seed-train Scorched Train 2015-2016

The suspense is killing everyone....
Yep - the Seed Train has arrived!!!!
What a crazy journey this package has taken, I can't lie I thought it might be a goner, but the train is alive and well. It arrived with no damage, everything is intact.
There is an amazing amount of varieties, great job everyone in supplying this beast. I'll be looking through it tomorrow in detail and then get this back out again on Monday.
TexasHotPeppers said:
The suspense is killing everyone....
Yep - the Seed Train has arrived!!!!
What a crazy journey this package has taken, I can't lie I thought it might be a goner, but the train is alive and well. It arrived with no damage, everything is intact.
There is an amazing amount of varieties, great job everyone in supplying this beast. I'll be looking through it tomorrow in detail and then get this back out again on Monday.
Hey, if there are any foreign stamps on it, I call dibs.
Glad it was found and looking forward to checking it out when it makes it up here.
Does the Pacific North West (Seattle) qualify as foreign?
bpwilly said:
Glad it was found and looking forward to checking it out when it makes it up here.
Does the Pacific North West (Seattle) qualify as foreign?
not quite, but for as long as it was out there, it could easily have made the pond and back.
Thanks TexasHP
Since we're near the end it's about time to figure out a round 2, if there's enough interest. Unfortunately I'm right in the middle of one of the worst cases of the flu I've ever had. Just bear with me and we'll get it figured out.
For now I'd like ONLY the people who were numbers 1-5 on the list and that want to go for a round 2 to contact me. These people are guaranteed a spot (as I've said before) if they want it in round 2. If they don't want the spot it will be up for grabs with the rest when I open the rest up.
Again this is only for those people right now so I can get things moving. I can't focus on making a list right now and setting up a round 2, hopefully will be in better shape this weekend.
I would definitely like to be in a round two, I'm sure that thing has become epic since I laid eyes on it...and it was already impressive at that point with just what you and TNKS contributed.

and I want to see my vandalized "car" :P
The train arrived today from TexasHotPeppers - safe and sound!   Lots of goodies to chose from.  I will get my donations added tonight and plan on getting this back in the mail system tomorrow (assuming I can get my seeds in the package - it is pretty full right now)
I will give a shout out as soon as it is on its way!
Everyone did a great job in labeling their seeds, so I will need to do a better job and not rely on my terrible handwriting.
Thanks for letting me participate in this train, as I was able to pick out some seeds I had been really interested in growing.
The seed train was sent out to parker49 today around noon.  It should arrive in his mail Monday per the post office.   It is getting pretty full, as I used this as a chance to donate plenty of seeds that I had that are different from what is already there.   Lots of selections.
I've heard back from the first five from the train and all are in for a round 2 so the they will be the first five stops of round 2.
So to start we have
1. Seacowboy, VA
2. ikeepfish, VA
3. fiogga, IN
4. bhut camp, WI
5. someguy, KS
Hopefully will be opening the rest up this weekend. Feeling much better.
So let's open this baby up for round 2. New members and old both welcome but please Read the Rules on Page 1 if you are new to the train. Will start with 20 stops and if needed might add more, will see the level of interest and go from there. Might also try and organize this round so the train travels in one direction at least to start. That way we're not bouncing from coast to coast each stop. So, if you've read the rules or have ridden before you know what to do.
Note that numbers 6-20 aren't locked in. Will be moving people around as they join so the train travels in one direction. Might save us some time and make things quicker if we're not going from say VA to WA to MA and then TX if that makes sense.