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romy6 2013

Well 2012 is old news so time to push onward. It was a great year for me pepperwise. If you did not get a chance to follow me last year and would like to check it out here is the link http://thehotpepper.com/topic/27252-romy6-2012/. It will save me from explaining my grow and being redundant. I am an outdoor grower only from start to finish. I try to keep my aphid /bug colonies to a minimum while batteling the temps as while growing in east central Florida. I plan on growing many other new varieties in a few months so keep an eye out. Until then I wish a great grow for all and look forward to following all of your grows. After fighting off the tequilla hangover this moring I managed to stumble along and pick my first harvest of the new year. Some yellow 7's, yellow scorps, yellw scotch bonnets with a tail, hybrid bhut, not douglah, mystery annums, choc hab , cho bhut bhut and a choc bhut x yellow 7 f3. Winter pods are always a little funky looking IMHO :rolleyes:

:dance: Happy New Year :dance:

That chocnagabrain is on my mind but obsession is madballz! And these plants are/were sick exactly how? ;)
Sorry about game. Carolina hasn't had a great football season since Mack Brown headed third coast--but given the warmth, salary, I see that move; wanted to move back with him, lol. I'd take Bevo for a walk. :rofl:  But Heels played UMiami--first year they were in ACC, I think--dunno--2004, I scored some tickets, drove over to Kenan from Raleigh; we didn't expect much. Miami is so hated around here . . . we beat da Canes!! Student section tore the goal posts down and carried up to Franklin St., many bonfires, burned cars? Just kiddin' but they do go insane in basketball season, which I love, still. Looks like gonna be a dang long football season for us unless Fedora plugs some holes in D. I might be singing a happier tune if we take GA Tech. (Or could've relapsed, dropped acid, and hallucinated that we beat the Yellerjackets Sat. after next.)  
Have you tried, cautiously, that Kevin/Wayright Douglah-Garlic sauce? Nice scores from folks but then as others have said, and I 2nd, 3rd . . . you are so generous! 
WalkGood said:
Great pictures Jamie ... you've taken it to the next level and the pods look awesome!
Not sure who I'm backing, both my sisters are Gators and will be at the game. The older one's husband, my brother in law is a Cane, lols ... should be fun to watch! Have a great weekend !!!!
 Thank you Raymon. Puts a smile on my face when a great photographer says that. 
wahlee76 said:
Great update. You have some really cool varieties.
 Thanks wahlee, finally getting some nice growth out of the suckers.
Devv said:
Nice update Jamie!
Plants and pics look great!
And I'm so ready for October weather!
 Thanks you Scott. They are really starting to turn around. It's all about the weather. 
MGOLD86 said:
Awesome snaps Jamie!  Looks like everything is just chuggin along in that Florida weather.  I keep tellin myself that I only have another 11 years or so and I can be growing year around.  Jess is even talking about looking for land now so we can build before we move down there. 
And awesome score on that T Viper X Purple Jal turnin purple!  I am definitely lookin forward to replanting next season.  This go around I am gonna plant a handful of seeds in hopes I get a couple with that awesome purple tint.  I cant wait to see the pods!
Matt my man. Got some nice plots of land around here so get a move on. And see if you grew all year around you wouldn't have room to start new varieties every year. Think about it  ;)
stc3248 said:
Great updates Jamie...looks like our college seasons are starting off in the same fashion. Glad they didn't carry the TX game out here. Ughhh...
See you got some of them Manzanos going! Sweet...All this seed starting everywhere had me start some too!
Yep Shane it was tough out playing Miami and still loosing. Hard pill to swallow. I am sure you feel the same way. Yep gonna try to grow some pubes this winter. just too damn tasty not to try.. 
annie57 said:
That chocnagabrain is on my mind but obsession is madballz! And these plants are/were sick exactly how? ;)
Sorry about game. Carolina hasn't had a great football season since Mack Brown headed third coast--but given the warmth, salary, I see that move; wanted to move back with him, lol. I'd take Bevo for a walk. :rofl:  But Heels played UMiami--first year they were in ACC, I think--dunno--2004, I scored some tickets, drove over to Kenan from Raleigh; we didn't expect much. Miami is so hated around here . . . we beat da Canes!! Student section tore the goal posts down and carried up to Franklin St., many bonfires, burned cars? Just kiddin' but they do go insane in basketball season, which I love, still. Looks like gonna be a dang long football season for us unless Fedora plugs some holes in D. I might be singing a happier tune if we take GA Tech. (Or could've relapsed, dropped acid, and hallucinated that we beat the Yellerjackets Sat. after next.)  
Have you tried, cautiously, that Kevin/Wayright Douglah-Garlic sauce? Nice scores from folks but then as others have said, and I 2nd, 3rd . . . you are so generous! 
 Gott some madballz seeds saved and choconagas. Waiting for some fresh madballz pods to send ya. So 30 days watch your po box. 
:confused:  Thanks for putting a smile on my face. Since the game I haven't been in the best of moods.  :P You always make me laugh  :rofl:
Plants are looking great, as always. I really like the look of the Birgit Locoto pod, it is a new one to me. 
Are you able to grow pubescens during winter? I envy you. 
I think pubes will do very well there over the winter and should produce nicely late fall through mid spring. Mine are still throwing out some pods and it's been near 110 here all week...dropping a bunch, but setting a few. I don't know how they'll do in the humid weather though??? I am considering ordering some Locato seeds...which are a smaller variety of pubescense to play around with a bit...might be just the answer to all the short season growers that would like to try to grow pubes...
My team didn't outplay anybody...they just plain got beat down. I watched the only game worth watching yesterday...

