food Sandwich of the Month

I am celebrating the start of Spring today. The clocks move ahead, it is sunny and nearly 60F. I have poppers and wings on the grill.
If GM does a beer battered, deep fried, fresh grouper topped with a rendition of tartar sauce on fresh (soft) French bread. BAM!

Break out that prosumer deep fryer bot I know you got, Gadget.
If GM does a beer battered, deep fried, fresh grouper topped with a rendition of tartar sauce on fresh (soft) French bread. BAM!

Break out that prosumer deep fryer bot I know you got, Gadget.

You pretty much described the sammie, couple squirts of fresh lemon and all ...

As for the prosumer deep fryer ... well ... I don't, believe it or not ...

I live w/ the smell left behind mexican and indian dinners (often for a day, sometimes two depending on the leftovers), but I can't get down w/ frying at home very often ...

I make latkes a couple of times a year, suffering afterwards each time ...

So, for frying ... 7qt Le Creuset + thermometer is more like how it'll go down =)
If GM does a beer battered, deep fried, fresh grouper topped with a rendition of tartar sauce on fresh (soft) French bread. BAM!

So where's teh chipotle tempura fried pompano sammich with key lime mayo at? Or the grilled snook? No not that bimbo Snookie. I thought you and Fitty were big fish eaters no? Posty up a conch fritter and crab sammich and I'll help Bear. That guy. out and give my recommendation that he be released from parole early. Then maybe he'll at least quit fondling that monitoring bracelet constantly. Rumor Intel has it that his coat is getting "rubbed" and shaggy and spotty, 'specially around the leg area with the tracking device.
Nice work CJ!!!!

Thanks for the words JayT

I'm thinking a crumbed type this week and maybe another grilled. I'll be eating fish for weeks now, so might as well try some ideas.

GM, I do all my frying in a huge pot on the side burner of the BBQ, outside, saves the heat, smell and sometimes smoke from stinking out the kitchen.

Fry, what type of snapper you guys get???? We only get pink/red snapper, the west coast get the same but also a queen snapper and gold snapper
Oh, crap... I'll field this question. Give me a sec.

This is Florida's snapper line-up:

Gray (mangrove)*

*I'm familiar with maybe five of them, but I know a snapper when I see one. I'd probably confuse all the others as mangrove or lane snappers.
Damn, what a list, screw our Melbourne fish species, so little....... other states, have some great fishing compared to ours though
Not if you use a potato gun, and it was trying to get away.

Or if its self defense because you think it's attacking you (that's the loophole)

On snapper, grey (mangroves) are the easiest for me to get bc they tend to hang close to the shore and have an appetite for the shrimp they sell at my local bait shop.

We gots all kinds of fishin down here. Sadly I don't do it enough.
My 5 year snook permit has 2 years left and I haven't used it once.
i'm taking the fifth re: snook ... suffice it to say it was the only fresh fish i would eat growing up, save the occasional flounder mom would make ...
Quickly thrown together, no where near as good as yesterday, not as good FRESH FISH.
This was a fillet of Coral Trout (i think) found it in the freezer.




DAMN YOU JAYT....................... hahahahahhahahaha what have you done, posting the link for me........................ :P

So still had 1 piece of shark in the fridge, Why not have another sandwich, it would be rude not too

You can see with the shark, why we call it Flake, so much nicer than the piece of fish i had for lunch, just falls/flakes into bits

Spiced up shark


Some sourdough, smeared with mayo, topped with LDHS


Off the bbq, and split in 2


2 is better than 1


Juicy, sloppy, Goodness
