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seeds Seed sprouting experiment with Gibberellic Acid (GA3)

No of course not. I just want to use it to ensure the seed will sprout. No more, no less.

coheed196 said:
This is a real-time experiment (meaning you guys will be seeing the results at the same time as I will)

I have ordered and received 2 grams of 90% pure Gibberellic Acid AKA GA3. It is a plant growth regulator (PGR) widely used to break dormancy in seeds, produce feminized flowers (in certain plants) promotes branching (make a GA3 paste with Lanolin apply to cut end of branch and will cause rapid growth. Study on walnut tree showed 8.5 ft of growth in one season vs 1.4 ft of growth on untreated walnut tree) and general overall growth. I will of course be experimenting with seed germination.

I will be planting 4 seeds of 3 different varieties. (2) will be treated with GA3 at 500 ppm (experimental group. (2) will not be treated with anything (control group)

Every seed will be sown in the exact same medium (coco coir) same size cup, and all will be going into my reptile egg incubator (hovabator) which will be set at 86°F. Of course the purpose of this will be to see if GA3 increases germination time in Capsicum seeds. I have yet to choose the varieties butwill be doing so later this evening. I will nbe taking a lot of pictures to document all of this.

If you have a suggestion for a variety, post it here and if I havethe seeds for it, I will definitely consider it.
Well of to take the little one to the church fall festival :-) will check back in after a bit
May I bother you for the vendor who sold you this? I'm trying to buy some but everyone on amazon seems very shady.
Super Hots Canada said:
I think he's asking what effect, if any, ceasing to use the GA3 on the plants will have? - for example, is there any negative effects? (I apologize if I'm mistaken) :)
Ahhhhhhh that would make more sense lol. Thanks. In that case someone else would be more qualified to answer.
San Francisco seed company is not the most knowledgeable but excellent service and very willing to work with you if you're not happy
You can use it just to sprout seeds. But it's going to be awfully hard to find a vendor that will sell you 1/8th of a gram just to make one batch. Most sell it by the gram, so sure you ca only use it for germination if you want, there's no negative effects.

The guy I bought mine from is actually a member here: Dr.Peppar. He does have a website where he sells pretty much every PGR there is among other hormones and biostimulants. It's www.massspectrumbotanicals.com
Thanks man I just got on the site. ordering now. I need it considering I don't want to waste seed from my 7pot Douglah's I only have 10.
I know some people use it strictly for germination. Im gonna try that and one spraying later on then stand back!
My soak will be sunday into monday move into jiffy pellets monday so ill post then when i have details.
PrimeTime said:
Well nobody has responded so here is my current plan. Please loan your opinion freely!
-24 hour seed soak at 150 ppm
-plant in jiffy pellets in dome on heat mat...etc
- pot up when established
-at 7 weeks or so from sprout foliar spray once with fresh 150 ppm
im only treating one plant of each variety that i will have multiple plants of this season.
Should i go 500 ppm all day? Im shooting for my chinense middle of this month so hit me people!

Well its been 4 days since I took the seeds out of a 24 hour 1000 ppm GA3 soak and I'm seeing the first hints. They spent 3 day at room temp and about 24 hours in this jury-rigged incubator at 85F. May not be able to see it yet but the green is just peeking through the seed casing. They are yellow brain strains, nothing from anything else yet.
Just remember, one concentration may work miracles for one variety and may do squat for another. You will more than likely have to experiment with different strengths. My advice is that once you find the concentration that works for each variety, write/type that shit down somewhere where you won't ever lose it!

Congratulations by the way
I would like to see someone run this test on chile seeds that are known to be bunk,old seeds,seeds from immature pods,whatever. This experiment is cool as is, chinense already germ in 5-10 days though. Not suggesting CP's or anything,keep it chile related,but maybe something out of a pack that we know are duds,we all have them..haha I have the goods,but I'm not starting seeds till March.
Hey guys so I went to the website recommended to me earlier. I ordered 10 grams lol...only thing is i later emailed the company, then gent's there were real speedy about replying, I've come to find out that the GA3 from www.massspectrumbotanicals.com is 
"Technical Grade" not omri grade or anything like that. I further read that technical grade chemicals aren't supposed to be used for food production because of their impurities.
Should I cancel my order?  I'm pretty bummed. Input would be very welcomed. btw this stuff is 91.1% pure GA3
Eh, that's where I got mine from. Alot of the research on GA3 is kind of vague. The FDA call it safe unless in large quantitie. I forget the actual ttechnical term they use though. I think the difference is that food grade comes from an inspected facility (think hot sauce, etc etc) and technical grade does not.

Personally I don't think either one is more dangerous or safe than the other
coheed196 said:
You can spray the plant at any age you want really, but if you're only using GA3 you probably only want to spray them once. Now if you have Auxins and Cytokins to balance everything out then you can spray them more often.
Do you have any information on what to actually get for the auxins and cytokins? I'm curious in experimenting with these to reduce the growing season or produce bigger yields.
I've heard of making kelp and other plant matter sprays to essentially do this. It would be interesting to compare the two.
Indole 3 acetic acid and 6 benzylaminopurine, I've used both. When you mix those two with GA3 you have the perfect balance. 6BA forces branching, IAA and GA3 force cell stretching and upward/outward growth.

The only down side is 6BA is best dissolved in Caustic Soda aka lye which is highly basic. Drop some of that in water and have it splash you....hello chemical burns
coheed196 said:
Indole 3 acetic acid and 6 benzylaminopurine, I've used both. When you mix those two with GA3 you have the perfect balance. 6BA forces branching, IAA and GA3 force cell stretching and upward/outward growth.

The only down side is 6BA is best dissolved in Caustic Soda aka lye which is highly basic. Drop some of that in water and have it splash you....hello chemical burns
hmm. Juicing... for plants. I like.
Maybe they'll get 'roid rage and turn out 10 times hotter :)
BTW if you get the lye on your skin and flush with water quickly it is no big deal. I've done stuff like that many times (I'm stupid) and the key is to have a sink near by. Your eyes on the other hand... get some goggles
Yea the lye powder won't burn. Lye dissolved in water on the other hand.....There's a reason it's used to "eat" hair out of drains. It dissolves lipids and proteins, that's why you run water down the drain after pouring drain cleaner.
coheed196 said:
Just remember, one concentration may work miracles for one variety and may do squat for another. You will more than likely have to experiment with different strengths. My advice is that once you find the concentration that works for each variety, write/type that shit down somewhere where you won't ever lose it!

Congratulations by the way
This is good advice. I think if we all compile our data we may be able to get something interesting put together. This would be a good project and not difficult if everyone pitches in something...
coheed196 said:
Yea the lye powder won't burn. Lye dissolved in water on the other hand.....There's a reason it's used to "eat" hair out of drains. It dissolves lipids and proteins, that's why you run water down the drain after pouring drain cleaner.
Careful!!! It is extremely hygroscopic and will draw water out of the air and your skin then burn the crap out of you if you don't wash it off