beer RocketMan's BrewLog

wheebz said:
Didn't even know ow wyeast had that blend.

Problem is I have to prop up strains myself and blend them to get something like that. You can't prop that or you throw the bacteria way out of proportion to the yeast
Yes, that's been discussed ... you have to buy it and use it ...
I think a lot of people use it infect new barrels ... or, new starts for barrels they've pre-treated with 180F water first etc etc ...
It's a monster, apparently - I recall MT saying "we joke that it'll ferment water ...
It's a primary fermenter. They are using it for Flanders red ales and dark strong sours. One yeast strain for primary secondary and tertiary fermentation never completely filtered out.
So I heard that the owner of Corona is buying Ballast Point. Guess those of you who can better buy all the Sculpin you can over the next few months before it becomes a watery, urine-colored mess...

And on the home front, pulling out that Vanilla goodness. 4 split beans in some plain hot water

Vanilla water to make the infusion easier. This morning zi poured off the excess bourbon, and dang did it smell good and really oaky, then poured the Vanilla water and beans in with the oak chips. Also filled secondary with water and Idophor. I'll rack it over tonight. This is not very easy to do when you can't stand on both legs.
Ok, I'm getting to where I really don't like Doctors. Anyways, I have been dealing with Degenerative Disk Disease in the lumbar region of my back since 1990 and have managed to avoid the knife in all that time. Stretching and exercise help but there are some medication that help it too. Well my doctor recently changed what I'm taking and with this new one there are some significant side effects when alcohol is added. As a result I have to stop drinking that's going to have to include home brewing. Now I may get 6 or 8 months down the road and tell him to stick it where the sun don't shine but for now I have to give it a chance to prove itself. Besides, no beer means I could shed a few pounds and maybe work on that other six pack I'd like to get. Yeah the one that the wife would really like ;)
I'll still be around and talking about brewing, I really enjoyed my time home brewing and I'll be glad to help out with what I've learned and all. I'm also going to start a Recipe thread for anyone who has something come out good and would like to share it with everyone. I tried to get the boss to give us a sub set for recipes but I guess he's waiting for his home brewing forum to launch to do that. 
Now I won't be completely out of fermenting things, just check out my Sauce Glog RocketMan's Skunk Works. There are a lot of other threads for sauces that I've started but I'm thinking I'm going to keep to this one from now on.
Cheers Brother's, 
Just bothers me that I won't get to try the Bourbon Barrel Vanilla Stout for myself or get to brew a couple of recipes I've been working on.

Thanks brothers