seed-train Scorched Train 2015-2016

I don't see us getting to the point of having to use a mfrb, that would be a ton of seeds. Wish they had a size between sfrb and mfrb, it's convenient that the flat rate boxes come with tracking # and $50 insurance. If we do have to switch to a bigger box everyone will just have to remember to make sure and get tracking. But we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. I'll do some investigating, I believe one of the other old trains had to switch to a bigger box and it was cheaper than the sfrb but again have to add tracking not really worried about insurance.
I know when Judy shipped me 2 sfrb's of pods she put then in a Priority Mail flat rate padded envelope. I think the cost was like $6.10. I anticipated this problem and picked some up from the post office. The size of the envelope is 9.5 x 12.5 inches and 2 sfrb's fit in there rather nicely. I think this will be a good option. I have plenty of seeds to add when the train gets here. It might be something to consider.
Interesting, I didn't think of that. Judy shipped an order to me that way as well and tossed a bunch of free pods in the bag with the 2 sfrb. The cost of 1 sfrb is around $6 to ship anyway so if the cost is around that then that would be a good solution especially if it's flat rate. That way we have the tracking and such included. And I really doubt we're going to fill 2 sfrbs (hell who knows). Or were you thinking of just putting the seeds in the flat rate bag with no box? That could work as well I think and probably be more room. I know the envelope your talking about but can't remember how it looks. When it gets to you if it is full up we could do a test run and see if it works and the price and such. I don't see why it wouldn't work as long as the price is around the same. Thanks for the idea!
Has anybody added Bahamian Goat seeds to the train? Just curious as I think I want to grow some next year. I'd planned on buying them from Judy but it doesn't look like she carries them. Only have a few things left on my wish list for next year and a large chunk of them I won't be able to get unless Santa is real or I find a magic lamp with a genie since they're either super rare or aren't released yet and only a certain very lucky few have access. The others I'll just buy if I don't find them on the train or through the sasbe offers people do this time of year (love THP members). John Ford has some cool crosses I've had my eye on that I want to order, I swear my damn grow just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Just can't saw no to some of these damn awesome super hot crosses that keep popping up everyday. Have a great evening guys (and/or ladies)!
ikeepfish said:
What's the status on the train now?  Still on its way back to Virginia?
Tracking says delivered yesterday the 12th at 4:35 p.m.    I'm sure we'll hear from Seacowboy when he gets a chance. Hasn't been online since the 11th so probably busy.
Sorry fellas, I got it Thursday and am finishing up right now will be on its way in a few hours. Had more pods to deseed than I planned and took way longer than I thought it would with the youngen running around. Hopefully everyone finds something they were looking for in the mix. Have 5 small tastes of 2 separate powders also. Enjoy and thanks for the Train Scorched!

Seacowboy said:
Sorry fellas, I got it Thursday and am finishing up right now will be on its way in a few hours. Had more pods to deseed than I planned and took way longer than I thought it would with the youngen running around.
No worries at all, sometimes things get busy and have to come 1st. Thanks for the update!
Seacowboy said:
Oh and ahh good luck on the next person packing this into a sfrb!
Luckily the next person in line is someguy and he had an idea to use a flat rate padded envelope. It will hold 2 sfrbs nicely and he thinks it costs around the same as shipping 1 sfrb and is going to try it out and see. If it's around the same we'll be able to use 2 sfrbs, hopefully that will be enough. Thanks for all those awesome contributions, this train is going to be huge by the time we get to the end of the line. If this keeps up we'll definitely have multiple rounds. I have an idea for the 2nd round so that the 1st riders will get a chance to see what everyone else put in since usually there isn't a whole lot at the beginning (well usually that's the case but this train is already packed and we're only at rider #4 lol)
I can't wait for the train to get here! It sounds like it is off to a great start. I have more to add to the train. Hopefully by the end of the train we will have two sfrb's full.
Very generous Seacowboy, glad the train wasn't derailed, sounds like this is the beginnings of an EPIC TRAIN, hope it keeps chugging along, we will all benefit for next season to be sure!