food S.I.P./Quarantine Cooking

No pics, never happened!

Party foul on Pookie!


Never Mind!!!! I found the pics.

Recent cooking/food incidences...
Eating burgers without buns cereal, so breakfast was a couple boiled eggs.
Before Quarantine, I'd stop at Hanks for a $7.99 6"hoagie deli sandwich. Now, tomorrow's lunch will be an egg salad sandwich....with a total food cost of about Fiddy Cents.

Improvise, adapt, overcome.

Ps, I didn't realize what I'd done on the peas until you mentioned it. At least someone got a laugh. :biggrin:
PFR and somosas


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Pineapple fried rice with samosas
Jasmine rice cooked with yellow curry in InstantPot
Fresh pineapple
Bag of stir fry ingredients, not frozen (with PEACE)
Thai cashews
Fresh chives
More yellow curry when frying with some salt and some spicy teriyaki
Samosas (frozen) with tamarind
Added hot sauce to it all
Shugah snaps.....Mmmmmmmm! I love them from the farmers market in spring. I usually eat half a pound on the way home.

So....was that one plate for now and one plate for later?


salsalady said:
GIPs pork with stuffing is a great idea. I love stuffing any time of year.

Sinensis, is there beef and rice in the cabbage rolls? Haven't made cabbage rolls in Ages! Like...30 years. Since the restaurant days.
My grandmother and mother made those stuffed with pork sausage, rice and tomatoes. They called them Pigs In Blankets.
THPers are some of the best nonprofessional chef anywhere. I know there are a couple pro-cooks, but for the most part, weekend warriors that freakin' rock the grill, wok, comal, flat top, oven, smoker, instapot, thatwierdhotwatercookingthing, pressure cooker, dehydrator....(add all the other cooking apparatuses you can think of...)

Everyone, lift your virtual THP hardhat...clink 'em in the middle of our Todd Hoffman pep talk... and everyone say "Go, THP!"

Actually, forget that. Everyone raise a glass if whatever you're drinking and say "Go, THP" :woohoo: :dance:

Joke on the jobsite today...
I should probably decide if I'm going to join Alcoholics Anonymous or weight watcher when this is all over.

Maybe both!
salsalady said:
Shugah snaps.....Mmmmmmmm! I love them from the farmers market in spring. I usually eat half a pound on the way home.

So....was that one plate for now and one plate for later?


SL, been with the same person for 20 years now... :D