• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2013

Well 2012 is old news so time to push onward. It was a great year for me pepperwise. If you did not get a chance to follow me last year and would like to check it out here is the link http://thehotpepper.com/topic/27252-romy6-2012/. It will save me from explaining my grow and being redundant. I am an outdoor grower only from start to finish. I try to keep my aphid /bug colonies to a minimum while batteling the temps as while growing in east central Florida. I plan on growing many other new varieties in a few months so keep an eye out. Until then I wish a great grow for all and look forward to following all of your grows. After fighting off the tequilla hangover this moring I managed to stumble along and pick my first harvest of the new year. Some yellow 7's, yellow scorps, yellw scotch bonnets with a tail, hybrid bhut, not douglah, mystery annums, choc hab , cho bhut bhut and a choc bhut x yellow 7 f3. Winter pods are always a little funky looking IMHO :rolleyes:

:dance: Happy New Year :dance:

Bodeen said:
What are those yellow ones.  Awesome looking pods.
Jeff if they're the ones I posted that Jamie sent, they are white 7s. The one I'm holding is a scotch bonnet, need to do a compare taste test to a MoA but I'm guessing I couldn't win a double blind test, lol ...
Edit: I stand corrected it’s not a bonnet it’s a Yellow Jonah per da mon himself Jamie, thanks for the correction :)
romy6 said:
 Thanks Jon. It has been a long hard summer but it is paying of now. Watching all the snowbirds with there giant harvests while my plants get devoured by heat, hunidity, and insects. Now is my gardens time to shine  :party:
 Wanted to share an amazing dinner i had last night with a fresh Manzano from prodigal_son and some hellfire tasty ass smoked choc scorp sauce from buddy. Thank you guys . 

Happy Friday Eve
great looking dinner - love manzanos.  glad that the smoked tscorpion sauce helped compliment the dish.
+1 on Ramon's comments on the hot salt... if I didn't have high blood pressure, mine would be all gone by now...
Awesome dinner with the fresh Manzanos brother Jamie... I'm hoping to OW the one I got from Shane this winter. If I pull it off I'll be in a position to chip in towards keeping you stocked next season... ;)  I'm also thinking on how to make a good fermented sauce with them.
Barley-pop57 said:
Well I see where you are at it again with the tanilizing dinner teasing everyone..... :drooling:.  Keep up the good work !!!!!!
 Thanks Mike. Somebody has to make you salivate my friend. 
MGOLD86 said:
Lookin great as always Jamie!  Yellow Jonahs...I swear my grow list never freaking ends....lol!  I am gonna be digging up the front yard if this keeps up!
 Thank you Matty moo. I will get ya some seeds if you don't a;ready have some :) 
WalkGood said:
Jeff if they're the ones I posted that Jamie sent, they are white 7s. The one I'm holding is a scotch bonnet, need to do a compare taste test to a MoA but I'm guessing I couldn't win a double blind test, lol ...
Edit: I stand corrected it’s not a bonnet it’s a Yellow Jonah per da mon himself Jamie, thanks for the correction :)
 Ramon, you are the best glogger I know. Your reputation proves that. My pleasure having you visit my grow so often . Thank you 
buddy said:
great looking dinner - love manzanos.  glad that the smoked tscorpion sauce helped compliment the dish.
 Buddy, that sauce is so tasty. I love the sweetness followed by the smoky goodness.  I cannot thank you enough for your kindness.
 So not a whole bunch happening here. But my plants are. Almost every flower that forms is turning into a pod. I have said this many times but it's all about the correct temps . Small but tasty harvest. Madballz, sepia serpents, orange primo not's, peruvian  serlano's, birgits, douglah's, one brown 7. some not red douglah's, tepins, 1 yellow primo,yellow cardi scorps, white 7's,  and a partridge and a pear tree .

Jamison said:
Now thats a plate of food for a MAN! Id love to beast out on that Jamie! Awesome pods and food.
  Thanks Jamison. My belly shows it :)
jedisushi06 said:
Looks like my Tigers handed your Gators a loss today buddy!

I made a steak with your powder man was it good.  That powder is so damn good.
 Rub it Mike ;)  . Thanks for the powder compliments. 
Bodeen said:
What are those yellow ones.  Awesome looking pods.
 Yellow Jonah's Jeff. Thanks 
FreeportBum said:
Yum,  What time do you nice folks usually eat Jamie, i'll be right over for dinner   :P   looks great my friend. 
 We eat at 5 o clock everyday Devan  ;)  Thank you
WalkGood said:
Wow Jamie you just keep pulling and pulling, totally awesome harvest. Just one question, what does the partridge and a pear tree pod look like ;)
"P and PT" = code for the MDBZ sweet Jamie is sending me, querido. Man, a ferment with punkin and process with punkin . . . oh yeah! Jamie, THANKS for making me hungry (gorgeous) this morning and were there other pods besides Madballz in that shot? I mean, seriously loving that yellow Jonah and white 7! Stunning Coach! "My Captain! My Captain!"
WalkGood said:
Wow Jamie you just keep pulling and pulling, totally awesome harvest. Just one question, what does the partridge and a pear tree pod look like ;)
 Thank you Ramon. The P &P are very exotic peppers that can only be found on the outer banks of western Brazil. I could show you a pick but then I would have to kill you  :rofl:
annie57 said:
"P and PT" = code for the MDBZ sweet Jamie is sending me, querido. Man, a ferment with punkin and process with punkin . . . oh yeah! Jamie, THANKS for making me hungry (gorgeous) this morning and were there other pods besides Madballz in that shot? I mean, seriously loving that yellow Jonah and white 7! Stunning Coach! "My Captain! My Captain!"
 Thanks Punkin  :P
Bodeen said:
Another nice pull
 Thanks Jethrto. And I have been enjoying your powder immensely. 
Devv said:
Nice pull Jaime!
And glad the plants are mas happy, this IS the time of year for the down south grows fo' sure!
 Thanks Scott. It was 63 degrees this morning. Judging bu the people out and about you would have thought it was 36 degrees :rofl: . My plants and I were loving it. 
annie57 said:
Thank you, sweet Jamie!! :party: :drooling:  Wonderful seeds, powder and MADBALLZ (and other pods that will be delicioso. :dance:) What're those two big red children hanging out around 5 o'clock? Thank you sooooooooooooo much!

 G;ad they arrived on time A. The two pods on the bottom are Not Douglah's. Very prolific plant and disease resistant  :fireball:
Now for something completely different . Organic steak ( I don't even know what that means  ;) )

And I also received the most amazing package of jelly's purees, and sauces from my friend Terry ( AKA Buddy ) . Go fighting Illini !!!!

Happy Friday Eve 
 Thank you guys. I appreciate your kind words. I am slightly under the influence or I would reply to each of you . Please forgive me  :drunk:
:drunk: Pepper pics 
Birgit Locoto

Peruvian Serlano 

Morouga from Chris Phillips 2007 . Via Nigel via pepperproblem ( RIP) 

Viper X purple bhut is a beautiful plant

7 pot white is so loaded down it has almost doubled over ( kinda like me  :rofl: )

Sepia serpent is gonna be my new monster  :dance:

Does not look my yellow naga is gonna be yeller  :confused: Still a highly productive plant.Hope they are tasty pods

yellow jonah


My best friend . Tebow 
