seed-train Scorched Train 2015-2016

Well folks that brings us to the end. I contacted Seacowboy and will be shipping the train to him in a couple of weeks so he's got a chance to go through it. He was unable to go through it when it came to him because of work. Once he has sent it back to me I will keep it safe until Fall when we will start Round 3. I might try and make a seed list for the train and each person can add to it when they add their contributions. Plenty of notice will be given in this thread and in my status letting everyone know Round 3 sign up is nearing. You might want to follow this thread if you aren't already.
I want to say THANK YOU to everyone that participated. I think we had a very successful two rounds. I found some really awesome varieties that I'm currently growing. I went from growing maybe 10 varieties every year for the past 12 years or so to however many I'm growing this year. I have no idea how many because I've lost count. Joining THP and interacting with the truly amazing people here has been a damn great experience. I didn't plan on running a train. I was hoping Coheed's train would start back up and I could ride. His train thread was one of the very first threads I read once I found THP. I thought the concept sounded pretty damn sweet. When I decided to go ahead and start my own I didn't think many people would join. I was brand new to THP and didn't know many people and figured most people might think it was a scam. I was blown away when it filled in just a few days. For the most part it has been a very smooth and event free two rounds and I hope to have many more rounds go the same way. Thank you all again for making this such a great experience and for sharing your seeds, sauces and powders with not just me but everyone else on the train. I hope you all have an awesome growing season and huge harvests.
Train is safe and sound back at the station. We're now officially closed until end of Summer/early Fall. Thank you all!
On a side note. CAPCOM's Wild Thing seed train is starting an entire new thread when they start back up. Do you think this would be easier or should we just keep the same thread going on? Anyone have an opinion either way or don't really care. Would be easier to go back through I suppose.
Tony seems like the CHOO CHOO and CAPCOMS WILD TRAINS aren't having any issues whatsoever.Imo your train chugs along fine no hitches and no problems.Good idea though to see what others members think or feel.
yeah i would like new thread, makes searching / browsing thread easier.
Also keeps the old thread as like an archive and people don't revive discussions that are overwith.
scorched you might also mark your post #447 as best answer so people see that it's done. wait i dunno if we can do that here in ads section..
juanitos said:
yeah i would like new thread, makes searching / browsing thread easier.
Also keeps the old thread as like an archive and people don't revive discussions that are overwith.
scorched you might also mark your post #447 as best answer so people see that it's done. wait i dunno if we can do that here in ads section..
I put in bold at the top of the very first post that we're closed til Fall. Didn't see the option to mark as best answer.
I think I'll do a poll in a few months before the train starts back up on whether to make a new thread or not. I'm leaning towards new because if this goes on for a few years if it's kept to one thread it could be huge.
Definitely have a load of seeds to contribute. 
If any of you got my organic Fatalii seeds from the first round of the train, that plant produced blue ribbon winning pods at a local agricultural fair :D
I'm gonna see about sending Tony a slab of seeds from it for the next round
Sounds great. The vendor Fatallis I grew were strange this year. The regular yellow look nothing like a fatalli and the whites turned out to be the regular yellow.
Depending on how late it gets I might have to send the train without my contributions and add them later. My entire grow is about 3 weeks (if not more) behind. Will see where things are at the beginning of November.