• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Here is the list so far:

7 pot Jonah (Mgold/Matt pod)
7 pot mystery (Mgold/Matt pod)
7 pot Red (Jamie/Romy pod)
7 pot yellow (Mgold/Matt pod)
Aji Lemon (Romy pod)
Assam (Mgold/Matt pod)
Barrackpore (Pepperlover)
Bhut Giant Red (Matt/Mgold pod)
Bhut Peach (Matt/Mgold pod)
Bhut Chocolate (Matt/Mgold pod)
Bhut Hybrid (Jamie/Romy pod)
Brain Strain Yellow (DVFSTR/Dave pod)
ButchT (Dvfstr/Dave pod) and Mgold's (Pod)
CARDI Scorp Yellow (Jamie/Romy pod)
Choc Hab (PaulG pod) (Romy) (Matt/Mgold)
Datil (Jamie/Romy pod)
Dorset Naga (Jamie/Romy)
Douglah Red (Dfstr/Dave pod)
Douglah Hybrid (Jamie/Romy Pod)
Fatalli x Red Savina (Matt/Mgold pod)
Goats Weed (PaulG pod)
Habanero BLK (Matt/Mgold pod)
Moruga Red (Matt/Mgold pod)
Naga Morich (Matt/Mgold pod)(DVFSTR/Dave pod) (Paul G I think)
Suave Red (NMSU) two seeds
Trinidad Scorp Yellow (Matt/Mgold pod)
Trinidad Perfume (Matt/Mgold pod)
Uba Tuba (NMSU) I only have two seeds
Zavory (Burpee) Two seeds

Seeds yet to purchase:

7 pot infinity
7 pot Primo
7 pot Brown
Black Cayman
Black Naga
Black Stinger
Cleo's Dragon
Malaysian Goronong
Moruga Scorp Yellow
Naga Viper
Red Savina
Safi Red
West Indian Red

Wish list:
Billy Boy Douglah
Sepia Serpent
Absolutely Annie. I am growing in ground. When ever your ready hit that I95. I even have a spare bedroom so you can rest up after a long hard day. Come on up. I will have lots of pods to spare my friend. Just let me know what you want. Shane is my motivation. He gets me outta my vegetative funk. Ahhhaaaaaaa. Thanks SpiceGeist. I have two more of your crosses to sow but I need to sterilize my trays first. GH I did do mostly supers as I am hoping to make some good hot sauces. My Bhut hot sauce is almost gone and I am about to have a fit. Thanks JJJ. I will have to strategically plan my vacation this year.

Awrrrriiiiiiiiiight! Inground! Don't tempt me on fall vacation! I know 95 well. Band tours to The City. "Long hard days" are my specialty . . . hit 'em with good compost tea and take a break. I can get away with that in late June, early July. Come mid-July, naw. I'll look over your list, you look over mine and whatever each of us doesn't have we can care-package the other. Hint: Black Naga I do not have, ha! I had some my red Naga sauce on spag last night. With smoked Naga/tom/basil red sauce. The other half got "vanilla." :rolleyes: And Shane was talking about some of his maybe dying! (No; he can't talk that way!) I did the "semper fi" and "physician heal thyself" thang on him ;) Love that guy! Peace out lady!

Hilarious,Annie! I gotta spare Black Naga when we hit A-ville, if it survives me -my best sprouting super.

I need to put the Papa Legba on that Black Naga? :rofl: You best not be lettin' it die. So close . . . yet so far away? NAW! NO! Non! Nein! NAHI! (that one's Hindi and ought to work)! Peace. ;)
OKKKKKK Thought I would give few update pics.











YUP They are getting biggerrrrrrr
Thanks Jamison and Lolita is a growing beast. I will take more pictures when I get home because photobucket deleted some of my pics

Stefan they are in 4 inch pots

Thanks JJJessee. I was really concerned for a while there.

In big part to you my friend. And to you I say, many many thanks.

Thanks Pulpiteer. The only problem I have is that I cant stop sowing seeds. I need to get a handle on that. :rofl:
I'm not sure RM. I need to get the weather for next weekend. It's hard to do it during the week because if work and I want to monitor them while hardening them off. Plus l am still sowing my last round of seeds so not in too big of a rush. I'm more anxious for actual plant out.
The only problem I have is that I cant stop sowing seeds. I need to get a handle on that. :rofl:

I still try to squeeze every last centimeter out of my little grow cabinet. I have 2 more Butch T's, and had to rip my heart out of my chest to take almost everything else out of the germinator tank so I wouldn't keep putting dirt into stuff to accomodate them!
Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous, Pia! Dang, what a great save and the result? = WOW. Yep. Confirmed masochist here, as well . . . but I just can't bring myself to plant another seed. But, I have a space since one jaloro died . . . UGH! I'm gonna quit hangin' round you; ya influence me! :rofl: ("I could plant another red fatalii!") ;)
Is my single cardi scorp gonna die?????
I have more seeds sooooo ya. Need to know. Ya know what. I'm sowing them anyway


