food Sandwich of the Month

geeme said:
THE TB - no likey okra, and in particular hot pickled okra?????? Are you SURE you're from Texas, boi?  ;)
Okra is a Loo'sana' 'thang. 
Not Texan.
Bear in mind I consider my LA bros as honorary Texans, but 'fer some 'thangs I draw the line.
Heh. I guess being in Houston, a tad closer to the border, makes EVERYTHANG seem Texan. Trust me now - okra is big in that area. Along with every kind of asian, mexican, brazilian..... Oh yeah, and even Tex-Mex. Just not the bland midwestern crud they have here. Nope. Not that.
I have a sneaking suspicion he just doesn't KNOW. Mebee I'll ship him a case and if they don't care for it after actually trying it, more for me when I come visit!  :D
Scoville DeVille said:
Put your Damm readers on! I am ok with Pickled Okra.

But pickled Gumbo? not so sure...
Ummm gumbo is okra fool.
I have only had it once. LadySic turned us onto it when we were in FLOrida.
She was bummed that the store didn't have "Hot".

I think I would have like that even better.
Gumbo is Southern stew.

Filé Gumbo is powdered Sassafrass
Gumbo's another word for okra. The stew is called gumbo because it's thickened with... gumbo! Anywho. I like it. Pickled too.
Geeme knows. She's down with the pickled gumbo.
Allrighty then fools!
Will SOMEONE please posty up any sammich at all up in here.
Posty up a tuna melt even.
Post it and I will love you looooooong time.
In a small part of NJ, *this* is closer to a "Sloppy Joe" than a manwich version ...




There have been others, recently ...

And ...

And ...

And even ...

Let's see ... what else ... Publix rocks.

It's hot - so there's been less cooked food of late!
Ok, no matter what this weekend I'll product some pork goodness on a samich! Tonight will be chimichurri steak nachos and going to trying something apeshit tomorrow and do a grilled chimichurri deer loin but BBQ samich this weekend for sure!!!!!!