beer RocketMan's BrewLog

so I just ordered a pizza from a place called Dicarlos here in York
They bake the pizza with no cheese on it, then toss the cold fresh grated parmesian on it once it comes out of the oven
its actually really good, but it cools down really really fast, yet the best part is when you bite into it, no burnt top of the mouth
Did you say games? This is what we call the Board Room, where there are 165 different games not including expansion packs. Who's ready to play?


New little project at work, so what do you do when you have 7 dead UPS systems?

You can spend $70.00 to $100.00 plus for new ones for a total of $500.00 something to $700.00 something.
You buy new batteries, providing that nothing else is wrong with the UPS for a total of about $130.00 plus shipping.
Or, You can pull the batteries and recondition them for a total cost of, well the initial cost was $26.61 and going forward it will only be $0.88 for a gallon of distilled water.

So far I've rehydrated one battery and have started on a second one. Next step is to connect it to a battery maintainer and run the desulfation cycle followed by recharging it. Will be interesting to see if this works :)
Took a med break and tried a few brews that I've been wanting to try. Damn that Goose Island Imperial Stout was good! Almost like drinking a syrup with bubbles. Took a little look a their website and saw that:

So with Brewers Friend I figured out

Dang almost a 30 pound grist for a 5 gallon brew. Yeah, wheebz will probably adjust my percentages I was just plugging in to see what it would take to get to their ABV and IBU. Would be interesting to brew :) 
Oh, I would have to split that in half and conduct 2 mash and sparge. My mash tun cant handle that much grain. Maybe once I get my 15 gallon brew pots I'll be able to do that much at once.
Next up for me is gong to be the SMaSH brews I was talking about starting with the Honey Lemon Basil SMaSH'd Saison.
Grant, when you tried the Goose Island did it seem that the alcohol was pretty forward on it? I mean I got a TON of Bourbon flavor right away and on the nose but then the alcohol was really kicking it.