food Sandwich of the Month

First Act

It's been a DC night all night long, but I have to lay this down here in TB's SOTM ... so another cake shot for good measure is in order ...


Two birds, POA (proof of alcohol) and SD gets his group shot ...

You have half of the Butch T that I showed in the DC teaser (the other half is for tomorrow), some fennel, and some onion cut different ways ... Why? Because I made a cheese steak w/ small squares and Julienne and both times felt something was wrong ... FWIW, the mixture seemed better ... maybe I'm drunkft ...


Sliced beef sirloin w/ Kosher salt, Chef Paul Redfish Magic (if you know, then you know ... nuff said), and some granulated onions from Mild Bills ... this is because I'm going more for a hot variation of an authentic cheese steak - in short, not using bells ...


Pan on 11, trying to fry the shit out of the Butch T and the onions and the fennel ... in a 1/4 stick of butter, cause that's how I roll ... down from a half this time, why? - because croissant, that's why ...

I add mustard ...


then the beef, and mayo and my last slice of white amerikuhn schneeze food culture biofood to coat and protect ...


then add provolone ...


and zest of montegrappa cheese for body ...


Last time SD called out the lack of love on my roll ... so I have to share this ...


What happens next is x-rated ...
I'm your huckleberry. Of course, I want you to know that I SAW that you double posted this in the DC and then deleted it! :lol:
I'm glad someone else saw it ... that means either a) THP is f**king w/ me, or b) the site's caching made a temporary error ... I erased my browsers history for the last error and reloaded and it was gone ...

Part Deux

the croissant ... it's the over the top, of the pinnacle ...


but that is not enough, i want 11, so i got down and dirty in that puddle and spooned the croissant ...


Remember that flavor pool?


pornography ...


I normally wouldn't show food being devoured standing at the stove, but tonight ...


I had to eat fast, the flavor borg was consuming the almighty croissant ...


Want to know what I'll dream about later on? ...


Yeah. That bad.

And still ...


Terra's still not impressed and it's her special time ... savor the flavor.

THE END. No more cheese steaks, but FWIW, the cheese steak w/o peppers was way more awesomer ...
Looks pretty good. But I have to admit, it also made me go back and peruse posts back to about page 30, mebee more. And I found that several of y'all did the same thing - took an excellent cut of meat such as ribeye or sirloin, sliced it thin, THEN cooked it up. I'm cool and the gang with doing that kind o' thang to steak-umms or steak-eaze, but ribeye and sirloin? Overcooked, IMO, and probably not nearly as tender as a sammie needs. So Imma gonna pretend like y'all jess made steak-umms and steak-eaze, to settle my troubled mind. . . . it's all good.

But the dog pic and info, Grant? TMI! :rofl: I just went from "I could eat that" to "never mind..... you keep it."
Aw Yah!!!! GM - that looks like a little heaven-on-heaven action to me!!!!!

I'm with you, and ready to ditch the peppers. But I don't think I could ditch my 'shrooms!
Hey, how was the fennel addition? Could you actually taste it?

Nice Work there!!!!!! :D
It was gold. Steak's not overcooked G ... I should have discussed the length of time it was in the pan ... probably two and half minutes, three tops ... the butter, mayo, and white american cheese are like a like a hydrophobic barrier for the meat!

As for the fennel, I like fennel, and I was worried it would be too much ... it didn't stand out, but I can't say I could single it out either by the time I was done ... so I guess that's a win ...

In the end, it was just plain rockin' ... and Imma hafta use the rest today, and I think I know just how I'll do that ...
Well geeme it is cheese steak month, which is very thinly sliced ribeye. Then cooked, of course. :)
Meh, I just cooked mine then very thinly sliced it. Perfecto, except even that was a tad over-done for me. ;)

I've had more than my share of cheesesteaks where the meat was too chewy for a sammie. IMO, one shouldn't have to gnaw on a sammie. But yes, it's possible to just quickly cook it for a very short time, and still have a tender piece of meat.
I've had more than my share of cheesesteaks where the meat was too chewy for a sammie.

Well that's why you use a good marbeled cut like ribeye. Now you see? :D

Garbage in = garbage out. Just because it's a cheese steak doesn't mean use a cheap cut.

I like a sliced steak sam but that's not a cheese steak.
I've made like 5 cheese steak's ... two before the month during the Cuban era, and I think three during this month ...