The Poway GATORS!!! You'll be happy to know the Gators won 22-0...that's my son in the middle (black team) of the pic getting held and smashing the poor kid's helmet into his face!
STeelers lost so bad today, and no less to the Titans.  :crazy:  :banghead:  :violin: .  Its a crazy world.  The viper cross with purple bhut sounds like a killer cross.  I am watching that one.  Plants look great and get that Sepia???? potted up!!! :dance:
Stefan_W said:
Plants are looking great, as always. I really like the look of the Birgit Locoto pod, it is a new one to me. 
Are you able to grow pubescens during winter? I envy you. 
 Thanks Stefan. The birgit is a great pepper. Fast grower in low humidity. It would do great in your area. Hit me up if you want some seeds. 
stc3248 said:
I think pubes will do very well there over the winter and should produce nicely late fall through mid spring. Mine are still throwing out some pods and it's been near 110 here all week...dropping a bunch, but setting a few. I don't know how they'll do in the humid weather though??? I am considering ordering some Locato seeds...which are a smaller variety of pubescense to play around with a bit...might be just the answer to all the short season growers that would like to try to grow pubes...
My team didn't outplay anybody...they just plain got beat down. I watched the only game worth watching yesterday...

The Poway GATORS!!! You'll be happy to know the Gators won 22-0...that's my son in the middle (black team) of the pic getting held and smashing the poor kid's helmet into his face!
 Dang Shane!!! i feel sorry for that kid having to block you son. He looks like a beast. We would love to bring him down to Gainesville for a stay in the swamp. He would excel well there. Can't have Lane Kiffen teaching your boy all the wrong moves :)
Sanarda said:
STeelers lost so bad today, and no less to the Titans.  :crazy:  :banghead:  :violin: .  Its a crazy world.  The viper cross with purple bhut sounds like a killer cross.  I am watching that one.  Plants look great and get that Sepia???? potted up!!! :dance:
 Thank you Pia. I will be sure to save some seeds for ya if you would like to grow it next year. 
Pulpiteer said:
Nice! Great guardian for the garden. Looking great!
 Mucha Gracias Andy. He is not doing a great job at battling the bad bugs but I still like him :) 
 Great walk with Tebow the other day. You should have been there ;) 
romy6 said:
…  Mucha Gracias Andy. He is not doing a great job at battling the bad bugs but I still like him :)
I’ve read others that say dragonflies help battle bad bugs but I’ve yet to see them do half the work of ladybugs or larva and we have a load of both. It’s the ladybugs and their larva that do the azz kicking at mi casa :D
romy6 said:
 Great walk with Tebow the other day. You should have been there ;)
 *IMG beautiful scenery picture /IMG*
Very nice reflections and it’s picturesque ^_^
WalkGood said:
I’ve read others that say dragonflies help battle bad bugs but I’ve yet to see them do half the work of ladybugs or larva and we have a load of both. It’s the ladybugs and their larva that do the azz kicking at mi casa :D
Very nice reflections and it’s picturesque ^_^
 Thank you Ray. It was a Kodak moment for shiznit  ;)
Sanarda said:
Thank you my friend.  I was lucky enough to have Denniz send me some seeds and I was able to get one plant that has a PODDDD.  WOOOHOOOO.. :dance:  :dance:
 No worries Pia. I gotcha if your plants doesn't produce . 
 It is Friday Eve. Super ready for no work. Had a very small harvest last night. Plants are starting to slowly dial back in so stay tuned for more better stuff.

