food S.I.P./Quarantine Cooking

STROGANOFF!    I was going to say a HIT and a MISS...but I think it's more like 2 Half-Hits.  You'll see...
Batch 1-
I drive by the local Eagle's lodge where they have weekly dinners and post them on the reader board.   Beef Stroganoff was their special, and the inspiration for this dinner.
Carne asada meat, mushrooms and onions, sour cream...I thought I had some egg noodles in the pantry, but No-Go.  Okay, not a big deal, I'll just make some!  Mom used to do this, can't be that difficult~~~



so far, so good.

'shrooms and onions, sauted in butter

add some carne strips

sour cream, beef base, 1/2n1/2, black pepper (sorry geeme)

Cooked egg noodles, which were pretty thick and chewy, but the sauce was good...


Now, version 2.0.....
Stroganoff 2.0
after the too-thick egg noodles of the last batch, I tried it again. 

I'd let half of the mushrooms dry on the counter thinking I'd re-hydrate them for the next meal.  After soaking in hot water for almost an hour, they were pitched in the bin. 


I didn't have the beef strips, only ground beef, onions, beef base, the dairy, so this one ended up as basically a ground beef gravy over egg noodles.  Looks like a (insert British accent) 'right dogs dinnah', or something the cat threw up.  Take your pick.  :lol:  The lighting doesn't help either. 


It actually tasted pretty good......with the lights off.....
( Hmmm, It seems I didn't get the ingredients pic....)
1 large chicken breast, cut in half
1 small tin hatch chiles, Hot
8 oz cream cheese
4 cups chicken broth
diced onion
cooked Rice, black beans, 8" tortillas
Spices- chili powder, garlic, cumin, pepper powder, whatever...
Simmer onions, spices and hatch chiles in 4 cups broth until onions are cooked.  Add chicken breast and poach until cooked.  Remove chicken breast and shred.


Add cream cheese to broth, chop up and cook on low to melt the cream cheese into the broth.  Add a little flour/water if needed to thicken the sauce.


Ladle some of the cream sauce in the bottom of a baking dish.
Make the burritos with shredded chicken rice, beans, cheese and a ladle or 2 of cream sauce.
Lay in baking dish, cover with remaining sauce and BAKE! for about 45 minutes.




Top with cheese and whatever is available for garnish.  I didn't have any green onions, so the leftover black beans went on top.  Looks like rat turds,  :lol:  but it's not~

The refer was kinda full so we put the leftovers outside in the grill.  It's in the 20'sF.  Hey, ya do whatcha gotta do....especially after a couple re-wines and I don't feel like rearranging the whole fridge for a baking dish. 
Hangin' in.  I haven't been to my office in 8 months.  Been working from the house.  We're rural and it's finally got here and is hitting our county bad.  Staying on the farm .... no problems yet but have had a scare. My sister (lives a road over from me) went to town today and said there's shortages on TP and meat again.  We've got a hog and a side of beef in the freezers.  We've also got lots of home canned goods.  It's been a good time to clean out some of the freezer and pantry stuff too.  We're having lots of variety.  Masking if we leave the property.  
Things are going quite well down under.
Community transmissions are low enough to seem insignificant.
I can't help but think this is a lot to do with coming into summer with the normal lowering of things like cold and flu.
As soon as a few cases are reported they start closing things down though. A "cluster" of 17 cases in Adelaide, as reported this morning, and all other states are talking about closing off the borders and not letting people from the state of South Australia in
bob65 said:
Things are going quite well down under.
Community transmissions are low enough to seem insignificant.
I can't help but think this is a lot to do with coming into summer with the normal lowering of things like cold and flu.
As soon as a few cases are reported they start closing things down though. A "cluster" of 17 cases in Adelaide, as reported this morning, and all other states are talking about closing off the borders and not letting people from the state of South Australia in
USA is 4% of world population and has 20% of covid cases.  WTF?  Other countries' gubermints are way ahead dealing with this stuff.
HD~ hunkering down, growing food on the property, you got it going on. 
Runs on TP again?!?!???  Really??????  I'll post a pic in a bit with TP.   In the mean time....
texas blues said:
Salsa Lady is the bestest thang that ever happened to this forum.
Thanks, but Naw...I'm pretty sure TB and a gaggle of others got that title~
We have have just been staying low, very little interaction except backyard distanced visits with one or two friends or family. Unfortunately others here have gotten fed up to the point where they are doing risky gatherings and numbers are climbing and some form of lockdown seems inevitable again.

I have only had to go get the brain tickle once and miss a few days of work til the negative result came in.

I 100 % well 99.99999999% anyway knew it was just a sinus infection brought on by allergies, but my work has a zero symptom policy. Can't come in unless it resolves in a day, longer than that you have contact health care provider. No provider here will see anyone with covid-19 symptoms in their practice , you have to go to an assessment centre where they will prescribe but also test to make sure . It is actually a pretty amazingly effective setup so far, I just don't know how much they can handle as cases get out of hand again.

A little turkey smash burger action.

I'm so unorganized, I'm having to post dishes by what device the pictures were taken on!  :lol:
Here's a couple from the Kindle. 
Some kind of andouille one-dish pasta something.  It was pretty good,  I'd probably try it again.






A couple days ago, while blasting thru the market, trying to get out AFAIC (as fast as I could) I had a hankering for that deli broccoli raisin salad.  I remember it had broccoli and raisins (:duh:) some kind of nut, red onion, and something else....just couldn't remember....
I didn't buy sunflower seeds, but I did have some whole almonds at home.  Those got small chopped and toasted. 
the missing ingredient?   BACON!  :doh:  Oh well, it was still yummy, but definitely would be better with bacon~.  Next Time!


Lunch with an egg salad sammich.

Edmick and Ashen posting some good looking grub. 
Now for some pics that will definitely make you feel better about your cooks!!!!
PIZZA!!!!   piece of cake...or , I mean...Pie
Starts off good-


transfered the raw pie to the hot pizza stone in the oven.  The transfer didn't' go too well.


which left the stone looking like this, which got left in the oven to cool off, which got forgotten, which was in the oven when turned on a week or so later to 450F for a take-n-bake pizza....

And I don't have a pic of the baked baked stone.  Basically, all the crap that was on the the stone (pasta sauce, dough, pepperoni) scorched and the stone got pitched.  I though I had a pic, but couldn't find it on any of the 4 devices. 
Hi chili heads, all is well here in the SW AZ cases are popping but it normalizing the gov is taking this out of proportion. Sure people are going to get it but the vulnerables are taking precautions so we the rests of the world need to live our life free.

Anyways hi guys good morning from Tucson.
Greeting, chilehead amigos!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Its just the 2 of us, as much as we were really looking forward to seeing the kid. Playing it safe for everyone. Maybe Christmas, maybe later...

We usually do a prime rib for the holidays, not so much a fan of the whole turkey thang...although i wouldnt turn it down if someone else was cooking,,, and honestly, I'd cook it if the family wanted it.

This year I'm making chicken parmesan.

The other request John has was corned beef pie. It was a late start to have that for Thanksgiving, so that will be this weekend.

Cheers everyone! Be safe, enjoy your family and post up pics!