor than the other two.
Playing the waiting game.... I have about 40 peppers between the two white habanero plants right now, just waiting on ripening.... Santa fe grande has quite a few buds about to open, some only a day or two away.... Scotch bonnet has a few getting big, about a week for flowering.... Butch T seems to grow in spurts, nothing since it started branching....
Looking good. Whatever you are doing, it seems you are doing it right. I think the leaf issues are harmless. I have a few leaves with necrotic margins and the plants don't seem to mind.

Santa Fe Grande has 3 open flowers, pollen showers off of them with the slightest touch while trying to pollinate them.... Scotch Bonnet is progressing.... White habs are still flowering like crazy, I have too many to try to pollinate by hand and remember which ones have been done already, so I'm relying on the ants to do it since they seem to be crawling all over the flowers.... I'm seeing about 1 out of every 3 pollinate successfully and they tend to be on branches that already have pods.

I've began relocating them to the back balcony, they'll get a few more hours of sunlight over there than the 3-4 hours they've been getting lately....

Another thing, when watering them, my Butch T had 4-5 really thin 2" long worms swimming around in the bottom tray.... How do worms get in a pot 8 floors up?
Unless larva have the same structure and pinkish red color of worms, doubtful.... It could be there were worm eggs in either the soil or the dry fertilizer, but I've only seen one other than these and it was followed by an ant infestation.... With all the digging around and playing in dirt and mud when I was little, I've never seen a "baby" worm.... I've seen a larva or two for some of the flies and gnats I've seen around, but since cutting back on watering, nothing....

Not being able to read kanji, it is possible the soil I bought had worms and worm eggs in it, I guess.... But I figured I'd have seen more of them and sooner than now....
3 pods set on the Santa fe grande, 2 more open and pollinated, one in the process of opening.... I'll wake up to about 3 or 4 new flowers and a few flowers on the scotch bonnet.... Buds are getting bigger on the butch t! Looking at about 55 pods between the two white habanero plants.... Haven't been able to check on the plants at work yet because of the long weekend, but one of the unlucky ones who had to work today said they were still alive at least....
Plants at work aren't doing so good.... Everything's yellowing and dropping leaves except the butch t but it's leaves are all beat up....

Plants at home, ripening started on one white hab, looks like its gonna be yellow instead of any type of white....
Seems like its been awhile.... Alot of pictures I haven't posted.... Picked another ripe white hab this morning, the darker green pods have one I think is starting to ripen, hard to tell.... Couple of scotch bonnet pods and a few santa fe grande pods....