• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2012

So i was gonna cont. my thread from last year but decided I better stay with the norm. I am not allowed to grow indoors( thanks to my better half) so I will not start anything new til late February and they will be germinated outside. Until then I have a nice amounts of plants I will be overwintering.They are as folllows.
2 Brain strain ( wayright )
2 chocolate bhut's( wayright)
4 yellow cardi scorps( wayright)
2 red 7's (THSC)
2 yellow 7's ( judy)
2 hybrid bhut's(redwoodcityseeds)
1 red bhut(CPI)
1 7 pot barrackpore ( roper2008)
1 red savina
1 douglah hybrid(wayright)
1 chocolate habanero( lisa/ gardens 2 grow)
1 african tunisian(gardens 2 grow)
1 chiltepin( garden 2 grow)
1 donne sali( wayright)
1 datil(CPI)
1 dorsett naga( highhalt's 2010 seed swap)
and a couple mystery plants

Here is a pic of some of them as I was bringing them in the Garage. My son JJ was a huge help. This is the latest i have ever had to bring them in .( I say that like I have been growing peppers forever) But last year I had to bring my plants in several times before the new year. :halo:


And my first hybrid bhut with some peas my boy grew. I say that bhut was :hot:
Wait a minute now. When you sent me the mystery pods you told me they didn't have any heat to them, and I thought I was a wimp cause I thought they had a decent kick to them. I think I've been duped! :rofl:

Enjoyed your video as always! I was noticing how tall and slender most of you plants are, compared to mine. Even later in the season, mine stay shorter and bushier. I'm guessing it must be a self defense mechanism against all the wind, or maybe a way of conserving moisture here? I guess height doesn't matter as long as they are producing pods!
Enjoyed your video as always! I was noticing how tall and slender most of you plants are, compared to mine. Even later in the season, mine stay shorter and bushier. I'm guessing it must be a self defense mechanism against all the wind, or maybe a way of conserving moisture here? I guess height doesn't matter as long as they are producing pods!
is that ur way of sayin' sizedoesn't matter ;) :rofl:
I've got no clue. It would look a like a Tree Hab, if the pods were orange instead of red...Are they good to eat? If so, and if you don't mind, I would like to grow some of them out. It's a cool-looking plant and pod. I've been digging growing one or two annuums lately...
gary my brotha, tree habs come in orange and red, im growing both this year ( thanks smokemaster :D ) but the mystery machine doesnt taste like a tree hab, it tastes more like a bolivian rainbow or something, its misleading however cuz all of jamie's chili plants look like trees :dance: (the lucky bastard) I kid Jamie, but seriously if u guys need a live in chef jamie, im just saying ;)

btw congratulate me on me 300th post :dance:
Thanks Sic. More rain today and predicted rain for the next 7 days . Over it but we need the damn rain ;)

Bonnie, I have ate hundreds of those peppers but that one just got me like no other. Peppers are unpredictable. :fireball:

Couldn't have thought of a better place for you to get your 300th Chef Paul :dance:
I enjoyed the video Jamie. Your pepper plants look like trees and that tree looks like... well, I don't know but it's huge. I still can't believe how big your plants get :shocked:
Sweet vid! Made excellent material to watch while enjoying my mornin coffee! What is that monster plant that about freakin touches the roof? its huge! Do you have to amend your soil for your in ground plants or do they grow well on there own in the sandy southern soil?
first he got me a nice care package on my birthday.. now HOTTEST Fathers day ive ever had....


seeds came from PinoyPride and movie courtesy of AMAZON.UK $15 for 3D why not...(already have the non3D edition)

i kept the bhuts .. 1 BS.. and the cardi... and a few annuums.. the rest i shared with Pinoy, MAFWIZ and buddy of mine... thanks for sharing and allowing me to share
Gary my man. They are a very tasty peppers but lots of seeds. I ate one last night while I was out harvesting and it kicked my butt. I will send you some pods tomorrow and you can be the judge. I have never seen a plant so easy to care for . It loves the shade and produces pods all year round. Oh and I will throw in a bit of my new smoked powder too!

DUDE SWEET! You are so the man! Thanks!

gary my brotha, tree habs come in orange and red, im growing both this year ( thanks smokemaster :D ) but the mystery machine doesnt taste like a tree hab, it tastes more like a bolivian rainbow or something, its misleading however cuz all of jamie's chili plants look like trees :dance: (the lucky bastard) I kid Jamie, but seriously if u guys need a live in chef jamie, im just saying ;)

btw congratulate me on me 300th post :dance:

Congratulations on your 300th Paul!

Mystery Machine...I like it!

I grew the Orange Tree Hab last year...The seeds came from Peppermania, but I'm pretty sure she got them from Smokemaster. And those babies were HOT! I'm excited to see how this particular chile from Jamie the Grower of Chile Trees compares...

Glad you enjoyed the vid Andy. When are we gonna get a video tour of your garden. I would watch that for sure. :party:

Thanks Britt. I am not happy with my plants right now but they are still producing so I will not complain. As for my soil for the most part I do not have to prepare it like many of you do. For instance the 7 foot mystery annumm and my jalapeno plants grow just fine without much love at all. But the chinese, that is a different story. I am always adding ferts to them cause they are some picky basturds. :drooling:

Denniz glad the package arrived unscathed and I am extra happy you are spreading the Romy6 heat. Couldn'y be more pleased , Thank you :dance:

Master grower Gary. Your package should have just crossed the Georgia border and exspect a little heat in your mailbox tomorrow if all goes well with the USPS :woohoo:
Thank you Sanarda for the kind words. Your plants look nice and healthy and should have some pods in no time :dance:

Melissa it is always a pleasure to see you on my grow. I enjoy your grow and your kind and sharing ways as well :party:

Well it is my favororite day saturday. Woke up to a nice amount of ripe pods so started picking. I will be potting up and feeding my babies most of the day except for a short stay at the beach for the little ones to enjoy. Here are a few shots of the harvest.

Three fat yellow 7's


And the overall harvest. First person who lives in the lower 48 states and who has not received a package from me ever will get some pods. All you have to do is name 7 varieties on the cutting board. I know too easy but what the hell. :fireball:

I'll take a shot though my pod identification skills suck.

yellow 7
chocolate bhut
chocolate hab
red scorpion
yellow scorpion

How'd I do?
Got your pepper love letter today! Trying to get Brian over here for some hot pepper action. Thanks man! Got some pods taking hold in the garden now too! Another month and I should be picking some gooooood stufff! Oh, and thanks for the seeds!
Hey Jamie, my brother from another!!
Your plants are looking awesome man!
I havent been trolling here in awhile, so I had to go back several pages to catch up!
+1 Bonnie on the Zinnia! leaves give it away!

and big props to Princess Cris!!
Excellent photography skillz!!

Thanks Brian. Seth has reallt talked up the powder so I am super excited. Can't wait :party:

Rocketman so close yet so far away. You can guess one more time if you would like. Game is still on chiliheads :onfire:

Seth that is awesome you got it. I don't have any ripe tunisian pods so I sent you the next best thing. just put the plant in the ground so I am hoping for big things.

Brotha Kevin. So good to hear from you. That Cris does have some mad camaera skills. Takes after you.!