food Sandwich of the Month

Okay TB, I guess I have to rescue your thread again. The first sammie is for you. 100% hippy vegetarian crap. 
Some kind of veggie mett split and fried in the butter that I sauteed the onion and 'shrooms in. No grilled or plating pic because my hippy wife was hungry. 

The rest of us had shredded chicken drowned in a mixture of Franks and a wing sauce. 

Pressed in the Forman grill until all melty, I put on some pickled peppers and saurkraut for good measure. Served with fried polenta, asparagus and green beans in a cheese sauce. 

I would have taken the time for better staged pictures, but the wife was in no mood to wait on dinner for pictures so these will have to do.  :crazy:
Jeff wins.

He is on the precipuss of hippy/healthy/tasty damm food.

I am speechless tho, like seeing an 80 y.o. Nekked retired Supermodel.

Can't look, but can't look away either.
Ain't got to post no hippy sheeit up in this thread lessn' its a hippy SOTM.
You done goodern' hell anyhow Jeff.
What's the splooge on the 'sparagus?
Come on y'all.
Jeff has set the bar.
Get down on it!

Oh wait.
I reread.
Queso on the 'sparagus.
SSSSssshhhhhhhh! I went and got some fixin's tonight, including a loaf of bakery bread AND HID IT FROM MY SON!  BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
Seriously, that entire loaf would be gone by morning if I didn't hide it. :rolleyes:
geeme said:
SSSSssshhhhhhhh! I went and got some fixin's tonight, including a loaf of bakery bread AND HID IT FROM MY SON!  BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
Seriously, that entire loaf would be gone by morning if I didn't hide it. :rolleyes:
Thankfully I don't have to worry about hiding the sheeit I eat from mrs. blues.
She won't touch it.
Her choice.
texas blues said:
Thankfully I don't have to worry about hiding the sheeit I eat from mrs. blues.
She won't touch it.
Her choice.
Hmmm I wonder why she won't eat that chingada!
Pictured: Shredded jalapeno havarti cheese, Lady Sic's EXTRA HOT pickled okra (made with Trinidad Scorpions), leftover corned beef, and whole grain tuscany loaf slices. In the small bowl is jalapeno pureé, old style whole-grain mustard, and a touch of brown sugar. Not pictured is fresh torn basil.

Buttered one side of each piece of bread then slapped on the mustard mix:

Scheeze, pleaze!

Layer o' corned beef:

Torn basil and sliced pickled okra:

Moar scheeze, then top it:

I have no bot, so I heated up two skillets and used the hot CI skillet as the press. I also don't have four hands, so you only get to see the completed pic:


Messy and good!
Outdangstanding G!
Great pics too.
Looking at that combo of flavors with the whole grain mustard got my mouf' all lit up like a pinball machine on 220v.
Hard to beat seasoned cast iron for rocking a sammich old school like that too.
WHOA! That may be the best combo of flavors I've seen up in here in awhile!

Heat, sweet, sour, and LOVE havarti. Basil for a fresh hit. NICE!
Minor execution point deduction:  most pieces cut with grain, not against. :P
Thanks guys!
Yeah, LOL, I noticed the grain after I posted. I don't have a fancy meat slicer, just a sharp knife, and was more focused on trying to make the slices as thin as possible. I'm not usually a sammie maker, but I wanted another one like it after this was gone; it really was a good flavor combo.
I am diggin' everything about this sandwich.  I love the bread the most, but the mustard with the cheese and the corned beef has me salivating.  I have not had the pleasure of the hot pickled okra yet.  Well done.
Hey y'all,
Posting from the hotel room in Tampa.
Had to go a meet with some of mrs. blues chica amigas in the afternoon but I agreed only to do so if could get down with a Cuban sandwich first. 
Several locals recommended this joint and it got excellent write ups. Listed as one of the top if not THE top joint to hit up for Cuban's.

Started off well enough with some Croquetas Jamon'.
Dang' tasty.

It was all down hill from there.
This joint was supposed to be one of the most "authentic Cuban" joints in town.
Their "Original Cuban" on their menu listed it as pork, ham, salami, swiss cheese, mustard, mayo, & pickle on a toasted Cuban roll. Add lettuce & tomato extra.
WTF? Mayo? Add lettuce & tomato? I expected the salami and reckoned I'd just take it off.
I ordered a real real Cuban with just pork, ham, swiss, pickle, and mustard.
Joint was packed with locals so took about 15 minutes but that was cool. 
I was digging the hole in the wall atmosphere.
Here's what I got for my "Cuban".
Looks good huh?

Here's the innard's and I am shitting you not. One little forlorn slice of pickle that I couldn't even taste when I ate it.
And look at the "pork". I could have sneezed a larger portion of pork on there.
There was supposedly some melty swiss in there somewhere but the slice I found was thinner and smaller than a single sheet of toilet paper. 
Tasted like it too.

So what I got was a toasted sliced ham sandwich. mrs. blues said the pork tasted awful and removed what little there was to eat hers. She was unthrilled to say the least and I was rather embarrassed to have dragged her to this joint.
It was a damn disappointment. 
I've got a couple more days in Tampa yet but this episode just ruined my craving for a Cuban in Tampa.
The thing is, the joint is located in a for real working class Cuban neighborhood, gets talked up big by locals, and gets great press.
Tomorrow I'm supposed to go with mrs. blues to help out at her job. 
They always get catered food.
I reckon I'm going to lose a few pounds on this trip.
Wow, too bad TB. I hate layers and layers of plain ole' deli ham like that. No flavor! And it's not even sliced thin!
The ham is an accent on a Cuban... the pernil (or pulled pork) is what matters. You got robbed! That's a Boar's Head ham hero from the deli.
Go to Miami, pronto.
Tampa... Where the sand is dark and the people are light.

Miami... Where the sand is light and the people are dark.

Translation: better Cubano's NOT in Tampa.

Sorry TB. That sucks... You could have made a better sandwich in your hotel room with a couple bucks, papaerplates and this...

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THP, Boar's Head Ham would have been an upgrade. This stuff was clearly Sysco/generic food service sheeit. And the pernil, well I'd be embarrassed to call it that.
Scovie, lots of real deal nice Cuban folks here. In fact ever body is super laid back and cool. Most of the old white folks we've seen live over in Clearwater and St. Pete. I'd say Tampa and the outlying metro area would be a great place to live. It's green, clean, close to the gulf and beaches, and I have nothing but positive 'thangs to say about it. 
We had breakfast in Clearwater yesterday morning at a joint called Lenny's. Outstanding! I had a crab cake benny! Best meal we've had yet.
texas blues said:
THP, Boar's Head Ham would have been an upgrade. This stuff was clearly Sysco/generic food service sheeit. And the pernil, well I'd be embarrassed to call it that.
I can tell, it has that bloated watery mushy look like the cheap-o flavor injected ham.
Glad you had a good brekkie!