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Sandwich of the Month

Hey y'all. A recent discussion with THP about Cuban sandwich's in another thread has inspired me to begin this thread.

What is a sandwich? According to wiki...


I myself shall endeavor to post a Sandwich of the Month for every month. This month I tip my hat to one of my favorite sandwiches, The Cuban.

While I encourage y'all to post up your Cuban for SOTM, for the sake of popularizing the thread, feel free to post your sandwich. Be it BLT, turkey sub, gyro, po'boy, etc.

Some rules.

1 ~ Meet the criteria as linked above according to wiki.

2 ~ True, burgers are sandwiches but as we have other threads devoted to them, we will not include them here in this thread. No burgers.

3 ~ List ingredients and methods of how the sandwich was put together.

4 ~ No matter if it is a classic reuben or tuna salad, include a heat ingredient.

5 ~ Pics are mandatory. Talk is cheap. Show us the money!

6 ~ No tortillas. We have taco threads already, and that also means no stinkin' "wraps".

7 ~ Have fun.

I'll post up my sandwich shortly.

Bon appetit!
texas blues said:
I declare SOTM for February to be Sausage!
Whereda' sausage lovers at?
Here i am! Where i live, we are strong on pork meat, and sausages are good. I'd say we have among the best sausages of Italy! They deserved to be cooked on embers and grill, but a pan is good too!
Here i used some standard sausages. We have also luganega (abused word, different from region to region) or morette wich are poor sausages with bloody parts... Normal sausages are better, but luganega is hardcore! :D Also other like salsicce col radeseo (or mortadelle, nothing to do with normal mortadella) wich are round and fatter...
Ok, i'm not good at making sandwiches, so you will see something not very elegant here not organizes... But i guarantee that was not healty too, so i should still earn some points! :D
Here pics of tonight:

Cheese: Dobbiaco, Tosella, Asiago.
Sausages: Salsiccia, and Salsiccia all'aglio (with garlic)
Some nice roud pancetta (bacon) 1mm or little more thick
Bread: normal for hamburgers and other onion powered
pepper powder
maionese (not in pic)
onions (not in pic and i forgot to take one of the pan)

Formaggio, pancetta and salsiccie:

Random mess:






Wow essegi! "Random mess" looks tasty!
JayT said:
I am liking this, but why did you chop up the sausage rather than leave it whole?
You've never taken sausage out of the casing for more convenient eating? Hmmm......
geeme said:
Wow essegi! "Random mess" looks tasty!
You've never taken sausage out of the casing for more convenient eating? Hmmm......
I have, but not when I am putting it on a bun.  And usually before cooking not after.
Essi your sausage sandwich makes mine look like cold cabbage water.
You used a press.
And good lookin' meatness.
Even some sheeit I never heard of.
Goodern' hell ain't enough to describe it in this case.
Ever 'thang you do and post rocks!
Thanks all! :D
I am liking this, but why did you chop up the sausage rather than leave it whole?
If you mean why here are broken http://i.minus.com/iSPIRv52cE1D0.jpg it's genuine lack of skills! :D
I had hard time to remove budello (guts)... There are some flat salsiccia specific for sandwiches (maybe without guts) next time i should try that.

If you ask why i didn't remove guts before cooking... I tried but wasn't easy (so i believe it would be easier after soem cooking, and it would have been true if i'd waited right moment and i didn't)... Usually these are for grill, polenta and a good red wine (Cabernet is an easy win)! :D
Grilled polenta:
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Oh for Chrises sakes. I want that to be my next meal and my last meal and all my meals in between.
I think I just saw an angel.

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Imonna post a few more times more times so i can see it again and again as i scroll down.

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Essegi, I think I love you.
(Not in a gay way) (not that there is anything wrong with that)

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Look at that MANWICH! LOOK AT IT!!!

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Essegi well done with the sandwich.........my mouth is watering, and you got Scovie drooling on his keyboard.......one of his keys got stuck.

I'll have to whip up a Barese sometime this month.
Jay, your sandwiches have always something special!
Thanks Pic and Jeff!
Little ot: i post some local sausages pics. I need them for tomorrow to use in pizza and piadina.
These are from one of the best local butchery and it's high quality. Unfortunately they hadn't one called "salsiccia col radeseo" or "mortadellina" that were maybe the most interesting. I dont' even know if it's really a sausage and if it is correct to call it salsiccia, but surely is similar.
Imagine a meatball like an hambuger but thicker. It's covered with pork omentum (radeseo), a net like tissue. Meat inside is similar to sausage or fresh salami pasta.
Next time i hope to find that, they are fatter than a normal sausage and are something special.
Here the team for tomorrow:

From left to right:

Standard sausage. Trusty like your best friend. This is the salsiccia.
Luganega (maybe moretta)

The bad boy of the group. Made with poor parts of pork, bloody parts, some entrails.
Sausage is better and some people is disgusted at that. Cooking on grill is difficult, they break easily, it's easy to burn them and hsve other parts uncooked.
And about luganega term... Often is used across Italy to mean salsiccia. Other times is a different thing. I suppose local meaning varies every 50km across north Italy (in other parts of Italy they boil it on water)... And probably i'm saying a lot of bullshit... I can only say that normal sausage is better, but luganega is for real men!
Salsiccia con pasta di salame:

The noble one of the group. Another salsiccia, with salami meat. I really don't know the difference between meat parts, Taste is more gentle.

Like salsiccia but thinner. Usually sold in spirals 20-25cm diameter.
Salame fresco

Fresh salami (slices here), excellent to grill. Maybe has the same meat type of salsiccia con pasta di salame.
Polenta is the best friend of that stuff.