food Sandwich of the Month

tsk. tsk. tsk.
All that smokin' bugaloo goin' on over in the t-down and not one bbq sammich posty'd up in here.
I am slowly losing the will to live.
And don't skip on the pickled xalapas and bread n' butter pickles when posting dadgummit!
texas blues said:
tsk. tsk. tsk.
All that smokin' bugaloo goin' on over in the t-down and not one bbq sammich posty'd up in here.
I am slowly losing the will to live.
And don't skip on the pickled xalapas and bread n' butter pickles when posting dadgummit!
Might need to thaw some and post another one!
Where's yours, sic? 
I'm thinking the brisky in the fridge just might be sammie-worthy later today..... low and slow, low and slow.
Well..... I'm not really a starch fan, and rarely eat bread. In particular, I rarely eat Kaiser rolls, as they're too... bready.... for me. But I didn't grocery shop, so as the saying goes, beggers can't be choosers. So here's my sammie, brisky with CaJohn's tequila lime BBQ sauce and pickled okra.....
Nice bark on the dead animal carcass G.
I'd call that chingon.
The okra on the other hand...
I gotta' consult Magic 8 Ball for the verdict on that stuff.
Ok, on second thought, I'll forgive you if you don't like that mix of okra and tomatoes that looks like weird-a$$ splooge and that some people actually seem to like. Yeah, the stuff they used to slap on a section of the plate in your grade-school cafeteria. That stuff. But pickled or fried okra.... DA BOMB!