labels-artwork Sam&Oliver sauce company - sample label, bottle render soon

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 "Should I just start over?" 
 "There has to be a point where you stop taking advice and roll with what you like."
 "It's the pride of trying to do everything yourself..."
"...if you have a vision you want to achieve, hiring an artist can be a great way to go..."
--------------------- 8< *snip*
So here's the product design that the marketing firm and I settled on after discussing our company vision and direction.  Aside from minor edits (I see a few even now) I wanted a product packaging that would appeal to a broad general population audience from young to mature, with a bold look that could be easily identified and used by back-yard-grillers to sandwich shops to restaurant tables without losing it's charm.
Sam&Oliver is committed to only using the best wholesome ingredients to create healthy and fun condiments for anyone who wants to enjoy them with their food creations, and as such the packaging should also reflect this ideal with a clean label.
Sample Label:

Bottle Render by the design firm:  Finished product will use black caps and a black tamper-evident shrink band:

(coming soon)
Here's the Brand:


Colors used for the logo:

So that's what I've been doing for the last few weeks.  Once this is finalized I can start my Kickstarter, and then look into production, then product liability insurance and trying to figure out how to actually sell and/or ship the stuff for a fair price.
The hyphen depends on the usage and it's correct here.
The sauce is all natural.
Tomato is an all-natural ingredient.
Agreed, I hate justified text, the spaces look like errors. Horrible looking. I suggested that but he likes it.
Especially on the curvature of a hot sauce bottle. Who cares if the right side is lined up, you can't even see it... Left aligned. Uniform spacing.
Looking at my Nutrition Box... and comparing it to others online... dozens of them.  Why is my Nutrition Box so large? This is the one I was given by the Co-Packer so I should probably use it, but is there unnecessary lines in there that I could use for more space (say, for a recipe or suggestions?)
Kalitarios said:
Looking at my Nutrition Box... and comparing it to others online... dozens of them.  Why is my Nutrition Box so large? This is the one I was given by the Co-Packer so I should probably use it, but is there unnecessary lines in there that I could use for more space (say, for a recipe or suggestions?)
Are you doing 100000+ bottles? If not, you don't need a nutritional label.
OK I looked here:
 as a source
I was directed there from CT Department of Consumer Protection website
(j) The following foods are exempt from this section or are subject to special labeling requirements:
(1)(i) Food offered for sale by a person who makes direct sales to consumers (e.g., a retailer) who has annual gross sales made or business done in sales to consumers that is not more than $500,000 or has annual gross sales made or business done in sales of food to consumers of not more than $50,000, Provided, That the food bears no nutrition claims or other nutrition information in any context on the label or in labeling or advertising. Claims or other nutrition information subject the food to the provisions of this section.
So I could, in fact, cut that nutrition panel in half and fill it up with a recipe?  I wouldn't think any stores would want to carry my product without a panel at all... so I would model it after other hot sauces of what they show as relevant data.  This is where I am confused.  The co-packer said it was required, CT DCP said that foods being sold needed the nutrition box, ingredient list in predominance and the responsible party's address of where the product was made... but then also said the label must comply with the FDA requirements.  (see above quote).
This would give me room to add my Cinder-Ranch as a recipe instead of having to leave it on the website, or provide other usage suggestions.
business done in sales of food to consumers of not more than $50,000
This is telling me that if I am selling a food product (which my hot sauce is) that if I have greater than $50,000 I need one...
Nutrition label is indeed optional provided you meet those conditions. 
That said, no store would touch my products without one. Consumers care and "label watch" now days. Everyone is concerned about HFCS and sugar / sodium content. 
My market customers frequently check the nutrition panel before they even sample my wares. 
Strongly recommend using one. 
Block of ingredients text has the same problem by the way. Are you the one that is going to be standing in the store reading your label and buying your own sauce? Awesome! Print your text with massive mistakes and don't care about easy reading for the real customers. Sometimes it doesn't come down to personal taste, it comes down to doing it right or wrong.
:sigh:  NIPs are Not Required provided the business has an exemption on file with the FDA.
NIPs don't have to be the large rectangle graph, they can be linear text.  Check out a light beer for an example.  There's definitely room for a NIP on a beer can, but why don't they put it on there?  Regular beer doesn't have a NIP but light beers have to have it as they are making a claim as "lower calorie, lower carb.." whatever. 

There are different ways to configure the NIP, different designs, if you will. 
I got the same label.  It was just a jpeg and took up the whole side of the bottle so I found a way around it:
  • Free Nutrition Label Generator - This one is limited but definitely works and will provide a label as PDF or png.
  • Editable Adobe Illustrator File - This is the one I used.  There are many formats and it is an Illustrator template, so print quality will be high. The hard work is done and all you need to do is pick a style and fill in the boxes.
I agree you need the nutritional label.  Some stores may require it even if the FDA does not.  Hope this helps and congrats.
salsalady said:
:sigh:  NIPs are Not Required provided the business has an exemption on file with the FDA.
NIPs don't have to be the large rectangle graph, they can be linear text.  Check out a light beer for an example.  There's definitely room for a NIP on a beer can, but why don't they put it on there?  Regular beer doesn't have a NIP but light beers have to have it as they are making a claim as "lower calorie, lower carb.." whatever. 
There are different ways to configure the NIP, different designs, if you will. 
That better not be your hand! Who the hael drinks light beer?!?
Lucky Dog Hot Sauce said:
That better not be your hand! Who the hael drinks light beer?!?
:rofl:  Well yes, that was my hand....but it wasn't my beer!  It was leftover from a party about 2 years ago. 
It's been out in the garage, got frozen and exploded the bottom. Check out the Expiry date! 
'kay--- back on topic.  (Sorry, Kalitarios~  )  :)


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don't shoot me, but.....
The logo is Sam & Oliver
The text and website is Sam AND Oliver
Any way to get it all the same?  Again...thinking if someone googles sam&olivers.....will they find you?
By using and instead of & he's talking about the dogs, not the company. Learn more about the dogs. I got that, if it matters. But I also noticed what SL noticed. And maybe you can use the &, but with spaces. Like my previous example with Lea & Perrins. At this point, up to you. Looks good.