 Finally had my first home grown naga X brain( f-2). This is a great tasting pepper. Mine came out like the mother( red)  but there are some that are geting a chocolate variety. Which is the one Gary( windchicken) and I plant to take into the f-3 generation. Who know's in 6 or 7 years we may have a stable variety  ;)


 And two awesome packages arrived as well. 
One from Buddy. This man make some amazing sauces, jellies,powders  and puree's

 And one from Matt. Pods are almost too perfect to eat. Man sure know's how to grow some peppers

 Busted into some of Buddy's taco sauce. It was a tasty treat. 
Good-looking NagaBrain your J-ness! :dance:  I dig the thick flesh and general healthiness of the pod...
I'm really glad that you and Denniz shared some of the F1 NB fruit and that Todd produced those awesome brown pods in his F2 grow. I now believe that's the best and only way for hobby growers to stabilize a new variety...There's just not enough time or space for any one grower to develop more than one or two varieties in a single lifetime. But cooperation is key—I'm so glad that Todd recognized that and was willing to share his iso seeds from those killer-looking ChocoNBs! As I see it, it works like "ripples in a pond" — As several growers are producing the same generation of a given new variety, when one grower produces the "heir apparent" to the line he shares that seed with the rest of the group, and so on and so on, until the new chile becomes stable.....
Seems to me like that would work better than a single "breeding house", as you would have more varied growing conditions and greater attention to the individual plants...
The naga cross looks mean!
Nice score on the pods and sauces!
Have a great weekend, it starts in less than 24! Beer's already in the cooler :drunk:
windchicken said:
Good-looking NagaBrain your J-ness! :dance:  I dig the thick flesh and general healthiness of the pod...
I'm really glad that you and Denniz shared some of the F1 NB fruit and that Todd produced those awesome brown pods in his F2 grow. I now believe that's the best and only way for hobby growers to stabilize a new variety...There's just not enough time or space for any one grower to develop more than one or two varieties in a single lifetime. But cooperation is key—I'm so glad that Todd recognized that and was willing to share his iso seeds from those killer-looking ChocoNBs! As I see it, it works like "ripples in a pond" — As several growers are producing the same generation of a given new variety, when one grower produces the "heir apparent" to the line he shares that seed with the rest of the group, and so on and so on, until the new chile becomes stable.....
Seems to me like that would work better than a single "breeding house", as you would have more varied growing conditions and greater attention to the individual plants...
 I could not agree more G man. I am very lucky to have such a great group of friends that share there compassion for growing and eating pepper like I do. Most of us have jobs and family that consume most of our time . So there is little time for stabilizing all these amazing new strains. 
Devv said:
The naga cross looks mean!
Nice score on the pods and sauces!
Have a great weekend, it starts in less than 24! Beer's already in the cooler :drunk:
 It is 5 o clock somewhere Scott. Just not here yet  :beer:  But it will be soon. Thanks for dropping bye. You have a great weekend. 
 And since I am here I might as well show the next great package I received today. Todd Warosh( aka TMudder)  my good friend and amazing chef/grower/ reviewer sent me some tasty brainstrain peanut brittle and some more of his amazing sauces. i highly recommend you sample his sauces. 
Now that all looks great!
Congrats Jamie!
We make p-brittle with Jal powder, how's it with the hotter peps?
And it's way past 5 here...according to my beer clock..LOL
Have a great weekend!
Devv said:
Now that all looks great!
Congrats Jamie!
We make p-brittle with Jal powder, how's it with the hotter peps?
And it's way past 5 here...according to my beer clock..LOL
Have a great weekend!
 Scott, the brittle with supers is something you really have to try. The amazing blend of nuts, sweets , and spice is something you will cherish for a long time. 
WalkGood said:
Sauces look awesome and I too am curious how the brittle taste with supers, sounds killa mon!
Hope you and da family have a wonderful weekend \o/
 Thank you Ramon. With your cooking skills you should give the hot brittle a try. 
Bodeen said:
Never heard of spicy PB...but it sure sounds like it would hit the spot!!!
 Oh it hit the spot Jeff. :clap:  And is still hitting the spot  :flamethrower:
 So not a whole lot going on at the romy6 pavilion. Many plants are doing well. Had a chocolate morouga, manzano, and rocoto sprout over the last week. Most of my plants are starting to rebound from the awful summer. Just one more month and everyone should be back in gear. 
 Over the weekend I decided to make good use of all the generous SFRB's I have received. What better way than a nice garlic pepper blend. 

 Sliced up and in he dehtdrator as we speak:)
 Two  more care packages arrived as well. 
Annie57 hooked a brother up with some yellow 7's , yellow morouga's and a nice hybrid from seeds I sent her 

 And my brother prodigal_son sent a sweet package of pods

 Jays Peach ghost scorps, and a monster Armageddon to name a few

Armageddon was the size of my palm

Insides full of placenta and oils

 Jays peach were hot and tasty pods. 

 Have a great week chili friends  :D
You got more then enough heat going for you, Jamie :D Making some hot sauce of all the pods? It's funny, you want summer to end and we don't want it to end :lol: How's it going with your Jal's, any survivors after the hot summer?
Awesome pod gifts, great pics and you say "not much going on at romy6 pavilion," lol. There's always something shaking at your place and the heat looks incredible. Great to read your plants are kicking into higher gear, mine have had a boost as well with the last few days of rain, starting to see some flowers ... hope these next pods are bigga, the last harvest for me was embarrassing. Have a great week brethren!  [SIZE=12pt] [/SIZE]