Seed Trading Parcel 2010 (Round 2) - Canada/USA

Ciao NoVa-

The sheer number of seeds in some of those packs is truly impressive! Great minds think alike. I take photos of seed packs, too. Here's my pile o packs from our recent Seedy Saturday here in Toronto (guard cat not included :))

Still waiting to hear back from the next recipient.

I added Thai Dragon, Red Savina, Chocolate Habanero, and Douglah seeds to the package. In the next go round, I'll be able to add a lot more seeds of exotic varieties, as I've got some nice varities going this season (Yellow 7 Pots, Yellow Jolokias, Brown Jolokias, Brown Scorpions, Yellow Scorpions, Burkinas, Bonda ma Jacques, etc.).

The number of baggies is getting low, so I'm going to see if I can pick some up before I ship back out. If I can't grab any extras, I'm going to throw an extra buck in to chip in for more baggies in the future. There are probably still enough baggies for a couple more people.
I know, i totally forgot, i was waiting to confirm some plans when you had PM'd me, and then totally forgot!!

Definetly next year.
Noshownate said:
yeah boy!! movin on up are the packages movin on?

Unfortunately, I'm still waiting for Dr Peppar to send me his address. I first PMed him on Friday, just sent him a second PM, and if I don't hear back from him by Wednesday, it goes to the next in line per the rules. That would be you, Nate.

Did you get those Hot Fish seeds?
Yup,or I would have told you about it when I told you about this site.LOL
There will be another round...Ya gotta hang out until next round.
NoVa Hothead said:
Still waiting to hear back from the next recipient.

Man, that's unfortunate. It looks like most folks have been turning it around in 24 - 48 hours. I hope s/he is ok.