food Sandwich of the Month

I can vote yes for Jay he is out hunting and can't answer. And doesn't Booma have some roo? And muskymojo should be in with the venison sausage.
the switch would rule us out as we don't consume any game meat in our household ... nothing ethical or otherwise, there's just not much to hunt but boar here in Florida ...

why not just leave it wide open for december this year since there's no voting, prize or otherwise anyways? (which is why i like this thread, actually) ...

anything sandwiched between a pair of something sounds great ;) ...
Not everyone will be able to participate in every one... TB, now you see how hard TDs are... GOOD LUCK I'm out! :lol: This ain't my topic! ;)
Don't hunt roo, but always got access to it, butcher also gets fresh venison. And also going after some fresh shark this week. Fried fish sandwich. All for game SOTM
TB can allow butcher-bought as long as it's fresh game meat. Just my 2c. Sounds like it could be a good'un.

Shark? Cool. Definitely game. I'd say if it's fish though, no buying.

Post the rules TB! :lol:
I think January would definitely be a good month for Xmas leftovers. I tend to eat ham, turkey and roast veggie sandwiches for a good week or two once Xmas has finished
Hmm... I can get squirrel at a small local butcher's, if they have it in stock, otherwise I'm probably out, unless they have venison and I just don't know about it, which is possible.

But since PAGE 1 says any sammie will work, and I may not be able to do the TD, at a minimum I can post what I couldn't make for the TD.

Oh, and if I can do the TD, y'all might as well just lay down and weep.

Just sayin'.....
Game. Do it. Who knows who will enter, but that's a fun topic for whoever enters.
I like it.
Store bought option is good compromise.
And no bullshit like "it's store bought cow".
Crazy meats.
Fact is participation goes down this time of year, so agree - whoever enters, enters. Count is not important.

But then, I'm drankin', and don't know that much of anything happens to be important right now.....
I am lucky enough that my dad is a big game hunter all over the country, so I usually get may hands on some elk, moose, caribou, mule deer, whatever, in addition to my own whitetail deer. My favorite is moose, followed closely by elk, and then whitetails.
Mmmmm I wanna eat meese... I think I had that long time ago as a chirren. I remember it being like a greezy meat, but then again what do i know.

I think the game meat SOTM is a good idea... even though I won't be able to participate. I sure as hell will enjoy to watch.
What the Hail Gladys????

Game meat sandwich? Who the hell goes Elk hunting and comes back home with 1500lbs of meat and makes a sandwich?

"Aww man, this is gonna make some guuud sammies!"


No bread, no mayo, no sprouts, just ELK STEAK. On a plate.

I'll be sure and make a sandwich with a quail next time I see one, or four.
Alrighty then.

Wild Game/Wild Caught SOTM

If you shot it or caught it in a snare its all good.

Maybe you hunted it down with a knife. Put it on a sandwich.

No beef, schiken, or pork, unless its wild boar.

So you gigged some frogs.

Make a fried frog leg sammich.

Possum, racoon, weasel, rabbit, or any bird that flies.



No domesticated animals.

If you bought it but it was a wild animal before it was killed, its all good.

Same goes for fish.

Shark, salmon, bass, pike, walleye.

If you caught it, put it on a sammich.

No store bought wild shrimp though.

Those are harvested and not caught.

Dug your own clams?

Get down with a fried clam po'boy.

Y'all feelin' me?
So, I bought it at the store and the Fish guy threw it to me and I caught it, it's all good. Got it. :)

Yeah, yeah, I know I'm being a Smart @$$. Well, dad always better to be a smart one than a dumb one. :)
So, I bought it at the store and the Fish guy threw it to me and I caught it, it's all good. Got it. :)

Yeah, yeah, I know I'm being a Smart @$$. Well, dad always better to be a smart one than a dumb one. :)

The rules for any SOTM are mere guidelines.

Any rules are simply there to compare like sandwiches.

As mentioned before, any sandwich can be posted at any time in any month.

You got a good fish sammich that maybe you didn't catch or might not be wild?

We'd rather you post it here as this thread gets some good traffic and many can see it rather than some other obscure thread that might end up burying it.

Posty up!

Its ALL good!