seed-train Scorched Train 2015-2016

As a new rider, it is what I thought it would be. I took quite a few new (to me) varieties out of the box, but only a few seeds of each. It seems like every train I've been involved with gets a large dose of common seeds that everyone already has, but as newer riders come on, you start seeing different and unique varieties. Diversity is a good thing!
I was able to find a few new varieties the second time around, and I replenished/added what I could from what seeds I had left.  For me, the 6 dollars in postage is worth it to just be able to look, but I understand people may not feel the same way.   Since most of us are probably growing many of the same peppers, it will be hard to reduce the bloat. 
One of the difficult things that I find adds to the bloat is duplicates. I've talked with someone else about this as well as CAPCOM who is running the Wild Thing seed train. The problem is we can't say no duplicates because that might leave some new growers with nothing to add. I assume most people also have the basic super hots like TS Moruga red, bhut jolokias, Trinidad scorpion red, etc but there are probably a few who don't and again that's all some riders have to share.
I've seen the train four times now and there are some seeds in there that it looks like haven't been touched. Most are things like your basic super hots I mentioned above and others are mystery bags and such. I'm just not sure what to do about them. To leave them adds to the bloat and the train gets bigger and bigger possibly needing a larger package upping the cost. I thought about maybe taking some of the duplicates, mystery, etc and either having a giveaway for new growers or donating them to Wicked Mike's newbies train. But they aren't all my seeds and I don't want to make decisions with other people's property. I also can't afford to ship seeds back to their owners. Now I don't want anybody reading this and thinking "oh my seeds weren't good enough". That's not what this is about. Some of these seeds I'm speaking about are mine. It's just that certain seeds everyone already has or has taken however many they want and these are left over and just keep going round and round with maybe the occasional new rider grabbing a few.
One idea that I like but I don't think would be possible is premade bags. Juanitos, MidWestChileHead and DragonPeppers did this. Easy to just grab a pack that you want. But this would end up taking up tons of space. If you have 20 varieties to share instead of twenty bags of seeds you'd be putting in 100 bags if you made 5 of each variety.
I'll leave this open to ideas as well as think on it over the summer. I'm just trying to make this a great experience for everyone. Having the same bags of seeds that never seem to get taken from going round and round again and again seems like bloat to me. But if everyone is fine with how things are then we'll leave it be. I'm sure come fall with everyone having freshly restocked their supplies there will be plenty to go through. I know I'm completely tapped at the moment on seeds to share but come fall I'll have a ton. I just have to be careful not to put too much in.
That's not a idea Tony! donate some duplicates to Wicked Mike's TRAIN.Pull out some duplicate and have a seed giveaway!and there would still be a few on the TRAIN for new riders or riders that want those!I like your idea,just sayin'.....,
just finished going thru the seeds , quite the array of seedlings ! wasn't as bad as i thought it would be , just intimidating at first lol ! . would of been done sooner but had to finish potting up some more plants .  will get errrr out first thing monday !  have a great weekend all !    :onfire:
Well, that was quick. And, well, that was quick too.
Train arrived already and buzzed through it in like 30 mins.
Lots of choices for new blood, but for a two train rider, tough to be surprised.
I see what you mean Tony. I also will be considering some innovations for the fall runs of the wild train.
But this one should be on the tracks again tomorrow.
Someone had said something in this thread before about him being MIA and I completely forgot. Hope everything is ok. If he turns up we can reroute or I can send once it gets back to me.
Didn't get addy till late this morning when I popped back on, will ship tomorrow.
Unavoidable service call kept me out till early evening, and away from PO all day. :(  Heading downstate for grad ceremony in morning, will drop off at PO then.
CAPCOM said:
Didn't get addy till late this morning when I popped back on, will ship tomorrow.
Unavoidable service call kept me out till early evening, and away from PO all day. :(  Heading downstate for grad ceremony in morning, will drop off at PO then.
It's all good. Thanks for keeping everyone updated