food Sandwich of the Month

Amen and Amen.... and thin ain't so bad! There's a restaurant down this way named Middendorf's. Their specialty is thin fried catfish. It's cut so thin you can almost read a newspaper through it.... and it's the best fried catty I've ever had!

Thanks Frydad.... yeah, I really hope my kids pick up the cooking bug...

I used House Autry hush puppy mix.... good stuff! Get some if you get a chance! They're not those really dense, thick kind.... more fluffy and perfect crispy on the outside

CJ's gonna make me fry stuff.... I just know it.

LOL!!!! DO IT!!!!! Get all messy, biotch!!!! It'll be worth it!
BTW - - - butter is not necessary for blackening. I blacken using just a slight bit of oil in the pan. All you're really doing with butter is burning the butter (which, you probably know, has a lower smoking point than oil.) If you really like burned butter, go for butter.

That aside..... Congrats on a fine catch there, Booma. And LOVE LOVE LOVE fried catfish and hushpuppies, Phil. Wowza!
Got the butter thing from Paul Prudhomme..... I blacken chicken that way all the time. The trick is to not add it to the pan.... then yes, it will burn. Coat the meat with butter. Blackening cooks so fast because of the high heat, the butter doesn't have much chance to burn.... but oil should work too. The thing with oil is that you have to get the iron skillet so hot before adding the meat that you risk your oil flashing off. You want your iron skillet to be smoking hot before you put the meat in....
I have found that there are several methods of blackening. One is the dry one, which is what Phil is talking about, the other is with oil. You HAVE to use Peanut or Canola oil or it will burn and possibly flash fire. I was taught the oil way by the owner of Cajun Island spices and sauces. It works too. Either way, it is an extremely flavorful way to cook chicken or fish. Shrimp too.
Phil, I am gonna try your method, but I am pretty sold on mine. I will post results.

And I'm gonna try yours and Geeme's... break out of my comfort zone. I gotta admit... the only reason I haven't tried it was fear of the unknown! I can't imagine that it wouldn't work. Thanks for opening my horizons, JayT and Geeme! I love this forum! So much learning to be had!
I found that the thin layer of oil seals in the spices rather than just burning them onto the fish/chicken. Still high high heat, but the taste is amazing. Maybe not quite as authentic, but very effective. Cast iron is must so it doesn't stick.
yeah, it's not supposed to burn the spices, just cook them in. Blackening is a seasoning, not the color it's supposed to be

I'll start a new thread for blackening.... back to the SOTM!!! Where y'at BOOMA????? Chili Juju????? Scovie????? TB???? C'mon y'all.... fish sammies!!!!
Hahahaha whoa calm down...... Just got back from another early morning fish, got donuts, that's fishing hey.

Do a quick shower, run to the shops and its on
Shit yes... This'll make sammy number 2 of the night in here.

My goal was to not give blurry pics... I hope I do good.

Beer battered fried cod is the name of the game. Beer used was my girlfriends home brewed pale ale. Perfect beer for the batter. Dry hopped for 7 days with amarillo hops. Awesome shit.

In the flour was various spices and such.But the Heat used was Sicman's powder mix. GOOD STUFF! 1tsp made the thing pretty dern spicay. No joke.

Code before breading and oil.

Heated CI dutch oven with veggie oil to 375F and dropped that bieotch in there to do its thang

In a beers time It was done. Popped it on a french baguette roll thing.

The sandwich was awesome! I never would have made it if SOTM wasn't a fish theme. Cooked up some frozen french fries, and a fried up some beer battered pickles! Which apparently I did not save the shots of the fried pickle! But i swear it was there, and delicious

OMG, y'all are tearin' a hole in the sky tonite! WOW.

Looks absolutely perfect HTH! Nice golden brownyness on the batter and frozen fries FTW!

Great pics too btw.
HTH - Batter fried pickles too?????????????

OMG - that sent me over the moon! That cod looked sooooo all kindsa RIGHT!

I found my juju, and am getting ready to get my fishywitchy on....a couple-three hours o' prep and things'll start singin' 'round here. Yup - I'm that kinda slow..... (but f-it, I have fun, and that's what counts....right?!?!) :D