• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2013

Well 2012 is old news so time to push onward. It was a great year for me pepperwise. If you did not get a chance to follow me last year and would like to check it out here is the link http://thehotpepper.com/topic/27252-romy6-2012/. It will save me from explaining my grow and being redundant. I am an outdoor grower only from start to finish. I try to keep my aphid /bug colonies to a minimum while batteling the temps as while growing in east central Florida. I plan on growing many other new varieties in a few months so keep an eye out. Until then I wish a great grow for all and look forward to following all of your grows. After fighting off the tequilla hangover this moring I managed to stumble along and pick my first harvest of the new year. Some yellow 7's, yellow scorps, yellw scotch bonnets with a tail, hybrid bhut, not douglah, mystery annums, choc hab , cho bhut bhut and a choc bhut x yellow 7 f3. Winter pods are always a little funky looking IMHO :rolleyes:

:dance: Happy New Year :dance:

Hi Jamie,
   Money shot was on the money per usual... keep on truckin' bro'! And the foodie also had me wanting to run to the 'fridge. I'm inspired by  someone who loves what they do as much as you!
Pepper pic is awesome! Love seeing all the different pods. And the food looks great. One of my favorite meals is steak and asparagus on the grill.
Spicegeist said:
Yellow Primos look cool even though they don't look too much like Primos...
 I agree Charles. Much more bhutish but still a cool looking pepper. I have seeds if you want any. 
stickman said:
Hi Jamie,
   Money shot was on the money per usual... keep on truckin' bro'! And the foodie also had me wanting to run to the 'fridge. I'm inspired by  someone who loves what they do as much as you!
 Thank brother Rick. I do have chili issues  :party:  Get anything in the mail today  :fireball:
FreeportBum said:
Pepper pic is awesome! Love seeing all the different pods. And the food looks great. One of my favorite meals is steak and asparagus on the grill.
 Thanks Devan. You and me have much in common. 
 Couple random chili shots. 
 Douglah plant loves the heat. Pod making machine. 



Nasty naga cross of sorts. 

 Noticed this brain pod . Sticking out of some wood  :crazy:

 And  a few shots of my orange primo seeds from saugapepper. Thank Conor awesome pods. Pay no attention to the white aphid secretions. They will be gone tomorrow :fire:  Looking like they may go yellow but hopefully orange after that  :D


 And I have always been intrigued by carnivorous plants. My buddy DVG is the master grower of these. So I bought a nepenthes  sanguinea plant. Never needs nutes so it will be a good challenge for me. Just a few bugs every couple weeks. Well I have plenty of those. Hope it likes aphids  :doh:

 Everyone have a safe and fun 4th of July  :eek:
Thanks muchly for the SFRB of pods brother! I'll definitely be making sure they all get a good home. Looking back at your posts of the last few days, be derned if I don't think I can spot some of the pods in the box... especially the madballz and yellow primo pods in post #743 and the money shot on #752. Dude... you da Man!
Hope you have a happy 4th with your family!
Wow...all those other pods make your Dougies look like a biotch...it'll hold its own in the heat department though! I almost bought a pitcher plant earlier this year, keep us posted on that little dude! I think the meanest looking is the Naga Cross...
Happy 4th brother!
Jamie great update! But why do I get the feeling you are holding back for a 4th of July explosion … your pictures are fantastic, vivid and full of color! Love the look of all the pods but your Reaper pics really stand out and so does the Orange Primo, fantastic brethren. Also the Brain out of de wood is awesome, fantastic, super cool mon!
Very cool you are getting into carnivorous plants, is that one a Nepenthes? Let me know if they eat aphids, mites and mosquitos and I’ll start up a few at the base of my favorite peppers :D
Lovin the update.  That Brain out of the wood is cool.  All the pods look great.  Douglahs, Orange Primos, Reapers...very nice.
Happy 4th!
By the way you grow dem plants mon...This time next year,you'll be feeding the nepenthes... gators! I'm calling it now!
Chits lookin good mang!
toook me a while to read through this glog.... but well worth it.. you seem to be a master grower.. and loooking at your plants.. you have WOOD rather than stems... good work there pal.. as for the pepper harvest.. AWESOME>.. hope that one day i can have something like that.. and judging by the looks.. you seem to be a generous person...

hope you and your family had a safe 4th of july

 Thanks guys for the love. i will respond to each when I get back from the Track . It was a great 4th. JJ got to meet his favorite driver Kyle Busch and I got to meet one of my favorite Dale JR.
JJ and Kyle( JJ was freaking out )

