beer RocketMan's BrewLog

Made me cringe when I read bread yeast! Glad to see you had some Côtes des Blanc to pitch in there.
If you have a way to put a blowoff on there I would. Not much head space in those jugs. The catch trays should be plenty to catch any spillover. I learned my lesson several times :)
Nothing like waking up in the morning to find a carboy spewing in the brew room.
What final gravity are you shooting for?

Yea me to yeast for sweet mead or a dry mead can't imagine the taste of bread yeast Mead
So, this weekend was my wife's family Christmas dinner. Last year my Beautiful Niece ask me if I would officiate her wedding which required me to get Ordained as a Minister, there are places where you can get ordained online and I picked one that is a lifetime ordination. It was great, I really enjoyed getting to develop the script and work with them and then to lead them through it. Well, her mom recently became engaged and this weekend she asked me to officiate her wedding, what a blast this is!
Family knows me well


This is going to take some reviewing


Hope y'all had a great Christmas and Santy Claus was good to ya!
RocketMan said:
Last Christmas present came in today. 23 quart pressure canner.


Can't wait to put this baby to work
Nice! I have the same one. It's pretty sweet. Takes awhile to boil lol.
grantmichaels said:
I bought one of those, haven't used it yet ...
Going to can starters? ...
That's a good idea. I may do that on a slow day. Maybe I'll make some jelly and wort.
RocketMan said:
Hadn't thought about starters, more like Wheebz was thinking, salsa, spaghetti sauce and such that needs more than a water bath.
It's rare that I fill the whole thing, so throwing some pint jars full of wort sounds great to fill the space.

Hell I made some spaghetti sauce this summer with all the tomatoes I had and once it was cooked down it was only 5 quart jars lol. Really good stuff though. I had boat loads of Romas and San Marzanos.
Fast Pitch is $10 + shipping costs for a 1600mL starter ... that's horrendously overpriced ...
I don't mind overpaying for stuff, clearly, but I have to leave extra room in the batch's budget for overpitching the yeast ...