Seed Trading Parcel 2010 (Round 2) - Canada/USA

Dr.Peppar said:
Some of the seed packets I add will have enough for everyone to take some.

I'm going to be in your neck of the woods for the holidays. Any farmer's markets down there right now with habaneros in stock?
Will this seed trading parcel start with the left over seeds from the first one?

Also, not to be sound impatient, but since the ORIGINAL intent with the first parcel was to do a reverse swing through the original list, I think placing the original members at the top of the new list would be more fair to the original group.
origamiRN said:
Will this seed trading parcel start with the left over seeds from the first one?

Also, not to be sound impatient, but since the ORIGINAL intent with the first parcel was to do a reverse swing through the original list, I think placing the original members at the top of the new list would be more fair to the original group.

I doing the same thing i did last time, im going in order based on location. And yes we are using all left over seeds from round 1 for round 2.
qbvbsite said:
I doing the same thing i did last time, im going in order based on location. And yes we are using all left over seeds from round 1 for round 2.

Just food for thought.

Best I can tell, Round #1 had 13 participants and started 9/01. It's 12/16 and the pkg is between #11 and #12. That's about 9 days per person, on average.

Round #2 has 28 signed up so far. Using very crude math, that puts the pkg arriving at the last person's house next Fall!:shocked: If folks are hoping to get these seeds in time for this coming season, we might need to do something different.

Of course, I don't know what that might be. Perhaps start TWO pkgs, one moving East ==> West, the other moving West ==> East?:idea:

Like I said, just food for thought.
WILD Or we can do the one package in Canada and one in US then once a full cycle is complete then the package that WAS in Canada get shipped to US and the one that WAS in US gets shipped to Canada. But then again how many people are on the list in CA vs. US?