RIDERS need a back up plan in the fix when and if you allow life priority to over ride the trains progressbhut camp said:My addy has been sent.Choo chooooooo!
Scorched said:Alright riders, working out some last minute details and hope to have this on it's way tomorrow. If you haven't received the address of the person after you on the list then please let me know so I can make changes if necessary. Once you have the train in your hands please remember to PM the rider after you and make sure they're around. If you haven't heard from them within 24hrs please let me know. DON"T send the train on if they don't PM you back letting you know that they're around
Dragonpeppers said:Add me
Do I need to send my address to the person ahead of me now or as it gets closer?Scorched said:In the train I have included an index card with my name and address on it. Please keep this card with the box at all times. If you ever aren't sure where to send the box to next and for whatever reason can't access THP or the internet then please return the train to me and I will get it to the correct person ASAP. This should eliminate some issues that could possibly pop up. If anyone has any questions at all don't be afraid to ask and please don't wait until the last minute. I would love to get at least 2 rounds out of this if not more
Great. Maybe by then I'll have the 90 days in!Scorched said:
You've been a member for a while so exception made, welcome to the train!
I've made one small change to how I will handle a possible round 2. The wall o' text has been updated but I'll note the change here to save everyone from having to read the novel at the top. I will close the train to riders once we are full and won't reopen until the train reaches the end of the line. At that time I'll reopen to repeat riders as well as new riders. Any repeat rider is welcome to ride again and I will make sure to sort the new list so that repeat riders don't end up with the train right away again. This is how Coheed did his train and seemed to work much more smoothly than how I had planned on doing it.
parker49 said:Do I need to send my address to the person ahead of me now or as it gets closer?
ikeepfish said:Ok since Scorched didn't mention it, TNKS is mailing me an early contribution to the train, if I receive the train before I get the package from him I'm going to hold it for a brief period until I get those seeds to add to it. I think it will probably work out that I won't have any serious delays doing this. If I find I'm waiting too long for the seeds from TNKS we'll think up a contingency plan. Ideally we don't want to hold the train for any more than 2 days to keep it moving. If it's getting close to your stop, have your contribution ready so it can keep on rolling.