JJ Dale and JJ's buddy
I knew you were holding back, those pics are wicked cool mon and I bet the kids loved it! You an awesome Dad! Now I’m waiting for the foodie shots but hoping it’s not before my lunch break, hahaha. Hare a great one Jamie ^_^
MGOLD86 said:
Looking great Jamie!  Loving those pod shots, really nasty looking pods.  Happy 4TH! 
 Thank you kind sir  4th was great . JJ had his best day ever:) 
stickman said:
Thanks muchly for the SFRB of pods brother! I'll definitely be making sure they all get a good home. Looking back at your posts of the last few days, be derned if I don't think I can spot some of the pods in the box... especially the madballz and yellow primo pods in post #743 and the money shot on #752. Dude... you da Man!
Hope you have a happy 4th with your family!
 My pleasure Rickster. Knowing me I bet almost every pod I sent ya has been photographed  ;)
stc3248 said:
Wow...all those other pods make your Dougies look like a biotch...it'll hold its own in the heat department though! I almost bought a pitcher plant earlier this year, keep us posted on that little dude! I think the meanest looking is the Naga Cross...
Happy 4th brother!
 Thanks brethren. That naga does look gnarly. My lityle pitcher plant was full of bugs when we got back from the track. I think I need 100 more:)
Trippa said:
Yooooowwwww .... That is some nice heat and great pod porn. Love your work Romy my friend..keep on growing!!
 Thanks T. I can't wait to follow your grow again. You have some nice varieties going. 
WalkGood said:
Jamie great update! But why do I get the feeling you are holding back for a 4th of July explosion … your pictures are fantastic, vivid and full of color! Love the look of all the pods but your Reaper pics really stand out and so does the Orange Primo, fantastic brethren. Also the Brain out of de wood is awesome, fantastic, super cool mon!
Very cool you are getting into carnivorous plants, is that one a Nepenthes? Let me know if they eat aphids, mites and mosquitos and I’ll start up a few at the base of my favorite peppers :D
  Ramon . Thank you for the compliments. That is a Nepehthes. It will eat anything that is curious enough to venture into his pitcher's:) 
DocNrock said:
Lovin the update.  That Brain out of the wood is cool.  All the pods look great.  Douglahs, Orange Primos, Reapers...very nice.
Happy 4th!
 Thank you Brent. My 4th was amazing. Sad it is Monday for sho  :rolleyes:
Fremp said:
By the way you grow dem plants mon...This time next year,you'll be feeding the nepenthes... gators! I'm calling it now!
Chits lookin good mang!
 Thank you brotha. If you ain't a Gator your gator bait:)
Lakers24 said:
toook me a while to read through this glog.... but well worth it.. you seem to be a master grower.. and loooking at your plants.. you have WOOD rather than stems... good work there pal.. as for the pepper harvest.. AWESOME>.. hope that one day i can have something like that.. and judging by the looks.. you seem to be a generous person...

hope you and your family had a safe 4th of july

 Thank you for stopping in Mark. I wish I was a master grower but not the case. Still learning everyday. My 4th was great hope yours was as well.  
 So spent the whole weekend out at the track. Sorry Ramon no food shots. We hardcore camped and food was not worthy of taking pics. It was amazing and something my son and I will never forget. It sure pays no no the right people. Here was the firework grand finale:)
 Then it was nice to be home again. Plants are looking very pale from the heat and recent massive pod production. But still managing to bring in some peppers. 
 1st peruvian serlano. Had this with dinner last night. Very tasty pepper. NIce heat as well. Much like a cayenne flavor wise but much hotter and easier to eat. Great for any style of cooking. 

 Funky looking SBJ7 pod. 

My not Orange primos. Full of placenta. taste and smell just like a yellow 7 pod


 This is the largest pod I have ever grown. A solid 3 inches long and 2 wide. It is a not Douglah. Notice how it dwarfs the tepin and brains around it. 

And a harvest shot. 

Thanks for checking in. I hope everyone had at least  half as good a 4th of July weekend as we did  :dance:
 Holy guacamole Gary. That is one purdy pepper. Ripening chocolate :party: . Can't wait to see what you think of the taste. Naga brain X douglah? 
Thanks for sharing. Pods look huge G money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks dude....The RCW soil is really working for me this year, at least in my aged "pilot bed."
I've never grown Douglah...genetic mutation maybe?
 Yeah I know you have not grown them before. Just messing with ya. Did you grow any chocolate varieties last year close to the nagabrains? If not I would say yes genetic mutation. I do have a Butch T plant that grew bright orange pods at first. Now they are going dark red. I wonder if its has other environmental factors that can cause something like that to occur  :crazy: Either way gorgeous pods . 
Thanks...I don't believe it's environmental, because the other 5 plants in that bed are producing red pods....
:P  I've only ever grown one brown chile, Mulato (C. annuum), and that was 40 miles away in my other garden... :surprised: I suppose one of my neighbors could be growing chocolate chinenses but seriously doubt it...
In other NagaBrain news, Plant #7 is producing pods that look just like Dorset Naga, except they're yellow....Pix soon....
Looks like you had a blast at the Coke Zero 400, been a long time since I been there … back in the Buddy Baker days, hahah. Great fireworks video mon … must be tuff going back to work today :/
Close up of the killa pods look great and super harvest … you’re doing great \o/ Have an awesome week!