labels Sam&Oliver sauce company - sample label, bottle render soon

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 "Should I just start over?" 
 "There has to be a point where you stop taking advice and roll with what you like."
 "It's the pride of trying to do everything yourself..."
"...if you have a vision you want to achieve, hiring an artist can be a great way to go..."
--------------------- 8< *snip*
So here's the product design that the marketing firm and I settled on after discussing our company vision and direction.  Aside from minor edits (I see a few even now) I wanted a product packaging that would appeal to a broad general population audience from young to mature, with a bold look that could be easily identified and used by back-yard-grillers to sandwich shops to restaurant tables without losing it's charm.
Sam&Oliver is committed to only using the best wholesome ingredients to create healthy and fun condiments for anyone who wants to enjoy them with their food creations, and as such the packaging should also reflect this ideal with a clean label.
Sample Label:

Bottle Render by the design firm:  Finished product will use black caps and a black tamper-evident shrink band:

(coming soon)
Here's the Brand:


Colors used for the logo:

So that's what I've been doing for the last few weeks.  Once this is finalized I can start my Kickstarter, and then look into production, then product liability insurance and trying to figure out how to actually sell and/or ship the stuff for a fair price.
You don't need the word unprocessed. That's a debatable term anyway. This is processed, right? ;)
Looks all-natural to me. That's a great buzz term to use.
Some of your ingredients are processed.  Tomatoes (with the sub ingredients, I'm assuming they are canned tomatoes) and vinegar are both "processed" ingredients.  Can't say you use only unprocessed ingredients. 
Quality, wholesome, other words like that you can get away with.
I like #2 also. 
Couple things-
Try just center margining all the paragraphs on the left.  Right now they're mixed.
Reverse the black and red on the heat scale.  The RED indicates heat.  How much red is on the scale indicates how hot the product is.  More red=more hot.
Play with the font for the Made for/by lines.  I bet if it's tweaked a little, by using Narrow Arial font or something similar, you can get it all on one line.
And again....Spread out that center panel to within a couple MM of the side panels!  there's still some wasted space on both sides.  Use all the real estate available. 
IQF for all produce. Mash habanero from a farmer. Kosher salt (no anti-caking agents!). White distilled vinegar. I insisted on no canned products or items that would violate a natural or paleo diet.
Kalitarios said:
IQF for all produce. Mash habanero from a farmer. Kosher salt (no anti-caking agents!). White distilled vinegar. I insisted on no canned products or items that would violate a natural or paleo diet.
And as soon as you put all that in a pot together it's processed. You've processed those ingredients.

Salt is processed. You're not going to the ocean shore and scraping up sea salt, right?

Mash is clearly a processed (fermented) ingredient.

I like #2 as well.  It ties the sauce name in w/ the flames.  Otherwise too much white since both side panels are white.  I also agree the center panel can be widened.  I like the justified font and think the heat scale breaks the two font alignments sufficiently.  The bottom paragraph would probably not look good justified because some of the sentences would be too spread out.  However, it does look like there is a carriage return after inspires.  I don't think the "made for Sam&Olivers" is necessary.  Who else would it be made for?  Also, there is a typo in the ingredients "Habanera".

Kalitarios said:
IQF for all produce. Mash habanero from a farmer. Kosher salt (no anti-caking agents!). White distilled vinegar. I insisted on no canned products or items that would violate a natural or paleo diet.
Are you sure?  Why would IQF tomatoes have tomato juice and salt?
Everything is looking much better than when you began.  It has come together nicely.
Processed is not even a word people care about. They care more about all-natural, non-GMO, organic, etc. Vinegar does not exist in nature. Vinegar is made through a process. Vinegar is processed. Nothing wrong with vinegar. So unprocessed is meaningless anyway, since it doesn't mean good or bad.
SL, the red on the scale IS the heat level. So if this was medium, Medium would be red. Why would he make the heat scale all red for Extra Hot?? He has Extra Hot in red so we know this is Extra Hot. If every box was red how would you know what it was? I see what you're saying about a thermometer, but this is not a thermometer. One thing you can do is bold the word that is highlighted in red to avoid any confusion. That would help avoid the first and last entries where SL's eyes are playing tricks on her. She is thinking this is Hot, where the black ends, like a rising black thermometer. I think it's fine though. I think she is only seeing that because you called it Hot on the last label. But the bold would fix it.
Lots of IQF have other stuff on them.  Frozen peaches have "ascorbic acid, citric acid, and malic acid [for color retention] ".  It may be a matter of interpretation, but to me "unprocessed" ingredients means you are starting with raw, fresh items and doing all the processing yourself.  IQF peaches have been pealed, slices, sprayed with water/acid solution and frozen.  That's a "process".   
Never heard of IQF tomatoes, but there's a lot I haven't heard of.  :lol:  "Tomatoes (tomatoes, tomato juice, salt)" is processed somehow~
Does the mash have salt or vinegar?  Most mashes do, it bears checking.
S&O ingredients.JPG

Boss- must be a left brain-right brain thing....
yep, definitely left brain-right brain thing.... 
heat scales.JPG

He is going to mark the red on the heat level it is. It is not rising. That would make no sense. Picture just Hot in red. Get it?
Like Gemini's circled heat levels.
Correct. If one person is confused it just represents a percentage.
I'd bold the heat level it's at and add a little black to the ends so when the red it is at the first or last position, you can tell it's a slide not a thermometer.
Or re-do and make it super obvious.
yes, definitely better.  And if there were other sauces with it that were Mild and Medium, that would demonstrate how the scale worked. 
Right after the AhHA! I did this, then had to log off for some computer maintenance.
scales #2.JPG

Ohm, and I like what LDHS says, if you have to explain it, it's not working. 