• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Here is the list so far:

7 pot Jonah (Mgold/Matt pod)
7 pot mystery (Mgold/Matt pod)
7 pot Red (Jamie/Romy pod)
7 pot yellow (Mgold/Matt pod)
Aji Lemon (Romy pod)
Assam (Mgold/Matt pod)
Barrackpore (Pepperlover)
Bhut Giant Red (Matt/Mgold pod)
Bhut Peach (Matt/Mgold pod)
Bhut Chocolate (Matt/Mgold pod)
Bhut Hybrid (Jamie/Romy pod)
Brain Strain Yellow (DVFSTR/Dave pod)
ButchT (Dvfstr/Dave pod) and Mgold's (Pod)
CARDI Scorp Yellow (Jamie/Romy pod)
Choc Hab (PaulG pod) (Romy) (Matt/Mgold)
Datil (Jamie/Romy pod)
Dorset Naga (Jamie/Romy)
Douglah Red (Dfstr/Dave pod)
Douglah Hybrid (Jamie/Romy Pod)
Fatalli x Red Savina (Matt/Mgold pod)
Goats Weed (PaulG pod)
Habanero BLK (Matt/Mgold pod)
Moruga Red (Matt/Mgold pod)
Naga Morich (Matt/Mgold pod)(DVFSTR/Dave pod) (Paul G I think)
Suave Red (NMSU) two seeds
Trinidad Scorp Yellow (Matt/Mgold pod)
Trinidad Perfume (Matt/Mgold pod)
Uba Tuba (NMSU) I only have two seeds
Zavory (Burpee) Two seeds

Seeds yet to purchase:

7 pot infinity
7 pot Primo
7 pot Brown
Black Cayman
Black Naga
Black Stinger
Cleo's Dragon
Malaysian Goronong
Moruga Scorp Yellow
Naga Viper
Red Savina
Safi Red
West Indian Red

Wish list:
Billy Boy Douglah
Sepia Serpent
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
WAKE UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP... hows the rennies;;;...


To be continued

highalt said:
Hey, Pia, where you at, girl?  I'm thinking you're off sipping margaritas on a tropical beach somewhere, since I haven't seen you around in a while.
I'm hoping your off doing something fun, and not just working too much to visit THP.
Looking forward to your next update!
Thanks for checking in on me. I haven't posted because I haven't been able to get out to the garden. Doc said I have chondoplacia or something like that. In other words, I over used my knees. Now before we get into the Rollin over in laughter, lemme just say I was digging up my garden and not indulged in any other ...ahemmm... activities. Yes, I have six weeks of perverted sidelines in my head as to why my knees were "overused". And mind you, this is from co-workers and in laws. So ya. I have heard it all. Anywho, I plan on cleaning up the garden this weekend (no rain finally) and doig an update.

Denniz if I read one knee joke from you I am going to cyber punch you FYI.
Sorry to hear about your knees Pia, and I know it's no joke. In fact, working/weeding in your garden might be an appropriate pennance for the jokers in your family... ;)
The Rennie's looking fine... hope the rest of the menagerie is as well. Cheers!
Sanarda said:
Thanks for checking in on me. I haven't posted because I haven't been able to get out to the garden. Doc said I have chondoplacia or something like that. In other words, I over used my knees. Now before we get into the Rollin over in laughter, lemme just say I was digging up my garden and not indulged in any other ...ahemmm... activities. Yes, I have six weeks of perverted sidelines in my head as to why my knees were "overused". And mind you, this is from co-workers and in laws. So ya. I have heard it all. Anywho, I plan on cleaning up the garden this weekend (no rain finally) and doig an update.

Denniz if I read one knee joke from you I am going to cyber punch you FYI.
I had to Google that one, yeah, over use. Well I'll keep my mouth shut, dang that's tough to do....you get well hear?
Hey Pia,  I have about 2 plastic little stools that I sit on when I weed by hand.  They are in different parts of the garden.  When I have
to do a lot of weeding I use my good sharp hoe that wipes them out pretty fast.  I need my plastic stools, saves my back.
I hope the knee(s) get better soon!  Chondromalacia at least is better than a torn meniscus!  I agree with Rick...your family and co-workers need to pay your back by gardening for you! 
Rennie and the Sepia Serpent look great!  I haven't tried a Rennie, but the Sepia Serpent is easily the hottest chile I have ever tried.  Just got my first ripe one earlier this week.  Wonky shape but ripened brown and was a definite fireball!  So stoked for you that the plant looks great!
Pia, take care of your knees, hon; with your strength of personality ya had to have known the knee jokes were coming. I'd probably been (and well, have been) and have responded, "I'd not be in pain if ya'll had got with the program! Think I like limp-assed pasta?" I got one of my brothers with that. He was . . . stunned into silence. :dance: (I feel certain you were able to handle yaself.) But do, please take care of your knees. Please.
DocNrock said:
I hope the knee(s) get better soon!  Chondromalacia at least is better than a torn meniscus!  I agree with Rick...your family and co-workers need to pay your back by gardening for you! 
Rennie and the Sepia Serpent look great!  I haven't tried a Rennie, but the Sepia Serpent is easily the hottest chile I have ever tried.  Just got my first ripe one earlier this week.  Wonky shape but ripened brown and was a definite fireball!  So stoked for you that the plant looks great!
. Doc I got an extra rennie plant that's flowering in a 1 gal. More than welcome to take it.

Pia. Yours in knees. Mine is vertigo. I can't go attended to. My plants as up a down will make me drop to the floor
Pia!  Girl, you take it easy on those knees.  You've only got one pair.  
Maybe a little less praying   :pray:   ;)  would give them a break so you
can garden more!
Your Congo Trinidad Yellow is starting to grow out more.  I'm hoping
for a good comparison between the red and yellows this season.  
Your start-ups are looking good!
Pia, just found my way back to your glog.  Sorry to hear about your knees.  I used to have problems with mine, but I quit noticing it when I quit trail running.  I still wear ace knee braces when backpacking, though.  Otherwise I'm likely to be crawling out on all fours.  And I'm with Linda on getting a stool to sit on when weeding.
stc3248 said:
Whatup lady!!! Sorry to hear about your knees...know your pain! Take a motrin and a fifth of whisky!
I read that as, "Take a month and a fifth of whisky", and thought, "it's going to take more than one fifth".
Spicegeist said:
Hi P., I thought I'd share what the Yellow Congo is growing out like:
Thats a crazy looking pod Spice.  Its wayyyy longer than mine were last year.  Cant wait to see it ripen up. Thanks for sharing.  Your seeds are doing great.  Im in Florida on Vacay, but got the garden weeded finally before I left so I will be doing a vid when I get back Next Wednesday.
DocNrock said:
Appreciate it, King, but I need another plant like I need a hole in the head! 
More updates, Pia!
Hey Doc.  More updates when I get off vacay.  I'm in Florida taking it easy.  The weather is crazy this year though.  More rain than I expected.
GA Growhead said:
Where you at Pia?
Hey GA.  I took Linda's advice and got me a stool, did some weeding just before vacay.  I return on Wednesday and will do a vid.  
Thanks for thinking about me all.  I have lots to show you when I get back.  Kisses
Hey, Pia, just checkin' in - Hope your vacation in Flo was a good one.