food Sandwich of the Month

Luckydog, bread was one of the family herb and garlic loaf store bought.

HTH, breaded then shallow fried

Was extremely full afterwards geeme
Monte Cristo or a Monte FAIL, sort of i think, hell i'm from Australia, what would i know??
Started off ok, but had the pan too hot, trying to do too many things at once, anyways, might as well post it, still ate it, tasted good, just not easy on the eyes
Mayo top and bottom, sriracha middle, turkey and ham, colby and havarti cheese



Booma said:
Monte Cristo or a Monte FAIL, sort of i think, hell i'm from Australia, what would i know??
Heck, I'm from the U.S. and I've never made or even tried one of those. I'm not a big fan of most bread, mayo, or lunch meat. BUT that bread looks pretty awesome, and the havarti rocks. I'd still scarf .... oh, maybe half of that .... in a heartbeat! 
(Hey - half a sammie is all I ever eat, so no insult intended!)
I am here.
Work and the The Blues Studio leave me with less time for posting tomfoolishnessessess.
Its been slow before up in this thread but no worries.
SOTM is like a cockroach.
You can't kill it, ain't it just won't die.
So whutch'all think about for June SOTM?
I'm thinkin' ever body and their momma will be bbq'in up regular like.
Which means brisket.
Pulled pork.
Smoked turkey.
Texas brisket on plain white bread with thick bread and butter pickles and whole pickled xalapa's for gnawin' on between bites of briskey sammich.
Sex in your mouf'.
I wanna' see some mouth fisting up in here!!!