beer RocketMan's BrewLog

Bottled/kegged the Bourbon Barrel Vanilla Stout this weekend. I didn't get but one picture

It stayed at 1.01 after several weeks in the secondary which brings it in at about 4.59 ABV but is probably a little higher with the addition of the bourbon that the oak chips had been soaking in.
Was looking at an email from Northern Brewer and this caught my eye. Looks like it would be perfect for what you've been trying to do GM if you didn't already have multiple size kegs.
Cheers Y'all
RocketMan said:
Bottled/kegged the Bourbon Barrel Vanilla Stout this weekend. I didn't get but one picture

It stayed at 1.01 after several weeks in the secondary which brings it in at about 4.59 ABV but is probably a little higher with the addition of the bourbon that the oak chips had been soaking in.
Was looking at an email from Northern Brewer and this caught my eye. Looks like it would be perfect for what you've been trying to do GM if you didn't already have multiple size kegs.
Cheers Y'all
Yeah, I've been seeing those, but they are really pretty expensive ... and yeah, I'm in good shape at this point in terms of having enough kegs ...
Did you taste your beer?
yes, I tasted it and I was sad :( cause it was good :)
Had just the perfect level of oakiness and just a hint of the Vanilla came through. I was hoping to get more of an Imperial Stout bit sweeter with a heaver mouth feel but a lass not in this batch. It was still good though. 
wheebz said:
you never will be able to ever again
just stop taking the pills and drink moar, solves all of my medical problems :)
In all reality I probably will scrap this med and or switch to another one that doesn't have this issue. For now though while my body is healing 2 broken bones I really do need to be off of it. My doctor told that there is a link to drinking while healing bones and after a bit of internet research he's correct. Drinking while healing bones can result in bones that heal weakly and break again or fractures that just don't heal. So for now I'm collecting those beers that I find and want to try, saving them for that time after my doctor says that the bones are good to go.
Cheers Y'all!