seed-train Scorched Train 2015-2016

ditto for me TONY , we'll make this the last ride till fall , as jc says kinda tired f sorting and sifting , getting warmer out , got to focus on my summer projects and some fishing ! thanks for the opportunity to ride !  will look forward to fall , and this last BEAST ! 
Was delivered to Husker just haven't heard if it's been sent on or if Husker is busy with some things. Just curious as to where we're at. I'm sure Husker will post when possible
Husker21 said:
Running out to mailbox now.  Sorry! 
I should be able to get this back to the PO today.  I have time to look it over this morning.
No worries at all. Take the time you need. Things get busy so it's all good. Just wanted to make sure you'd received it and it hadn't been delivered to the wrong address.
Train will be dropped off at the PO around 10:30.  Not bad, I had the package in my hands for about 2 hrs. lol  No worries  This is my second trip on the train so I only grabbed some odd ball stuff that I didnt see the first go round.  I will post tracking # one I have it.
Got it this evening. Took some stuff. Left some stuff. Hosting a 27 team track meet tomorrow & won't be able to get it out, but will be able to go after hours Saturday & pay at the kiosk. I'll get it back on track as soon as possible. Headed your way soon jct10tc. Thanks to Scorched & all participants.
Wow seems like we just started this thing and yet we're almost at the end of Round 2. I've been busy and forgot about the poll on whether or not we want to run this summer. Looks like 100% of those who responded want to take the summer off. So once it gets to the last person I'm going to make sure Seacowboy gets it back since he ran into some problems and was unable to go through the train at all. Once I get it back from him it will be put it in a safe place until early/mid fall. I will give plenty of notice here and on my status when the train will be starting up again. If everything goes well I should have a ton of stuff to add.
jcw10tc said:
Train arrived today.  Have went through it and getting it ready to send up the highway to Frank.  Should be on its way tomorrow.
sounds great my friend ! is the train in a envelope or box ? 
Scorched said:
Wow seems like we just started this thing and yet we're almost at the end of Round 2. I've been busy and forgot about the poll on whether or not we want to run this summer. Looks like 100% of those who responded want to take the summer off. So once it gets to the last person I'm going to make sure Seacowboy gets it back since he ran into some problems and was unable to go through the train at all. Once I get it back from him it will be put it in a safe place until early/mid fall. I will give plenty of notice here and on my status when the train will be starting up again. If everything goes well I should have a ton of stuff to add.
will have new varieties to add to it in the fall !     :onfire:
moruga welder said:
sounds great my friend ! is the train in a envelope or box ? 

will have new varieties to add to it in the fall !     :onfire:
Flat rate envelope.  
I hope to have at least 100 new varieties saved.  Might try to isolate some, but most probably will end up being OP.
jcw10tc said:
Flat rate envelope.  
I hope to have at least 100 new varieties saved.  Might try to isolate some, but most probably will end up being OP.
thats cool , myself i don't mind growing op's might get the next crazy variety ! long as their hot and some flavor its good .   
To those still reading this thread. I've got a serious question. This is more for the repeat riders as opposed to the new riders. New riders are welcome to answer as well.
In Round 2 are you finding new seeds that you want to grow or are you finding mostly the same seeds that you saw in Round 1? New riders is it what you thought it would be? I'm asking because if you aren't seeing new things and finding new things then you probably won't want to ride again. Paying the cost of shipping and not finding anything kinda sucks. We seem to have a lot of bloat on the train at the moment. I'm seeing seeds from the beginning that still have the same amount in them. I want this to be as great an experience as it can be for everyone. I'm going to try and figure out what to do over the summer train break to reduce the bloat. If anyone has any ideas they'd like to share then by all means. Be honest I want to know what you think.