how do i get in on this?
teamcole, you're already in! Chad set this up so that the Train would travel based on the posting order in this thread. Unlike some other swaps with pre-set lists, you don't need to get some special person to add you to any official "list" in order to participate! Simply by posting in this thread, you've automatically added youself!

Based on when you decided to post, you've also automatically set your own position on the Train! You're the next person after me - I'll make sure the box has plenty of goodies when it comes your way!

Where is Orange, anyways?
I would like to get in if possible
Bodeen, ditto! According to the way Chad set this up, by posting here, you're automatically added too! - Congratulations!!!

You're now the next guy after teamcole.
current list, someone can correct if wrong. i'm done updating it
While you made some other alterations, it appears you accidentally forgot to include the corrections you yourself had already agreed to -
I agree that it should go to everyone on the list before it takes it second tour
fine with me
I believe you are a man of your word and that this was an inadvertent oversight, no biggy, the fix is now a minor one for us to do anyways.
please undo my #2. I'm sure others would appreciate the sharing of seeds, too.
Thanks, catherinew! I figured once the great folks here thought about this issue, the generosity and sense of fair play of the group would shine through. Your comment is a shining example of both - THANKS!

Several members expressed interest in participating in a possible future round. But AFAIK, no one actually asked to get the box twice before others got a chance. This was never discussed, let alone agreed to, it is also in direct violation of the instructions and objectives specified by Chad when he created this offer.
I therefore think it is unfair to require members to have to manually withdraw from something they did not actually request, and more importantly, unfair to require them to give-up their rights to participate in a possible future second round in order to do so.
I also believe it is unfair that folks that thought it was WAY too early to even be thinking about a second round at this point, to loose there original place in line as a result.
As far as I am concerned, EVERYONE still retains their ability to participate in a possible future second round, either in their current order, or any other arrangement (like reversed) mutually agreed to by Chad and the participants at that time. People should not be penalized for doing the right thing!

At this point, the issue is nearly moot, as nearly everyone who was double-listed above the other participants has withdrawn. Of the two remaining hold-outs, it appears Smiter Q may have been "cyberbullied" out this thread (and virtually out of THP entirely), by a vicious personal attack on Dec. 28th. He stopped posting in some other threads he was active in as well, causing some of us to wonder what had happened. I'm trying to contact him, and make sure he is OK, and let him know we miss him here.

(That's what happens when you don't stand up to bullying - the victim feels no one here cares, and you end-up loosing good people!)
Even if he did wish to stay listed twice (which I doubt), with only 2 hold-outs, the looping would be so tight, it would unnecessarily delay the train for something that could be done just as easily with a simple trade! -
smitter q
smiter q
hot stuff
Even if that was OK, that arrangement doesn't even make sense logistically.
So, going through the thread from top to bottom, I get the following posting order -
Smiter Q
hot stuff
(I've also corrected a few nic's, and also re-added the prior participants at the top - this may come in handy later, if/when Chad/the group decides it's an appropriate time to swing the train back around!)
This is not MY list, this is the actual posting order as specified by Chad. NO one is "ListMaster" here! This list is only a convenience, so people don't have to manually go through the thread to see who's next.
Look, even if we did cut-off new participants today, and loop the box just to those on the train already, we're STILL not gonna see the box again in time for this year, right? (at the current rate the box is traveling, we may not even see it in time for Round 1!

Like Chad said at the beginning, I wanna see this thing get built-up to lots of people. We've got two new passengers already - Let's get us some more!

Are we still on schedule, where's the train at now?