food Sandwich of the Month

Don't defer to me Gadget. The only one I have ever owned is the CC 630.
The only other experience I have with Meat slicers are the big ol' Hobarts in restaurants.
And honestly FD, those things are way too big for home use, unless you want to remodel your home so it can have its own room.
You would never use it for a 3lb Roast beef, too much work to dolly it into the kitchen then ask your wife to lift it up to the counter for you.

What was the P.O.S. you bought and aren't happy with?

Maybe we should continue this here...
I'm waiting for the right opportunity...

Remember, kitchen has a door to the garage...HOBART STORAGE!

These things seem to stumble upon people who are patient.

I'm hoping to get my Reub-on soon!
Hey y'all thisin' comin' from location unknown. I'm like one of them flyin' drones they got but I was a dronin' in on a SOTM target.

This sammich was really yumbao as I expected it to be but I there was nothing authentic about it. First of all, I didn't use rye bread. I used 100% whole wheat. Second, the corned beef wasn't brisket. It was corn beefed brined top round. FAIL. Third, I didn't use regular kraut but some kind of bastardized stuff from a jar that was like sauer kraut but laden also heavy with sweet honey mustard. That sheeit is DAMN GOOD!!!!

Here's some goinz on of the goinz onyscxted.


Toasted zee bread and spanked it with Sriracha 1000. Just some sheeit I splooged up in a bowl.


Here's the weakest link. This Godforsaken piece of dead animal carcass masquerading as corn beef.


Here's where I manned it up bigtime and lowered my testicles on this one by hitting it with Salsakraut.
Piehole it repeatedly and often.


Melty swiss scheesus makes life worth so much living for. This pic is pre-oral tongue and mouf' diddilation all up in they thang.


It felt so wrong. And cheap. And dirty. But that's why I was diggin' on it so much.

I ate it like I stole it from JayT.


I mark this one down as a technical FAIL but for the resulting tasty wombat outcome, its pure WIN! That sweet mustardy kraut had the perfect amount of sweet to vinegar zing to it. I ate that sheeit like it was crack.
I don't know what you think is wrong with it, but if it is wrong, I don't want to be right! Wait, you DID steal that from me! Give it back!!!
I love it. I can see how the meat might have been a little flavorless, but that's what all the other sheeit is for.

Ooze factor is where it's at. and you rang the bell on the High Striker with that.

Way to make Chicken Salad out of Chicken shit TB!

If I am wrong, it's only because I am so friggen hungry, I could eat the ass out of a skunk rite now.
Wait, no bread on top? According to rules... and wiki... THAT'S your major FAIL. Everything else looks great, TB.

According to thread rules....

uhm I'm too in the bag to "research" that.

Its my recollection that open faced is more traditional for a reubensky.

While it was damn good and tasty, that top round corn beef was awful.

Be more pissed off at that!

I threw the other 1/4 pound I din't use away.

I wouldn't even give it to mssylou.
Damn. I never throw meat away if its not bad. There had to be some way to use it. I do think in the OP you said that you had to have two slice of bread, but who cares. If you get -5 for that lack of top, you get +25 for that shot of the melty scheeze!
I liked the looks of that KrautyKoncoction!!!!!

And somehow...I'm not feeling so wonky about the turkey pastrami I bought yesterday anymore!!!!! :lol: