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food Sandwich of the Month

Basic: bread, sausage and mayonesa. One with panca powder, the other with 7pot sauce.


Dont have to tell you wich has more fire...
Mmmmmmmm choripan? One of my faves!
Argentine (parillero?) sausage on soft bagette-style rolls! This is how to do sausage. Good with chimichurri too. I love the choripan.
coki, you have my attention!
LOL I thought that WAS! Tell me the difference. Was that not chorizo?
Looks good whatever you call it. :) I like simplicity with grilled sausage and bread.
No, that was "pancho" you call it hotdog. Choripan is with "chorizo" cocked on the brasas and bread more like vagette than hot dog bread.

I hope you understand my english... :huh:
I do thanks!
Yeah I know the "chori" is chorizo in choripan... hard to tell in your pics (okay I see the hot dog type ends now). I'll take the pancho! But yeah post choripan please, I want to see how a real Argentinean does it!
Hells Kitchen said:

Let's eat!

TB, looks like you revived the SOTM with a good choice of sammie!
This is from a while back....but I ain't around my kitchen until the weekend. This is what I will be doing come Saturday...


Yup...eggs, bacon, turkey, Numex Big Jim's, colby Jack and some of gnslngr's burbon 7 pot sauce matched up with some Tex-Mex style venison sausage on a bagel for breakfast...mmmm. 
Thanks for this thread TB...keeping me hungry for sure!
Brekkie bagel sausage sammich.
I like to be liking it!
STC, I only start some threads here on THP.
Y'all are what make 'em AWESOME!
The Hot Pepper said:
I do thanks!
Yeah I know the "chori" is chorizo in choripan... hard to tell in your pics (okay I see the hot dog type ends now). I'll take the pancho! But yeah post choripan please, I want to see how a real Argentinean does it!


TB, looks like you revived the SOTM with a good choice of sammie!
LOL my stomach was thinking the same thing first thing next morning....... and for the rest of the day for that matter, almost called in sick for work   :eek: God bless the bloke who invented the modern "throne"  ;)  :D tasted great though but won't make a habit of it lol 
STC, that is the perfect brekky right there! Kind of reminds me of that Man VS Food episode where they made a burger out of Krispy Creme donuts.  
That time i used 3 ingredients i really wanted to use...
The players;

That thing is the salsiccia col radeseo or mortadellina or i don't know, a local and obscure type.
Men, that thing is good! That could be the ultimate sausage.
Then cheese:

Grana padano specifically made for grill. Very young, only 6 months of aging... Then tosella.
Grilled cheese could be the best thing ever. Seriously.
So i use my electrical grill... Not a true grill but better than a pan.
I hand pressed a bit that sausage, it's a bit high otherwise:

Of course, cheese too in grill:


Then pressed:

Add some ketchup and pepper powder, here the result:

Lol, in the press cheese that touched metal didn't burn but made a nice crust... So i put above all..
Side A:

Side B:

Meeen, i'm so hungry after eating that! Grilled cheese is dangerous!!!
Essi please feel free to slap me across the face with that sammich'!
That takes grilled cheese to a whole 'nuther level.
And that fatty sausage, while not the healthiest, I can only imagine being just dang tasty by itself.
But wait.
You artisan styled that beautiful melty sammich' and then adorned it with ketchup?
Some would call that a sin.
Lets change the name to one more fitting.
You didn't use ketchup.
You used tomato vinaigrette reduction.
Now that's better.
Bon appetito!