Seed Trading Parcel 2009 - Canada/USA

I was thinking (a dangerous thing for me to do).

Leave the empty labled zips from my donated seeds in the ziplock bag they are in so if I still have seeds for whatever it is I can refill them and I'll also know what I've already put in last time.
I figure we could keep this going as long as people want but more people doesn't necessasrily mean more seed varieties.
Just this round I also bought 200 zip locks so the ones that didnt have the cool spades on them were the ones I added in case any one needed to take any for themselves. I have plenty more I can add if needed also.
Sweet. so do you have any method as to the order of the people on the list or will it be in order of the states again? I think the states thing works best because then your not zig zaging back and fourth across the country. Thats just my two cents though. :D
true crazy8 after being at the begiining of the list the first time there wasnt much in the package now i really dont care if im at the beginning this time cuz the package should be filled pretty good, soo this time when i get it there might be more than 10 varieties i'm not complaining but if we keep the seeds that are in the end of round one round two the person first on the list won't get screwed.
Correct. I will be switching the order to reverse tho. But like you said the package will be loaded to begin with so there will be tons more seeds for even the first person.
But if it was revers then the people first in line for round two will see everything that's already been added at the end. I would think that going the same direction as last time would be best because those who are first get to see what the people at the end added and the end people get to see what everyone else has added before them. I know that there are people who would much rather be in a different place in line for round two but I think the way we did it seem to make the most sense. I dont know just my two cents. Maybe it will be better in revers?
Why fix something thats not broken?

Just let it go around again there should be something in it for most people I'd think.
Besides,it's cooled off here this week and my pods need more time to ripen. :)
Not suposed to warm back up for a week.
Worst case scenario, we can always have a round 3 :lol: But yes no point in changing something that already for the most part works perfect. Do it in order of that states like last round and add the extra people who want to be added.
I think it should keep going around until everyone gets burned out with it in a couple years or so. : )

No such thing as too many pepper plants.
There really is no such thing as to many seeds. But yes I agree it would be neat too just keep it going and add/subtract people as needed. Would be kind of interesting to see how long something like this could go on. :lol:
I mailed it the 9th so if the P.O. was right it should be in your mailbox within the next day or so.I think she said 5-10 days-depending on Customs.