food Sandwich of the Month

I cherish those type of nights in alone. Good time to drink yourself sloppy, stuff your face with an ungawdly amount of unhealthy food with no judements, and then pass out where you lay in your food stained clothes.
Hola mein froind's.

Another night in The Blues Kitchen. Its my office. Where I hold court. Its sacred ground and heavily protected. And don't even think of trying to shoo bluesdawg missylou away. She lives here, you visitin'.

So it was me and missylou alone to our own swirling cesspool of steaming desires. missylou was all in. She gets that way whenever I pull out a block of cheese and start whackin' n' hackin' at it. She loves cheese even more than peanut butter and would even whore herself out to the cat next door if cheese was part of the deal. Anyhow where was I?

Oh yeah, so there we were drinkin' and smokin' and cussin' and lyin' when I remembered I had some fresh USA steelhead. Some of the best stuff on the planet y'all.


I got Black Betty plenty hot and then drizzled just a little bit of olive and canola oil and fired the fish.


Oh yeah, that scheeze I was talkin' 'bout? Tillamook Medium Cheddar.

Melty scheeze with the pheesh? Eat it and all shall be revealed unto you I shittith thou not.


Now I'm a simple man. With simple tastes. Onliest bread I eat and not often at that, is Mrs. Baird's 100% Whole Wheat. I toasted some of that, and splooged on some jalapeno ranch and added pickled 'peno's and fresh tomato. I then added the scheezy fish and had a couple fairies fart sunshine on it. (that was missylou's idea. Good girl!!)


Not much of a money shot. Maybe I should have made it double decker. It would have been more impressive. It tasted damn good. So good it tasted TRUTH!


As you can see I was all Chairman Mao'ing it and gettin' down buck wild with it.


Anyone notice the dirty shot glass. Its the same one I've been using now for about a month. It'd be a sin now to wash it.

Alrighty then kids.

I done showed y'all mine.

Y'all show yorn'.
That poor salmon........ thin enough it coulda been flash-seared on just one side to be perfection. I guess the scheeze helps when you cook it that long. Hope it was good for ya!
I'd hit it. Never ever ever had cheese with salmon before. Might have to change that.

Never had lox and cream cheese?

Y'all are KILLIN' this, I have to look back.
what about a wrap of the month?

i have like 8 tortillas i need to use up by the end of the weekend, might as well make a fish wrap, or is that too close to a fish taco?
what about a wrap of the month?

i have like 8 tortillas i need to use up by the end of the weekend, might as well make a fish wrap, or is that too close to a fish taco?

You are so FIRED!!!

Post your stinkin' wrap chingaderra's in The Pencil Neck No Load Cookie Pushin' Wimpass Chef thread.

I don't even know what a wrap is.

Sounds like limpwrist food to me.

Now get back to the kitchen and make us a REAL sandwich and speak no more of your wrap sheeit you got off "The View".