• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

Season's off with a Bang..

Hi, been off for a bit as past flat out with stuff and have a heap of pod tests to put up when get the chance but had to put something to show how things are going..

just broke record for my biggest Pod, last season a Morouga red came in at 27.8Gms and was Rapt, well Blown that away and we Just starting the season
heres a Costa Rican Scotch Bonnet


Had to upgrade the Test size Golf Ball due to things here, Dunno whats going on But its Like Giants have come and put stuff on the Plants..
more Costa Ricans

Yellow 7 Pods

heres 1 of inbetween the Scorpions and Yellow 7s, they Huge and Over the Fence, bit worried as People walk down the lane some1 will pick a scorp or Yellow 7 pod and eat it, Oh well Unlucky

will try get in and put some more stuff up when get the Chance, have a vid of the yard in photobucket as was just a quick walk through but dunno how to put up in the new format..

Ok off to pick Pods :-) Whooooo Hooooooo
Nice pics! That one pepper looks like a tennis ball.
You already know what i think Neil ;) This time of year everything seems to crank up a notch.

See ya tomoz!
looks like you are going to have a fine season Neil...hope you get a lot to test and use...your plants look great...
theHippySeedCo said:
Heres 1 of inbetween the Scorpions and Yellow 7s, they Huge and Over the Fence, bit worried as People walk down the lane some1 will pick a scorp or Yellow 7 pod and eat it, Oh well Unlucky

Hi Neil, nice to meet ya finally, seen many of your videos on YouTube though and you are quite the brave one, eating those things whole. Anyways, someone walking by and picking one, not knowing what it is would be like a kid sticking car keys in the wall socket. Looked like a good idea at the time, but probably will never do it again. LOL

SeeYouJimmy said:
Damn those plants are huge Neil. You don't happen to be 3 feet tall do you?
I would say more likely the plants are in raised beds, but you never know. I cant imagine a pepper plant growing that damn tall, but under ideal conditions I guess anything is possible.
That looks fantastic is an understatement. Of course, I would need 3 foot deep raised beds for my plants to be as tall as me.:lol:

I have watched all your videos about eating those super hots. Amazing stuff there. I frequent your website quite a bit as well. The difference in currency kinda has put me off a little. I wonder if there is a way to add a currency conversion thingie on your website?

I've heard great things about you and your peppers, I just couldnt get past the currency thing.
The currency exchange is pretty close. I think it was like 90 cents US per Australian dollar when I ordered. Paypal takes care of it though. You just change the currency to australian dollars when you go to send the money and it will also tell you how much in US currency as well. All fees included.

THSCo Paypal

I bought from Neil and I don't remember switching the currency in paypal. I hope all is cool? Seeds arrived in about a week just as Neil said.
