food Sandwich of the Month

G ~ I 'member baking up some of that anadama bread with the 'lasses. Not my favorite but other folks sure liked to be liking it.
I think about anadama bread much like I think about Trinidad Perfume chiles. I do not like eating Trinidad Perfumes raw - the flavor is too strong and grassy for my tastes. I also don't care for them in dishes like beef stew. However, they are just about singularly THE best pod to candy, IMO. I grew 4 trinidad perfume plants this past season just so I would have plenty of pods to candy. Similarly with anadama bread, what you put on it or pair it with makes a huge difference.
Leftover bagel, leftover hhhhhwhipped cream cheese, leftover honey-baked ham, leftover Sum's awesome smashed taters, and leftover picklese...might have to try this.

Might even be iSandwiched in the bot.
I'll try to start us off this month! No prep pics considering these are leftumovers....

Leftover BBQ brisket on some good old white bread with some beans, macaroni salad, and home jarred sweet and spicy pickles.



Piccys after I actually make a sammie with it. Baked the anadama bread this afternoon, and just grabbed a small slice and slapped some Olivio Coconut Spread on it (my son's lactose intolerant, so no butter.) The Olivio is not strongly flavored of coconut, as it is intended to be a butter substitute, and it was GUUUUD on the anadama.
Okey dokey - sammie time!

Fresh anadama bread, baked earlier today:

Reheated a leftover yam and sliced it then slapped shredded cheddar on top:

Shredded some leftover chicken and a leftover sausage, mixed with pickled jalapenos and BBQ sauce then heated:




Dinner time!
I was just eating another leftover sammie (leftovers of leftovers....) and was thinking about the yam. When I started digging through leftovers to decide what to do yesterday, I kind of questioned the yam, but decided to give it a go - good things can happen when experimenting, and did. It added a really nice flavor element, though one doesn't often think of combining two starches into a single item (or at least, I don't.) But then again, some people actually like potatoe pierogies, so I guess it's not all that unusual. In eating this again, I was glad to have added the yam - YUM!
This thing is awesome. All about the flavor combination in this one.

Toast up a leftover bagel to perfection. Shmear some hhhhwhipped cream cheese on it, and top it with some chipotle pow.


Add some leftover honey-baked ham? Hells yeah.


Top it with some of my smashed up taters... key ingreed by the way.




Eat this!

Ham. Bagel. Smashed tates.

All are 3 things I don't eat anymore.

Looking at that sammich Sum I realized something.

Right now it sucks to be me.
nice, sum ... nice ... i had no less than 3x times of honey baked awesome leftovers this holiday season, and it never disappoints in recreations ...

this month is already better than the last month (and i think, better than the last pair of months actually) ...

i'm still waiting for SD/CJ to deflower their bot ...
Might have to rethink the banana leaf for anything that comes out of my house. That black background is doin' it for me. At least for this last sammie pic.