• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2012

So i was gonna cont. my thread from last year but decided I better stay with the norm. I am not allowed to grow indoors( thanks to my better half) so I will not start anything new til late February and they will be germinated outside. Until then I have a nice amounts of plants I will be overwintering.They are as folllows.
2 Brain strain ( wayright )
2 chocolate bhut's( wayright)
4 yellow cardi scorps( wayright)
2 red 7's (THSC)
2 yellow 7's ( judy)
2 hybrid bhut's(redwoodcityseeds)
1 red bhut(CPI)
1 7 pot barrackpore ( roper2008)
1 red savina
1 douglah hybrid(wayright)
1 chocolate habanero( lisa/ gardens 2 grow)
1 african tunisian(gardens 2 grow)
1 chiltepin( garden 2 grow)
1 donne sali( wayright)
1 datil(CPI)
1 dorsett naga( highhalt's 2010 seed swap)
and a couple mystery plants

Here is a pic of some of them as I was bringing them in the Garage. My son JJ was a huge help. This is the latest i have ever had to bring them in .( I say that like I have been growing peppers forever) But last year I had to bring my plants in several times before the new year. :halo:


And my first hybrid bhut with some peas my boy grew. I say that bhut was :hot:
Hummmm, Jamie, in that last pic, the one with the nice collection of pods. There in the back, do I spy a bottle of Don Julio there? Are you planning to stuff those peppers with the Don and maybe a little cap of melted cheese to seal the opening? Those would be some sxplosive poppers my friend! I'll keep watch for the mushroom cloud that means you ate one :onfire:
Had a yellow cardi scorp this morning. I LOVE those peppers! You must isolate some seed for me with some pantyhose like Prodigal and share! That is a definite addition to next years pods!
Seth my man! Thank you for the props and I am glad you are enjoying the peppers. I guess I will send Brian his own care package since you don't want to share ;) . No promises but I may try to isolate a pod or two for ya. Funny thing is I have never even thought about doing it. As for the barrackpore I have not researched it enough to give a educated guess.

John, you have busted me. I was hoping nobody would catch on :shh: As for the smell of a tropical storm that is the only positive I can think of as well. :fireball:

Brother Shane. I hear ya on the mesquitos. They really love me like no other :rofl:

RM , my wife loves her Don Julio. And that pepper infused tequilla sounds scrumptious :drooling:
She has good taste then, the Don is good stuff.

My wife has the same issue with skeeters. I got one of those black light traps that uses a scent pack to draw them to it and now we don't have any skeeter problems. Sat out and had a beer on the back porch listening to the rain and watching the storm. didn't have to swat once.
No No No I don't need another care package. I appreciate the thought but my sweets are almost ripening and the supers are coming in. I owe you a couple bazillion pods. :cheers:
Mmmmm, that sauce looks yummy! I've used those same jars before, but I can't fit as many in the canner as I can the regular half pint jars, so I only use them when I'm doing a small batch of something.

After watching Compmodder's review of the Yellow Trinidad Scorpion Cardi, I'm wondering if that would be a good first step towards supers for me. Or was he down playing it's heat a bit? I'm also thinking maybe I should try Scotch Bonnets next year too. What are your thoughts?

Prodigal son, you cracked me up with your comment about Jamie just rearranging pods for more pics so that we will all think he's constantly harvesting all those awesome pods!!!
Wow Jamie! Things are growing great for ya! I hope you stayed afloat with this crazy weather. I have been neglecting the threads, damn work, but yours was a great catch up!

Keep dem pictures comin!
Wow Jamie, awesome grow!! That sauce sounds and looks yummy!! Looking at ur glog has made me hungry haha!! Lunch time with a dehydrated Brainstrain I have left! :fireball:
Oh Brian you don't owe me anything. Just trying to keep a northern chilihead fix during your cold time.

Bonnie , hope all is well in fire central. I am gonna try the sauce tonight and I will report back. And I can send you some fresh yellow cardi scorp pods . Just let me know. But don't let compmodder fool ya. Hot peppers don't phaze that Wildcat :rofl:

Matt my botha! Good to see you have your priorities straight! It has rained non stop for weeks but nothing life threatning so we have been very lucky so far! Can't wait to see your grow when you get back. From the pics your wife took it looks sweet :party:

Nice to here from you Shauna. Glad my grow made you hungry. Nothing like a dried Brain to quench your palette :hell:
JMe.. as i mention in my glog ate a mini bhut with some popeyes chicken and it didnt phase me.. either it was a dud....or in my case i hope im tolerating it...tummy however had a different story.... but glad things are well for you..... thanks again for everything....

So I have tried the mango kiwi yellow 7 barrackpore sauce and I must say it is delicious. Very tasty not too hot but a perfect blend. I had a spectacular meal.


Had a sweet taste at first followed by a mild burn with a nice garlicy after taste. Glad I documented the recipe.


And on a sadder note yesterday I came home to find my only 7 pod white looking like it was on the verge of death. Have no idea why :crazy:


And to finish on a good note another typicical romy6 harvest.
that's some tasty food you got there :drooling: :drooling: :drooling: and your never ending harvest is always awesome :onfire: i have tried your powder mix denniz sent some to me its hooottt and goooodd...then i brought it at school and we making food so i let the people who like hot stuff even our chef burned there mouths and this one chick she prep her food walk away then me walk by and sprinkle some on her food she got teary eyes after but she still finish her food :hell:
I was thinking rain too... I have a few that look like that, that have been overwhelmed by water...

some of my plants look down right ugly right now... I don't have the (is this even the right word?) luxury of being able to bring them in and out... Too many to pot up... I'd feel like I was single handedly keeping miracle grow's soil side in business.

harvest looks great!
JMe....thats the same thing peoplpe said when they tried your recipe.....nice and sweet and then BAM....mild burn....will be making more for the coworkers...


that's some tasty food you got there :drooling: :drooling: :drooling: and your never ending harvest is always awesome :onfire: i have tried your powder mix denniz sent some to me its hooottt and goooodd...then i brought it at school and we making food so i let the people who like hot stuff even our chef burned there mouths and this one chick she prep her food walk away then me walk by and sprinkle some on her food she got teary eyes after but she still finish her food :hell:

Eric.. Glad you enjoyed it..ive bee enjoying it as well...
Check right at or just below soil line and see it the stem is discolored. If it is and its not all the way around you can try treating it there with some H2O2 to kill any fungal infection that may be hitting it. If its all the way around its probably a goner. Other guesses would be a pest that hit it close to or just below the soil. Good luck man, hope it pulls out.

Food looks delicious, and I'm sure your sauce was the perfect companion to it!
The box showed up yesterday I just found it in the frig. I am barely getting to crack it open you filled it with awesome pods and powders. I am having the house favorite powder right now on some leftover chorizo and potatoes. Great flavor and nice burn not crazy hot. The house favorite will be become my travel partner for the rest of this week if it survives that long. This weekend hopefully I have time to get started on a simple sauce with the pods you sent. Thanks again and I started 3 seeds, so hopefully in 6 days I have new additions.
Thanks again

Aaagggg, What did we do to upset the gods and WTF is that bright thing in the sky? The end is coming!!

OK, I'm good now. Dang man, those plants of yours are just some pod producing machines. Very nice harvest. Glad to see that your sauce came out good. Nothing like a good sauce and home made beats store bought, made by the barrel any day. Good on ya mate.