food Sandwich of the Month


Sorry Wheebz, I had to.

And for you other two hooligans, how the hell did I get dragged into this? And TB, those tortilla things you fill with fish and veggies all the time qualify as wraps, so you are no better.
Poo on you Jay.

I call bulltaco.

You know how I roll and there ain't no way no how my stuff is anything but a taco or a burrito when I do that style.

I don't do sprouts cream cheese and baloney "wrapped" in a spinach tore tillah'.

Hell that's not even a tore tillah'.

Ain't no spinach in Spanish.

Now post up a stinkin' sish fammich!
Hey, the way I see it, if you take one of your fish tacos and instead of folding it in half, tuck it in together, it is a wrap. Semantics really.
I haven't had a good reuben in a long long time. Might just have to make time to do that soon.

don't you live on the east coast?!? No excuse! I'm in CA where when I order a Reuben they ask me "do you want corned beef, turkey or pastrami?"

I want a Reuben.

"do you want that on white, wheat or rye?"

I want a Reuben.

"what kind of cheese do you want?"

I.....want....a......Reuben. WTF is wrong with you people?!?!? Gah!!!!
Damn Phil, nice muffaletta.

LA got the good grub, bring some more!

I love muffalettas. Perfect bread. Was this half?
Correcting a bayou man? Either spelling is acceptable geeme. Here's a third for ya lol