Last night's meat was the best of them all, and anything but chewy ...

You'll have to trust me, since I'm the one who ate it ...

*** UPDATE ***

I didn't want to say so until I ate it, to be sure ... even after 90 seconds in the microwave it was still not tough ...


Butch T power ...

took an excellent cut of meat such as ribeye or sirloin, sliced it thin, THEN cooked it up. I'm cool and the gang with doing that kind o' thang to steak-umms or steak-eaze, but ribeye and sirloin?

PS. I don't think Steak-Eze is a processed meat, or a cheap cut, it's just sliced for you because it's hard to slice a ribeye. Can the SoFlo chime in on the ingredients on the bag or the cut? I know some people rave over these and restaurants use them.
Well, to me a cheesesteak is simply a steak sammie with lots o' cheese, and usually sauteed mushrooms and bell peppers. I guess that's kind of like some people making a distinction between a "grilled cheese" sandwich and a "melt", while I classify both as "grilled cheese" as long as the cheese is a major component (and not just an after-the-fact add-on.) I just seem to have a broader definition than some of y'all. So yes, I still recognize something distinct as a "steak sammie" vs. a "cheesesteak sammie", but I guess it's the ratio of cheese to meat that makes a diff, though to me a steak sammie doesn't necessarily have cheese at all. I dunno - never really gave it a ton of thought, especially since I don't frequently eat sammies. Seriously - I may eat a sandwich of any kind maybe 4 times a year (if that), and that includes burgers. I just don't eat a lot of bread.
A Steak Sandwich is a Prepared Steak, then sliced, then used as an ingredient on a sandwich.

A Cheesesteak Sandwich is Ribeye that is thin sliced RAW, then quikly sauteed with veggies, shrooms and cheese.
And put on a French type roll.

The main difference being, one is cooked first, then sliced and topped with anything, (lettuce, tomatoes, mayo, mustard, etc...)
And the other is sliced raw, then cooked.

A grilled cheese is just that. Bread + Cheese + Grilled.
A "Melt" is with other ingredients like a Tuna Melt, or a Patty Melt (with sauteed onions and mushrooms), etc.
A Steak Sandwich is a Prepared Steak, then sliced, then used as an ingredient on a sandwich.

A Cheesesteak Sandwich is Ribeye that is thin sliced RAW, then quikly sauteed with veggies, shrooms and cheese.
And put on a French type roll.

The main difference being, one is cooked first, then sliced and topped with anything, (lettuce, tomatoes, mayo, mustard, etc...)
And the other is sliced raw, then cooked.

I agree with this, with one caveat ... I think I read that an authentic cheese steak is only onions ... Amorosa bread or something like that, w/ this sliced rib-eye and only onions in your cheese medley ...

But yeah, this ...
PS. I don't think Steak-Eze is a processed meat, or a cheap cut, it's just sliced for you because it's hard to slice a ribeye. Can the SoFlo chime in on the ingredients on the bag or the cut? I know some people rave over these and restaurants use them.

Depends on your defintion of processed meat. Steak-Eze are thin sliced cuts of steak... not sure from what cut... and then rolled together to form a log of thin sliced beef before cutting into 1/2" sections. Truely cheap stuff, but they're better than Steak-Ums... and less expensive. They make a mean cheesesteak fast and easy.
LOL - Does this discussion about the finer definition of sandwich types make you pause and wonder if you have a life? I know it does me! :rofl:
LOL - Does this discussion about the finer definition of sandwich types make you pause and wonder if you have a life? I know it does me! :rofl:

Sammie's are my favorite food altogether, and always have been ...

A killer burger is more exciting to me than most steaks, although I end up eating to latter to spare myself cheese and carbs ... still, the burgers are where my <3's at ...

A grilled Rachel is one of my favorite things ... or NJ's definition of a sloppy joe ... a killer cold-cut sammie ... corned beef ... I have to stop, because I just ate, and the tachycardia is coming on ...
LOL. My idea of a sandwich is a ton of stuff between two slices of bread, eat half, then toss the rest of the bread and just eat the middle part. That includes burgers, melts, steak and cheesesteak sammies....... assuming I eat any of the bread at all! The few times I eat a whole sandwich as a sandwich? Very few and far between. We are opposites - I prefer a rare steak over a burger or even a steak sammie.