seed-train Scorched Train 2015-2016

Drat!  Looks like this ChooChoo is full. 
Scorched. should I ask to be added to the end, or wait for a second round of registration?
In any event, thanks for piloting this nukular powered SUPERTRAIN!  :D
The train will reopen near the end of this run Geonerd. Will be open to both new riders as well as repeat riders. It will be 1st come 1st serve but I'll give plenty of notice when the time comes. I'll jot your name down in case we have a rider that has to drop out and/or be replaced. Thanks for your interest! Figure doing it this way will be easier than trying to add new riders while re adding repeat riders at the same time. This being my 1st time running a train I don't wanna screw up and miss someone. If there's enough interest and things run smoothly and quickly with this round I might also add a few more seats. All depends.
Train has arrived, as well as the mail from TNKS.
Holy crap!  There are a lot of things I was going to add that there's already plenty of!  You guys are in for a treat!
My window of opportunity for post tomorrow is very slim but I will try, if not I will post it first thing on Sat. morning and it should be to you by Monday, bhut camp. 
Awesome! We're moving along, already can't wait for it to get back to me lol. Thanks for getting the train back out so quick! No one has posted that they haven't gotten the address they're supposed to ship to so I assume we're all good on that end. I'll definitely check out the low/no heat ones. Have been looking for something to grow for the normal family members. Got some aleppo from Judy hoping they wouldn't be too hot for them but they ended up being way too hot.
Scorched said:
 I'll definitely check out the low/no heat ones. Have been looking for something to grow for the normal family members.
I'll add some lo/ no heat seeds when it gets here.
Wow, this train is chugging along!!! I have plans to also add some low heat seeds. In fact, I also have some Aji Dulce to add, great flavor in that pepper. I have some Ancient Sweets, Jimmy Nardello's, Cuban Seasonings, Aji Margarateno and other low to no heats to include.  
ikeepfish said:
Man, this is crazy, I can't imagine how this thing will look after several stops.  :dance:

Scorched said:
Awesome! We're moving along, already can't wait for it to get back to me lol. Thanks for getting the train back out so quick! No one has posted that they haven't gotten the address they're supposed to ship to so I assume we're all good on that end. I'll definitely check out the low/no heat ones. Have been looking for something to grow for the normal family members. Got some aleppo from Judy hoping they wouldn't be too hot for them but they ended up being way too hot.
I don't have many, but I'll drop some of my Aleppo seeds in there. Not hot at all. You're also going to want to check out several of the other things I'll be adding; I'll send you a list once the box gets to me.
For those of you that like hot, no worries: I got 7 Pot Hinginiboogies from Pex last week.
The super hots seeds I've been drying should be ready by the time it comes to me, have some stuff from smileyguy like his douglah x butch t f4 and f5 as well as some other things like his UMCD. Glad things have gotten off to a fast and smooth start. I want to thank everyone for participating in this. One of the 1st threads I read on THP was Coheed's seed train and thought the idea was awesome. Was hoping his or someone else's would have started back up and I could have joined instead of running my own. Didn't know whether anyone would want to join a train being run by someone new to THP, I was surprised it filled so fast.
Thanks for the update bhut. We will be going out of town to visit the daughter at college and going to the IU Penn State football game on Sat. I will get the train rollin' Mon. Have lots of goodies to add, GO IU!!!!!
Received the train, great start guys, lots of excitement for an early start! Scorched started this off with a BANG!!!!! I'm afraid we will need a larger box sooner than expected. I'll send it off Mon. a.m. have lots to add, have a good weekend everyone!
Hopefully we can squeeze it all in a sfrb until it comes to me the 1st time. Can't believe it's almost full already! Not sure what the cheapest option would be, I know a mfrb is going to be too big and cost double if not more than a sfrb (not sure have never sent one). I don't ship many packages so not sure how they charge for packages. Weight? size? both? If anyone that deals with shipping packages has any ideas I'm up for any suggestions as to what we should switch up to if and when it's needed. If no one has any ideas I can just go down to my post office and have a chat with the post master. Very small town and p.o. so she knows me and I'm sure she can help me out if necessary. I'm just unsure if switching to a box that isn't flat rate is going to be different prices depending on where you are and where you're shipping the train to. Everyone on board is cont. US so I wouldn't think there would be a huge difference.
Oh and thanks for the update fiogga     CHOO CHOO