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food Sandwich of the Month

Essegi said:
Here i am! Where i live, we are strong on pork meat, and sausages are good. I'd say we have among the best sausages of Italy! They deserved to be cooked on embers and grill, but a pan is good too!
Here i used some standard sausages. We have also luganega (abused word, different from region to region) or morette wich are poor sausages with bloody parts... Normal sausages are better, but luganega is hardcore! :D Also other like salsicce col radeseo (or mortadelle, nothing to do with normal mortadella) wich are round and fatter...
Ok, i'm not good at making sandwiches, so you will see something not very elegant here not organizes... But i guarantee that was not healty too, so i should still earn some points! :D
Here pics of tonight:

Cheese: Dobbiaco, Tosella, Asiago.
Sausages: Salsiccia, and Salsiccia all'aglio (with garlic)
Some nice roud pancetta (bacon) 1mm or little more thick
Bread: normal for hamburgers and other onion powered
pepper powder
maionese (not in pic)
onions (not in pic and i forgot to take one of the pan)

Formaggio, pancetta and salsiccie:

Random mess:







Have mercy...:)
More of a dog than a sandwich, but here is my effort from last night. Diced onion, capsicum, ham, pickled Jalapenos, tomato sauce, mustard, Habanero sauce, cheese. 

Frying the veggies. Instead of oil I used butter to grease the pan. Definitely can taste the flavour the butter gives it. 

All piled on

Let's eat!
Screw that Nelly guy!
This ain't no hip hop Wu Tang 'thang.
SoFlo and Sum laid down plenty rock up in this shizzle.
I'm down on it like a mutha'.
If SoFlo Sum & Fiddy don't post it, you don't want it.
Sum's in the hizzouse! Meat wrapped sausage... Classic SoFlo excellence.

And HK is showing too! That is some good shit workin there mang. I would fork'n knife that thing aaaallll niiiight looong.

Lookin good people. Lotsa good stuff this month fo sho.

Maybe I can show this month if I get some Dinty Moore and pull the weenies out of the beenies.
Scoville DeVille said:
Sum's in the hizzouse! Meat wrapped sausage... Classic SoFlo excellence.

And HK is showing too! That is some good shit workin there mang. I would fork'n knife that thing aaaallll niiiight looong.

Lookin good people. Lotsa good stuff this month fo sho.

Maybe I can show this month if I get some Dinty Moore and pull the weenies out of the beenies.
Weeinies on beenies?
That's called artisan sausage with pork and bean reduction.
And HK.
Another stinkin' Aussie that makes sheeit goodern' hell!
HK rockin' it!
Just like all them stinkin' Aussies's do.